Sustainable agricultural mechanization in China

Book Description

Sustainable agricultural mechanization covers all levels of farming and processing technologies, and takes into consideration technological, economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects when contributing to the sustainable development of agrifood systems. This publication strives to comprehensively and systematically summarize the status and strategies of China's agricultural mechanization development, its impacts, experiences and practices, and business models. Furthermore, the publication investigates the related investment and policy recommendations to reach the goal of agricultural and rural modernization by 2035, to drive smallholder farmers to enter modern agriculture, and to achieve sustainable development. It is estimated that by 2035, agricultural production in China will predominantly be mechanized. The concept of integrating mechanization and digitalization will be applied to agricultural mechanization management and operation monitoring and services, and mechanization will comprehensively support all agricultural and rural modernization. The development of sustainable agricultural mechanization in China provides cases and examples of innovations with global value, not only for developing countries but in particular for middle-income countries and emerging countries.

Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization: A Framework for Africa

Book Description

This framework presents ten interrelated principles/elements to guide Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa (SAMA). Further, it presents the technical issues to be considered under SAMA and the options to be analysed at the country and sub regional levels. The ten key elements required in a framework for SAMA are as follows: The analysis in the framework calls for a specific approach, involving learning from other parts of the world where significant transformation of the agricultural mechanization sector has already occurred within a three-to-four decade time frame, and developing policies and programmes to realize Africa’s aspirations of Zero Hunger by 2025. This approach entails the identification and prioritization of relevant and interrelated elements to help countries develop strategies and practical development plans that create synergies in line with their agricultural transformation plans. Given the unique characteristics of each country and the diverse needs of Africa due to the ecological heterogeneity and the wide range of farm sizes, the framework avoids being prescriptive.

Development of Sustainable Agriculture in China

Book Description

Sustainable agricultural development comprises sustainability of agricultural production, sustainability of the rural economy, ecological and environmental sustainability within agricultural systems and sustainability of rural society. China's prime aim is to ensure current and future food security. Based on projections of China's population, its economy, societal factors and agricultural resources and inputs between 2000 and 2050, total grain supply and demand has been predicted and the state of food security analyzed. Total and per capita demand for grain will increase continuously. Total demand will reach 648 Mt in 2020 and 700 Mt in 2050, while total grain yield of cultivated land will reach 470 Mt in 2010, 585 Mt in 2030 and 656 Mt in 2050. The per capita grain production will be around 360 kg in the period 2000-2030 and reach 470 kg in 2050. When productivities of cultivated land and other agricultural resources are all taken into consideration, China's food self-sufficiency ratio will increase from 94.4% in 2000 to 101.3% in 2030, suggesting that China will meet its future demand for food and need for food security. Despite this positive assessment, the country's sustainable agricultural development has encountered many obstacles. These include:a. agricultural water-use shortage; b. cultivated land loss; c. inappropriate usage of fertilizers and pesticides, and d. environmental degradation.This paper aims to give an insight into opportunities and challenges of sustainable agricultural development in China. It also introduces the concepts and aims of Chinese sustainable agriculture. The paper concludes that the current ecological agricultural development in China is the result of a long-term planning system and the outcome of a number of market principles that have been introduced in the last three decades. It is imperative to move the ideology of ecological agriculture into the political realm and promotes a continuous dialogue between researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.

From Food Scarcity to Surplus

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This book brings together unique experiences of India, China and Israel in overcoming economic, social, and natural resource challenges. Through its eleven chapters, the book captures the role of groundbreaking innovations in achieving unprecedented agricultural growth and stabilizing these nations. It provides a future outlook of the new challenges that will confront these countries in 2030 and beyond, related to tackling food and nutrition security, sustainable agricultural growth and adhering to improved food safety standards. This book provides useful insights for exploring technological innovations and policies that can address these future challenges and develop profitable and sustainable agriculture. This volume also highlights valuable lessons that India, China and Israel provide for the rest of the developing world where population is growing fast; natural resources are limited; and it is a challenge to produce enough food, feed and fibre for their populations. Tracing the historical past, this book is an impressive resource for academicians, policymakers, practitioners, agribusiness players, entrepreneurs in understanding the role of innovations in addressing future challenges.

China's Agricultural Modernization

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Originally published in 1985, this study investigates the actual experience in mechanization during the Fourth Five Year Plan period, a period which represented, in many ways, a new stage in China’s rural development. It examines the historical perspective and the development approach under which mechanization efforts were exerted during this 5-year period and the mechanism, outcomes and problems these entailed. The book addresses the issues involved in agricultural development and mechanization through a more integral analysis of the way technological transformation has been linked to China’s quest for social and economic development.

The "New Rural Reconstruction"

Book Description

This doctoral thesis studies the New Rural Reconstruction (NRR) movement from a sustainable development perspective, through a concrete case of Sancha village, a rural community in China's Guangxi province. Initiated in 2003, the NRR is a grassroots network of development projects which unites intellectuals, students and organizations to experiment with different models of agricultural and rural development in China. As an alternative to agricultural industrialization, the NRR favors the cooperation of smallholder farmers, local knowledge and agro-ecology for sustainable agricultural development. In order to understand the NRR's institutional characteristics, functioning and impact, we conducted a survey in Sancha village to collect data on smallholder farmers' socio-economic behavior and performed three in-depth NRR case studies. Our empirical analysis suggests that the NRR has promoted the development of organic farming in the village. Social activities are cost-effective for social network building where organic farming is diffused rapidly. Nevertheless, without sufficient, ongoing technical training, farmers newly converted to organic farming tend to overuse nitrogen and lose their environmental advantage in rice production. To improve the performance of smallholder farmers, participatory social learning appears useful but limited because smallholder farmers are interested in economic performance rather than environmental protection. On basis of these results, we recommend a state-civil society partnership which combines the government's agricultural extension services and bottom-up rural reconstruction for the commonobjective of sustainable agriculture in China.

Mechanization for Rural Development

Book Description

This publication gives a wide-ranging perspective on the present state of mechanization in the developing world, and, as such, constitutes a solid platform on which to build strategies for a sustainable future. Farm mechanization forms an integral plank in the implementation of sustainable crop production intensification methodologies and sustainable intensification necessarily means that the protection of natural resources and the production of ecosystem services go hand-in-hand with intensified production practices. This requires specific mechanization measures to allow crops to be established with minimum soil disturbance, to allow the soil to be protected under organic cover for as long as possible, and to establish crop rotations and associations to feed the soil and to exploit crop nutrients from various soil horizons. This work is the starting point to help the reader understand the complexities and requirements of the task ahead.

Challenges and Opportunities for Chinese Agriculture

Book Description

This book elaborates on the transformation of agricultural development in China into the construction of a “resource and ecologically sound society”, and the coordinated development of industrialization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization in China. It focuses on the multiple goals of transforming the Chinese agricultural development model, inner motivations, approaches, and supporting systems under environmental and resource constraints. The author endeavors to build a theoretical framework for transforming agricultural development model in the construction of a “resource and ecologically sound society". To achieve this, the author addresses successively across seven chapters issues such as the multiple goals of China’s agricultural development transformation under resource and environmental constraints, the transformation of the utilization mode of resources, “resource and ecologically sound agriculture”–oriented agricultural production system transformation, the transformation of commercialized rural service system, and institutional innovations in the “resource and ecologically sound” agricultural transformation.