Synthesis and Modelling of Intermittent Estuaries

Book Description

This book reports on the findings of, and swnmarizes the conclusions from, the Port Hacking Estuary Project, a model-guided, multidisciplinary study of an estuarine ecosystem. The Project began in 1973, at a time when it was thought that environmental problems could be solved readily by assembling a multidisciplinary team of research scientists and having them co-ordinate their research around the construction of an ecosystem model. But a decade has passed and time has not been easy on this approach. The anticipated predictive dynamic models have not been produced and bitter argument has often marred the course of such studies. Yet the need to anticipate the flow of various chemical species (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, toxicants) through the environment remains: the evidence is everywhere, from fertilization of urban lakes to acid rain. The magnitude of the problem ensures that funds will continue to be made available - although with short-term variations as perceptions swing. It is thus clear that although the difficulties are great, so is the need. It is from this background that we present this book. The Port Hacking Estuary Project involved some 15 - 20 research scientists over a period of 5 years. The goal was to research the flow of carbon into, within, and out of a small unpolluted estuary chosen for convenience rather than for its social significance. The idea was to use the information obtained from these studies to build a predictive dynamic model.

Estuaries and Coastal Zones

Book Description

Estuaries and their surrounding wetland regions are among the most productive ecosystems in the world, with more than half of humanity inhabiting their shores. Anthropogenic factors make estuaries highly susceptible to ecosystem degradation. Coastal waters are closely connected with human activity, and their dynamic processes may greatly affect coastal environments. This book provides a compendium of studies on estuarine dynamics, river plumes, and coastal water dynamics, studies that have investigated the changes in estuarine and coastal zones in response to sea-level rise and other environmental factors, and policy and management strategies to ensure the health and economy of coastal zones. This book aims to display novel frontiers in these fields and may help to inspire in-depth studies in the future.

Physical Processes in Estuaries

Book Description

In Physical Processes in Estuaries the present day knowledge of the physics of transport phenomena in estuaries and their mathematical treatment is summarized: It is divided into following parts: - Water movements in estuaries - Estuarine fronts and river plumes - Internal waves and interface stability - Fine sediment transport, aggregation of particles, settling velocity of mud flocs - Sedimentation and erosion of fine sediments. For each topic an up-to-date review and recommendations for future research are given, followed by results of original studies. Since estuarine environments are the first to be threatened by urbanization and industrial exploitation this book is an important tool for students and researchers of environmental problems as well as for consultants and water authorities.

Estuarine and Wetland Processes

Book Description

Estuaries and Wetlands are important coastal resources which are subject to a great deal of environmental stress. Dredging, construction, creation of intertidal wetlands, regulation of fresh water flow, and pollution are just a few of the activities which affect these coastal systems. The need to predict the effects of these perturbations upon ecosystem dynamics, particularly estuarine fisheries, as well as on physical effects, such as sedimentation and salt intrusion, is of paramount importance. Prediction requires the use of models, but no model is likely to be satisfactory unless fundamental physical, chemical, sedimentological, and biological processes are quantitatively understood, and the appropriate time and space scales known. With these considerations in mind, the Environmental Laboratory, U. S. Army Engineer Haterways Experiment Station,* Vicksburg, Mississippi, sponsored a workshop on "Estuarine and Wetland Processes and Water Quality Modeling" held in New Orleans, June 1979. The contents of this volume have been selected from the workshop papers. The resulting book, perhaps more than any other symposium proceed ings on estuaries and wetlands, attempts to review important pro cesses and place them in a modeling context. There is also a distinct applied tinge to a number of the contributions since some of the research studies were motivated by environmental assessments. The difference in title between this volume and the workshop re flects more accurately the contents of the published papers.


Book Description

Estuaries are complex and fascinating natural environments, where constantly changing water depths generate rapidly reversing currents and transport vast quantities of salt, heat, and sediment on a daily basis. Estuaries: Monitoring and Modeling the Physical System examines these processes, offering extensive information about the geological evolution of estuaries, and details of bathymetry, tides, currents, salt and heat, and suspended sediment. By carefully building a working computer model which accurately emulates the complexities inherent in estuaries, students learn quickly to model the tides and currents, and then to build and test salinity, temperature, and suspended sediment modules. The book is supported by a supplimentary material at which includes: * Excel routines for individual formulae and diagrams * Full coding for the estuarine model THE ANALYSIS OF TIDAL STREAM POWER – For Jack Hardisty’s other book and the accompanying website please click here:


Book Description

Estuaries are productive ecosystems of high ecological value. They are important habitats for various species and those of highest value are protected by national and international conventions. This book highlights possible pollution impacts in a protected estuarine ecosystem, Amvrakikos Gulf, considered as one of the most important wetlands in Greece. In addition, the Changjiang (Yangtze) River is known to contribute significantly to the ecosystems of the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent waters. In this book, some long-term data of freshwater discharge, sediment load, nutrient concentrations and compositions in the river and estuary waters are presented, as well as the long-term response of the ecosystem in the estuary. Moreover, the literature on modern estuarine diatoms from Argentina is revised in order to synthesise the available ecological information and to detect possible modern analogues for Quaternary diatom assemblages. The authors also discuss negative or inverse estuaries, those where seawater is concentrated by the removal of fresh water, in the Northern Gulf of California. The challenges facing the sustainable management of temporarily open/closed estuaries (TOCEs) is addressed as well, critical in some cases because their ecological integrity, biodiversity and nursery function have already been compromised.

Tidal Flat Estuaries

Book Description