Environmental UV Photobiology

Book Description

In response to the overwhelming concern for possible acute and long-term effects of ozone depletion on terrestrial and aquatic life, this volume presents a comprehensive collection of review articles from an internationally acknowledged group of experts.

Proceedings in Print

Book Description

UVB Instrumentation and Applications

Book Description

An excellent summary of solar UV measurement for anyone involved in, or contemplating, measuring the UV part of the solar spectrum. The book is addressed predominantly to the newcomer to this expanding area of environmental measurement, but contains sufficient detail and practical information to be a valuable reference for the more experienced worker. The practical considerations of solar UV measurement are clearly described and the book explores the current state of the art of UV monitoring, explained by the historical demand for data. The many applications of solar UV data are discussed and the importance of making appropriate measurements and collecting sufficient supporting data for the analysis required of these applications is highlighted.


Book Description

It is not always the case that the subject of a scientific book and its relevance to everyday li fe are so timely. Photobiology and its si ster subject Radiobiology are now a must for understanding the environment we live in and the impact light, ultraviolet light, and radiation have on all aspects of our life. Photobiology is a true interdisciplinary field. Photobiology research plays a direct role in diverse fields, and a glance at the topics of the symposia covered in this book by over 100 articles shows the breadth and depth of knowledge acquired in fundamental research and its impact on the major issues and applied problems the world is facing. Half a century of photobiology research brought about an understanding of the importance of light to life, both as a necessary source of energy and growth as weIl as its possible dangers. Research in photochemistry and photobiology led to the discoveries of ceIlular repair mechanisms of UV induced damages to DNA and this led to understanding of the effects of hazardous environmental chemieals and mutagenecity , and to the development of genetic engineering. This topic was given due emphasis in several symposia and chapters in this book.