Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries

Book Description

A scientist with a revolutionary cure for AIDS is incarcerated without explanation. Valuable artifacts are mysteriously misplaced by a prominent archaeological institution. Three celebrated astronauts perish in a suspicious fire after voicing their criticism of the US space program. Yet our world’s most powerful agencies hastily dispel these alarming reports as conspiracy theories, and bury them in padlocked archives. The fact is that a suppression syndrome exists in our society. Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries exposes the startling degree of truth behind the rumors. Jonathan Eisen has collected over forty intriguing stories of scientific cover-ups and programs of misinformation concocted to conceal some of the most phenomenal innovations in mankind’s history. These no-holds-barred accounts force us to confront the naiveté—and danger—of trusting our academic and political leaders to act always for the common good. Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries presents documented evidence that corporate self-interest, scientific arrogance, and political savvy have contrived to keep us in the dark about technological breakthroughs or interplanetary contact that may shift the current balance of power. Prepare yourself for a revealing look at the research and development to which we’ve been denied access. Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries begins by examining the ties that bind the medical establishment to powerful pharmaceutical corporations. Then it details the struggle of the independent research against Orthodox Science and its code of conduct, the Scientific Method. Next, the book investigates the cover-up of information concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life that’s certain to make you reconsider what you thought was science fiction. The final section discusses just a few of the numerous alternate energy resources and fuel savers that, if put on the market today, would soon run the fossil fuel monopolies out of business.

Science's Most Wanted

Book Description

Science and technology have had more than their share of the good, the bad, and the bogus. Alfred William Lawson, the designer of the first airliner, believed that two types of creatures lived within the brain Menorgs, A which were the mental organizers responsible for all good things, and Disorgs, A which infect all cells with disorganization. Chonosuke Okamura collected and catalogued what he thought were tiny men and animals, all 1/100-inch long, which most geologists think are actually mineral grains. Peter Fong found that the expression happy as a clamA had a scientific basis when he tested the effects of Prozac on fingernail clams. The dashing figure of dinosaur hunter Roy Chapman Andrews was the model upon which Indiana Jones was based. Physician John Brinkley believed that consuming goat glands would restore youth and virility. In keeping with the format of the popular Most WanteduA Series, this new volume comprises sixty top-ten lists. These include worst ideas by great scientists, most unlikely inventors, greatest unsolved mysteries, most ridiculous attempts at flight, biggest hoaxes, most suppressed inventions, and top UFO sightings. Science's Most Wantedushows how throughout history, mankind has tried, often wildly unsuccessfully, to come to grips with lifeas biggest questions."

Suppressed Invention & Other Discoveries

Book Description

Seorang peneliti yang menemukan penyembuhan revolusioner untuk AIDS, telah dipenjara tanpa sebab. Artefak-artefak berharga menghilang secara misterius di institusi arkeologi terkenal dengan alasan salah tempat. Tiga orang astronot tewas dalam sebuah kebakaran mencurigakan setelah menyuarakan kritik terhadap program luar angkasa Amerika. Akan tetapi, sebuah agensi terkuat dunia dengan mudahnya menganggap semua itu hanyalah teori konspirasi. Mereka pun menguburnya dalam bank data. Buku ini mengungkap bukti-bukti menakjubkan yang dibuat demi kepentingan perusahaan, keangkuhan pengetahuan, dan kekuatan politik untuk membatasi pengetahuan kita akan berbagai terobosan teknologi yang mungkin bisa menggeser keseimbangan kekuatan dunia saat ini. Jelas bahwa kini kita kekurangan informasi terpenting. Buku ini merupakan sebuah usaha beraniteramat pentingguna memberi pengetahuan kepada diri kita sendiri. Ingat, masa depan kita bergantung kepada semua ini! *** "Buku Konspirasi paling meyakinkan abad ini." Publisher Weekly "Kita selalu diingatkan oleh pepatah tua, 'Di mana ada asap, di situ ada api.' Setelah membaca buku ini, Anda akan tahu bahwa kini angkasa sudah dipenuhi asap!" "Hasil pengumpulan data dalam buku ini merupakan salah satu yang mencengangkan." Buku persembahan penerbit UfukPublishingGroup #CDS

Suppressed Inventions

Book Description

Discoveries and Inventions

Book Description

Donated by David F. Nelson, not Schaefer.

No Carbon Required

Book Description

How Nicola Tesla’s theory of resonance supersedes Faraday’s ‘Law of Electrolysis’ and has been used to release hydrogen and oxygen efficiently from water to run engines on an endless supply of carbon-free fuel. Who used it (including two NASA engineers), how it works and how it can supply all our energy needs. This book assumes no technical knowledge, cutting through the jargon step-by-step, but also has links to many sources of information, including patents, scientific reports and online information for the reader to pursue further. Hydrogen does not pollute, there are massive amounts of it in water and we do not need to store it if we make it on-demand. This process does not break any laws of science, which is a popular myth. This book explains how easy it is to release from abundant water, in a super-efficient process using inexpensive materials and components.