Quantitative Surface Depth Profile Analysis Using Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry

Book Description

This resource shows how to do high quality depth profile analysis with a glow discharge spectrometer, as well as how glow discharge spectroscopy can produce accurate and analytically relevant surface depth profile information. Chapters give a detailed explanation of obtaining and manipulating these analytical measurements to provide an accurate quantitative picture of the analyzed layers. The book supplies both novice and experienced users with the tools to know when GDS analysis is appropriate, to understand what information to expect from this technology, to design analytical methodologies, and to evaluate the analytical results.

List of English-translated Chinese standards (GB/T)

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HTTPS://WWW.CODEOFCHINA.COM EMAIL:[email protected] "Codeofchina Inc., a part of TransForyou (Beijing) Translation Co., Ltd., is a professional Chinese code translator in China. Now, Codeofchina Inc. is running a professional Chinese code website, www.codeofchina.com. Through this website, Codeofchina Inc. provides English-translated Chinese codes to clients worldwide. About TransForyou TransForyou (Beijing) Translation Co., Ltd., established in 2003, is a reliable language service provider for clients at home and abroad. Since our establishment, TransForyou has been aiming to build up a translation brand with our professional dedicated service. Currently, TransForyou is the director of China Association of Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS); the committeeman of Localization Service Committee / Translators Association of China (TAC) and the member of Boya Translation Culture Salon (BTCS); and the field study center of the University of the University of International Business & Economics (UIBE) and Hebei University (HU). In 2016, TransForyou ranked 27th among Asian Language Service Providers by Common Sense Advisory. "

Surface Chemical Analysis. Depth Profiling. Methods for Ion Beam Alignment and the Associated Measurement of Current Or Current Density for Depth Profiling in AES and XPS

Book Description


Methods of Surface Analysis

Book Description

Methods of Surface Analysis deals with the determination of the composition of surfaces and the identification of species attached to the surface. The text applies methods of surface analysis to obtain a composition depth profile after various stages of ion etching or sputtering. The composition at the solid—solid interface is revealed by systematically removing atomic planes until the interface of interest is reached, in which the investigator can then determine its composition. The book reviews the effect of ion etching on the results obtained by any method of surface analysis including the effect of the rate of etching, incident energy of the bombarding ion, the properties of the solid, the effect of the ion etching on generating an output signal of electrons, ions, or neutrals. The text also describes the effect of the residual gases in the vacuum environment. The book considers the influence of the sample geometry, of the type (metal, insulator, semiconductor, organic), and of the atomic number can have on surface analysis. The text describes in detail low energy ion scattering spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, and infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy. The book can prove useful for researchers, technicians, and scientists whose works involve organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and other related fields of chemistry, such as physical chemistry or inorganic chemistry.