Photophysical Characterization of a Series of Self-assembled Donor-acceptor Dyads Containing Porphyrin and N-confused Porphyrin Electron Donors and Studies of the Tautomerization of N-confused Porphyrins

Book Description

Interactions such as pi-pi stacking in organic pi-systems, proton coupling, and hydrogen bonding can be utilized to prepare nanostructures with excellent mechanical and electronic properties. In particular, self-assembled donor-acceptor complexes have received much recent attention because of their potential applications in optoelectronics such as photovoltaic cells and organic light emitting diodes. Porphyrins and their derivatives have been extensively used as building blocks for nanomaterials because of their optical, electronic, catalytic and biochemical properties. The pi-pi stacking and metal coordination ability of porphyrins make them very suitable for the formation of self-assembled structures. The first part of this work involves the photophysical characterization of self-assembled donor-acceptor complexes, where porphyrin derivatives are used as electron donors together with electron acceptors such as naphthalene diimide, perylene diimide, or fullerenes. In the second part, the tautomerization of N-confused tetraphenylporphyrin in various solvents was probed using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy.The first part of the work described here is the photophysical characterization of a self-assembled chiral bolaamphiphiles comprised of central tetraphenylporphyrin (H2TPP) with naphthalenediimide (NDI)-lysine moieties flanked on both ends. The strong intermolecular pi-pi interactions between the H2TPP and NDI chromophores leads to the formation of monolayer rings which further stack to form self-assembled nanorods. The effect of local nanostructure of assemblies on the photophysical properties was probed using steady-state fluorescence, time-resolved fluorescence and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopic studies. This work demonstrates the importance of controlling local nanostructure in modulating the photophysical properties of optoelectronic materials. The second project involves the photophysical characterization of self-assembled donor-acceptor complexes containing an H2TPP and NDI-lysine amphiphile. Strong intermolecular pi-pi interactions between the TPP and NDI chromophores, together with the proton transfer from the lysine head group to the porphyrin ring leads to self-assembly in chloroform. Photoinduced electron transfer in the nanorods was probed using steady state fluorescence, time-resolved fluorescence and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopic studies. The third portion of this dissertation involves the photophysical characterization of donor-acceptor systems containing covalently bound porphyrin-fullerene dyads, where different numbers (1-4) of C60-fullerenes were attached to a porphyrin core to enhance electron transfer efficiency. In this work, the fluorescence quantum yield measurements, time-resolved fluorescence and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopic studies were used to study electron-transfer from the porphyrin core to the fullerene group(s). The fourth project involved studies of the equilibrium of the two tautomers of N-confused tetraphenylporphyrins (NCTPP). The steady-state absorption and fluorescence spectra of NCTPP have been found to significantly depend on the nature of the solvent. The previously reported photophysical studies indicated that both NCTPP tautomers can coexist in certain solvents, presumably in equilibrium with one another, while other solvents exclusively prefer one tautomer or the other. In order to gain a better understanding of the NCTPP tautomerization, NCTPP was studied by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy in a series of solvents having different solvent parameters. Also examined in this work was the origin of a moderately strong excited state solvent isotope effect in both steady-state and dynamic measurements. In the final project, the spectroscopic properties of a novel self-assembled ZnNCTPP-PDI traid were examined. Donor-acceptor dyads using H2TPP have been examined for years, but studies of D-A dyads based on NCTPP have not been significantly explored. In this project a non-covalently linked D-A complex formed from a zinc N-confused tetraphenylporphyrin dimer [(ZnNCTPP)2] and a pyridyl substituted perylenediimide (Py-PDI-Py) were examined. The coordination of pyridyl group on the PDI with zinc results in the dissociation of the (ZnNCTPP)2 dimer and results in the formation of a ZnNCTPP-Py-PDI-Py-ZnNCTPP triad. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence measurements were performed to probe the formation of the triad as well as photoinduced electron transfer in this traid.

Photochemistry and Photophysical Characterization of Porphyrin & N-confused Porphyrin Dyads

