
Book Description

We are at a crucial point in time: a moment of transition as important as the emergence of Homo sapiens, or the beginning of civilisation after the Neolithic Revolution. Paradoxically, the triumph of the West - also called 'globalisation' - means the death of Europe and European man. Our destiny hangs between two options: either to complete the triumph of the egalitarian conception of the world, which will bring about the end of history, or to promote a historical regeneration. Nietzsche prophesied that the Earth will eventually belong to either the last man or to the superman. There are no other alternatives.

Contemporary Far-Right Thinkers and the Future of Liberal Democracy

Book Description

This book is the first systematic analysis of the efforts of a broad range of contemporary far-right thinkers to popularize their critiques of liberal-democratic norms and institutions and make their ideas the subjects of sustained political and academic debate. The book focuses on outspoken thinkers in western and eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Canada, and Australia. They include Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye, Götz Kubitschek, Pat Buchanan, Fróði Midjord, Jason Jorjani, contributors to the online magazine Quillette, and the elusive personality known as the Bronze Age Pervert. The book explores the diverse intellectual foundations of these thinkers’ positions, the similarities and differences in their ideas, and their prospects for influencing attitudes about democratic politics within their respective countries. It examines diverse movements and schools of thought, including the European New Right, Paleoconservatism, the Alt-right, Identitarianism, White nationalism, and antifeminism. Providing a much-needed global perspective, this book will be of considerable interest to students and scholars of populism, right-wing extremism, identity politics, fascism, racism, and conservatism.

Regenerative Politics

Book Description

Critics of liberal democracy from both the left and right view rights not as protectors of freedom but as impediments to self-determination and call for radically regenerative political alternatives. Liberals respond to these challenges by reasserting that universal rights are self-evident, intentionally foreclosing the possibility of remaking the political order. Regenerative Politics makes a bold intervention into this fraught landscape, arguing that the survival of rights depends on abandoning their claims to self-evidence. Emma Planinc argues that liberal democracies must open themselves up to a regenerative politics that accepts all claims against political convention as self-determinative—including those that desire the rejection of rights or the overturning of liberal democracies themselves. Bringing together scholarship on race, democracy, liberalism, fascism, and the far right with an intellectual history of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution and a novel account of human nature, Regenerative Politics offers a new political theory for the revitalization of politics. Planinc shows that liberal democracies can arm themselves against extreme challenges by remaining perpetually open to the reconstitution of rights, restoring the capacity for human beings to determine themselves in the world.


Book Description

Following on from End Station J J, John (James) O'Loughlin's previous collection of notational aphorisms, this project brings his philosophical journey to a conclusive peak, as it both sums-up and enlarges upon his recent thinking in relation to modern/post-modern criteria and the frankly dreadful pass to which reason (stemming from the so-called 'Age of Enlightenment') has come, and why it must be opposed from a kind of 'third way' beholden to the resurrection of revelation, if what amounts to the opposite of true enlightenment is eventually to be consigned to the 'rubbish bin' of regrettable history, and civilization accordingly be enabled to move-on towards a universal resolution owing little or nothing to the current 'dark ages' which, directly or indirectly, characterize the contemporary world. There are a number of possible interpretations of the pun-like title to this book of original thought, but the discerning reader – if, in future, the author is fortunate enough to have any – will sooner or later draw the most credible conclusions from it and think accordingly, joining him in his opposition to everything that 'flies in the face' of godly truth from standpoints that are more usually, these days, not even directly beholden to the 'Devil' (a generalized term for what exists 'up back' in Quasar-derived fashion), but are demonstrably human-all-too-human in their secular audacities and profanities. – A Centretruths Editorial

Celestial City and Anti-Vanity Fair

Book Description

CELESTIAL CITY AND ANTI-VANITY FAIR, with its Bunyan-like connotations, brings what John O'Loughlin had been building towards in previous books, such as 'Yang and Anti-Yin' and 'Lamb and Anti-Lion', to its logical conclusion, underlining the gender distinctions that exist at all points of what he calls the intercardinal axial compass, so that a more comprehensively exacting approach to terminology is possible and categorically upheld. Hence the metaphysical and antimetachemical implications of the title are reflected on a parallel terminological basis which it becomes a philosophical principle and moral duty to systematically embrace.


Book Description

A philosophic-cum-romantic novel in which a young writer becomes involved with the wife of an influential publisher and ends-up paying the price, as does a certain philosopher friend of his, whose double-dealing in connection with a mutual girlfriend proves more difficult to manage than he had at first suspected, putting him at cross-purposes with them both, to their mutual disadvantage!

Lectures on the Essence of Religion

Book Description

This book, translated for the first time into English, presents the major statement of the philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach. Here, in his most systematic work, Feuerbach’s thought on religion and on the philosophy of nature achieves its full maturity. Central to the thought of Feuerbach is the concept that man not God is the creator, that divinities are representations of man’s innermost feelings and ideas. Philosophy should turn from theology and speculative rationalism to sound factual anthropology. “My aim in these Lectures,” writes Feuerbach, “is to transform friends of God into friends of man, believers into thinkers, worshippers into workers, candidates for the other world into students of this world, Christians, who on their own confession are half-animal and half-angel, into men––whole men.”

Contemporary Perspectives on Architectural Organicism

Book Description

This project is born out of similar questions and discussions on the topic of organicism emergent from two critical strands regarding the discourse of organic self-generation: one dealing with the problem of stopping in the design processes in history, and the other with the organic legacy of style in the nineteenth century as a preeminent form of aesthetic ideology. The epistemologies of self-generation outlined by enlightenment and critical philosophy provided the model for the discursive formations of modern urban planning and architecture. The form of the organism was thought to calibrate modernism’s infinite extension. The architectural organicism of today does not take on the language of the biological sciences, as they did in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but rather the image of complex systems, be they computational/informational, geo/ecological, or even ontological/aesthetic ‘networks’. What is retained from the modernity of yesterday is the ideology of endless self-generation. Revisiting such a topic feels relevant now, in a time when the idea of endless generation is rendered more suspect than ever, amid an ever increasing speed and complexity of artificial intelligence (AI) networks. The essays collected in this book offer a variety of critiques of the modernist idea of endless growth in the fields of architecture, literature, philosophy, and the history of science. They range in scope from theoretical and speculative to analytic and critical and from studies of the history of modernity to reflections of our contemporary world. Far from advocating a return to the romantic forms of nineteenth-century naturphilosophie, this project focuses on probing organicism for new forms of critique and emergent subjectivities in a contemporary, 'post'-pandemic constellation of neo-naturalism in design, climate change, complex systems, and information networks. This book will be of interest to a broad range of researchers and professionals in architecture and art history, historians of science, visual artists, and scholars in the humanities more generally.