Supralapsarian Christology and the Progressive Work of Christ

Book Description

In Supralapsarian Christology and the Progressive Work of Christ: Christus Dominus, Thomas G. Doughty Jr. produces a fresh theological narrative presenting the work of Christ progressively. Through both biblical and systematic theological lenses, Christus Dominus explains how the incarnate Son of God accomplishes multiple benefits for humanity and the cosmos. This model articulates a supralapsarian motivation for the incarnation of divine-human co-dominion but also accounts for the infralapsarian motivation of atonement for human sin. In doing so, Christus Dominus demonstrates that supralapsarian Christology is compatible with objective approaches to atonement, showing also how penal substitutionary atonement fits within the more holistic motif of Christus Victor. This book addresses weaknesses in infralapsarian Christologies which deem the incarnation primarily contingent on the human fall into sin. By exploring God’s creation intentions and his faithfulness to realize those intentions in the incarnate Christ through eschatological promises, Christus Dominus encapsulates the biblical revelation relating the work of Christ to humanity’s progressive vocation. Then, by drawing on the strengths of recent work of Christ frameworks, the author systematically arranges an objective atonement model within that progressive work of Christ. Christus Dominus thus upholds the unique necessity of the crucifixion within a supralapsarian Christology as the incarnate Christ’s work progressively unfolds.

The Knowledge of Christ Jesus My Lord

Book Description

Employing the traditional tools of historical-critical methodology as well as a selected mix of techniques from newer literary criticism, this book provides a close analysis of the syntactic and semantic content of Phil 3:7-11 in its immediate and broader context, concluding that this passage represents a very high christological statement on the part of Paul, and discusses some of the implications of these findings in regard to the interpretation of Phil 2:5-11, the wisdom ambience of the letters of Paul, and relevance for modern christologies. In Philippians 3:7-11, Paul makes a very strong statement about how much Christ Jesus means to him. This study seeks to demonstrate how the passage within its context gives expression to a high christological statement which is frequently disregarded in treatments of Pauline christology. Chapter One presents a concise summary of the history of exegesis of Phil 3:7-11 and identifies the elements present within that history which indicated the desirability of a more in-depth treatment. Chapter Two focuses on the entire letter to the Philippians as the context of interpretation of Phil 3:7-11, beginning with a discussion of the methodology employed in the remainder of the work. Chapter Three focuses on Phil 3:7-11, first considering the textual variants within these verses, then describing in detail the relation of the complex sentence consisting of vv. 8-11. Chapters Four and Five deal with those issues of semantics in vv. 8-11 which require more extensive treatment. Chapter Six returns to a consideration of the meaning of knowledge of Christ, concluding with a consideration of the results of this study for current discussions of New Testament Christology.

Christ All and in All

Book Description

The Depth of God's Reach

Book Description

A renowned writer and teacher opens up the mystery of Christ's descent into hell on Holy Saturday, revealing a spirituality that recognizes Christ's solidarity with us in our own suffering and trials.

The Great Transition from One Humanity to Another

Book Description

Chapter 1 - The New Testament: The Great Transition Chapter 2 - Practical Devastation of our Old Humanity Chapter 3 – Battleground of the Two Humanities Chapter 4 - The All-Governing and Dominating Chapter 5 - The Nature and Dynamic of Ministry, Chapter 6 - The Immense Significance of Jesus Christ: Crucified, Risen, and Exalted

So Great a Salvation

Book Description

In So Great a Salvation nine scholars from the global church reflect on soteriology in the Majority World. The doctrine of salvation is not a mere theological construct but, rather, a matter of eternal life and death that should not be treated lightly, as is often the case. Taking African, Asian, Latin American, and First Nations cultural contexts into account, this book allows readers to see God’s creative deliverance in a fresh light.

Christ is God Over All

Book Description

This book is written against the background of Christological scholarly thought since thepublication of Kyrios Christos by Bousset. Carraway argues that the syntax of Romans 9:5 suggests Paul meant to refer to Jesus as God, and that his statement is not out of place at thebeginning of Romans 9-11.He addresses objections to this conclusion, responding to those who claim that a monotheist such as Paul would not refer to Jesus as God, and to those who point out that Paul does not elsewhere identify Jesus as God. After demonstrating that there is a connection between Romans 9:5 and the remainder of Romans 9-11, the argument continues by tying Paul's monotheistic statements regarding the one God of both Jews and Gentiles in Romans 3, the concept of the one Lord of all in Romans 10:5-13.The book concludes that the redeemer from Zion in 11:25-27 is Christ, and is the same as the Christ from Israel in 9:5.