Book Description

In order to understand and mimic the processes that occur in photosynthesis, the photophysical properties of a series of porphyrinic molecules have been investigated. This work is divided into five projects involving the study of three different porphyrins and porphyrinoids: 1) free base N-confused tetraphenylporphyrin and various substituted derivatives, 2) free base N-confused porphyrin-zinc porphyrin, N-confused porphyrinpyromellitimide and N-confused porphyrin-pyrene arrays, 3) free base tetraphenylcorroles, 4) a series of porphyrin-quinone arrays to probe porphyrin excited state structure and 5) a series of porphyrin-naphthalenediimide arrays to explore energy and electron transfer as a function of linker/bridge dendron type. N-Confused tetraphenylporphyrin (NCTPP) differs from tetraphenylporphyrin (H2TPP) by having one of the pyrrolic nitrogens inverted and facing outside the macrocycle, with a C-H group inside. The inverted pyrrole ring in NCTPP results in a change in the [pi]-system of the macrocycle, leading to photophysical properties that are different than those of H2TPP. The first project was intended to investigate the photophysical properties of the two NCTPP tautomers, as well as several substituted (di- and tetra-) NCTPP derivatives using several spectroscopic techniques, including steady-state absorption and emission spectroscopy, time-correlated single photon counting, femtosecond transient absorption and nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. The second project consisted of the studies the photophysical characterization of pentameric N-confused porphyrin-zinc tetraphenylporphyrin artificial light-harvesting array (NCP-ZnP4), the photophysical properties of an N-confused-pyromellitimide array (NCP-Pym4), and the photophysical characterization of an N-confused porphyrin-pyrene donor-acceptor dyad (NCP-Pyr). The supramolecular systems NCP-ZnP4, NCP-Pym4 and NCP-Pyr represent the first structures where an N-confused porphyrin has been covalently incorporated into an array designed to involve highly efficient photoinduced energy and electron transfer processes. Free base corroles differ from free base porphyrin by having one of meso methine carbons replaced by a direct pyrrole-pyrrole linkage. The fourth project in this dissertation involved the photophysical characterization of four free base triphenylcorroles using steady state absorption and emission spectroscopy, and time correlated single photon counting experiments. The photophysical results indicate that similar to NCTPP, there is noticeable solvent dependence on the corrole photophysical properties. It is postulated that these differences result from the presence of two (or more) different tautomers. Although regular tetraphenylporphyrins such as H2TPP and Zntetraphenylporphyrin (ZnTPP) have been extensively used in different artificial photosynthetic systems, their incorporation into arrays presents characterization challenges, and energy and electron transfer mechanisms differ from array to array. The fifth project presented here involved an investigation into the effects of donor-acceptor orientation on the electron transfer (ET) and charge recombination (CR) rate constants. In a series of porphyrin-benzoquinone (PBQ) dyads, methyl groups on the meso phenyl groups were used to control the orientation between the donor and acceptor groups. The rate constants for ET and CR in these compounds are discussed, as well as the ramifications of these results on porphyrin photophysics. The final project in this dissertation involved the study of the photophysical properties of a series of triads, where two ZnTPP electron donor groups were linked, using a flexible dendritic spacer, to a naphthalenediimide acceptor group. The flexibility in these triads permitted the formation of several conformers, which were investigated using steady state and time-resolved spectroscopic techniques as well as semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations.

Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Porphyrin-containing Supramolecular Systems

Book Description

The self-assembly of organic molecules has attracted much interest because of the special properties and possible technological applications of the mesoscopic materials which are intermediate materials between molecules and solids.1 Structural and spectroscopic studies on J- and H-aggregates present valuable information for understanding interactions at the molecular level in aggregation processes, and may also provide understanding that leads to alternative molecular devices. The synthesis and preliminary photophysical properties of two generations (G1-G2) of glutamic acid-based peptide dendrimers containing free-base or zinc porphyrin at the cores were performed. In this work, steady-state absorption and fluorescence experiments for the free-base dendrimers 59 and 63 were observed to have similar spectra relative H2TPP in DMAc, while the absorption and fluorescence spectra of zinc porphyrin dendrimers 60 and 64 were almost identical to that of ZnTPP in DMAc. These dendrimers tend to not to aggregate in polar solvents like DMAc, therefore, other nonpolar solvents will be sought for self-assembly these dendrimers. Second, two electon donor (D)- acceptor (A) dyads are composed of free-base porphyrin (Fb) and perylene bisimide (PDI) groups that are linked by leucine (65) or polyleucine (n=2, the dyad 66) were prepared in this work. Fb and PDI were chosen because of the useful photophysical properties each exhibits that will enable us to perform both energy and electron transfer within each dyad. The absorption spectra of the dyads indicate a close match with the sum of the component spectra, indicating little or no electronic coupling occurs between porphyrin and PDI groups in the ground state. Due to the overlap of the emission bands of porphyrin and perylene, fluorescence quantum yield analysis could not be determined with any accuracy. Fluorescence excitation spectra will therefore be performed in the near future. Intramolecular FRET experiments will also be achieved on these two dyads, whereas these measurements will allow us to precisely determine the donor-acceptor distance at any given time. After we measure the distance between the donor-acceptor dyad, we will investigate how the rate of the electron transfer varies with the distance, and what effect the dyad structure has in controlling this rate constants. The photophysical and electrochemical properties of covalently-linked arrays of N-confused porphyrins (NCPs) are of interest to a variety of supramolecular and biomimicking materials. While differing from the parent porphyrins by inversion of only two atoms, NCPs exhibit physical and chemical properties different than normal porphyrins. The synthesis and preliminary photophysical properties of three dimeric and trimeric N-confused porphyrin (NCP) arrays (75, 77 and 80) are presented. The absorption and emission maxima for the NCP dimer (75) and trimers (77 and 80) in DMAc were found to be broader and red-shifted relative to that of NC-TPP. The fluorescence quantum yield [Phi]Fl calculated for these NCP arrays were found to be (~ 91-97%) smaller than the monomer NC-TPP. This fluorescence quenching can be attributed to energy-transfer between NCP units. Time-resolved fluorescence experiments will therefore be performed on these NCP arrays in the near future. Here, I also report the synthesis and preliminary characterization of a donor-acceptor triad containing zinc N-confused porphyrin dimer (ZnNCP) 87 and pyridine-appended PDI 95, to generate triad 89. The formation of triad 89 was monitored using UV-visible absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy upon titrating PDI 95 to the ZnNCP dimer 87 in CH2Cl2. The absorption intensity at 462 nm that is attribiuted to the free monomer ZnNCP reached a maximum with the addition of equal amounts of PDI 95 to ZnNCP 87. Further additions of PDI did not result in appreciable changes in the absorption intensity of the Soret and Q bands, confirming the complete dissociation of ZnNCP dimer and formation of the triad complex 88. The fluorescence intensity of ZnNCP monomer reached the maximum upon addition of one equivalent of the PDI 95. The intensity of ZnNCP emission was diminished with addition of access of PDI. The emission quenching with excess PDI addition can be attributed to formation of the penta-coordinate ZnNCP-PDI complex 88. This complex formation will further be investigated by means of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy as well as mass spectrometry.

Synthesis and Modifications of Porphyrinoids

Book Description

The McMurry Reaction in Porphyrinoid Chemistry, by Kevin M. Smith Meso-tetraarylporphyrins: synthetic strategies and reactivity profiles based on nitro/amino substituents, by Maria da Graça Neves Functionalization of corroles, by José Cavaleiro Degradation pathways for porphyrinoids, by Jacek Wojaczynski Synthetic routes to porphyrinoids, by Sara Nardis Recent developments of non covalent porphyrin assemblies, by Donato Monti

Handbook of Porphyrin Science (Volumes 1 – 5): With Applications to Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering, Biology and Medicine

Book Description

This is the first set of Handbook of Porphyrin Science. Porphyrins, phthalocyanines and their numerous analogues and derivatives are materials of tremendous importance in chemistry, materials science, physics, biology and medicine. They are the red color in blood (heme) and the green in leaves (chlorophyll); they are also excellent ligands that can coordinate with almost every metal in the Periodic Table. Grounded in natural systems, porphyrins are incredibly versatile and can be modified in many ways; each new modification yields derivatives demonstrated new chemistry, physics and biology, with a vast array of medicinal and technical applications. As porphyrins are currently employed as platforms for study of theoretical principles and applications in a wide variety of fields, the Handbook of Porphyrin Science represents a timely ongoing series dealing in detail with the synthesis, chemistry, physicochemical and medical properties and applications of polypyrrole macrocycles. Professors Karl Kadish, Kevin Smith and Roger Guilard are internationally recognized experts in the research field of porphyrins, each having his own separate area of expertise in the field. Between them, they have published over 1500 peer-reviewed papers and edited more than three dozen books on diverse topics of porphyrins and phthalocyanines. In assembling the new volumes of this unique Handbook, they have selected and attracted the very best scientists in each sub-discipline as contributing authors of the chapters This Handbook will prove to be a modern authoritative treatise on the subject as it is a collection of up-to-date works by world-renowned experts in the field. Complete with hundreds of figures, tables and structural formulas, and thousands of literature citations, all researchers and graduate students in this field will find the Handbook of Porphyrin Science an essential, major reference source for many years to come. Readership: Chemists, physicists, material scientists, polymer scientists, spectroscopists, electrochemists, electronics and photonics engineers, biochemists, biophysicists, medicinal chemists and clinicians.

Handbook Of Porphyrin Science: With Applications To Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering, Biology And Medicine (Volumes 6-10)

Book Description

This is the second set of Handbook of Porphyrin Science.Porphyrins, phthalocyanines and their numerous analogues and derivatives are materials of tremendous importance in chemistry, materials science, physics, biology and medicine. They are the red color in blood (heme) and the green in leaves (chlorophyll); they are also excellent ligands that can coordinate with almost every metal in the Periodic Table. Grounded in natural systems, porphyrins are incredibly versatile and can be modified in many ways; each new modification yields derivatives, demonstrating new chemistry, physics and biology, with a vast array of medicinal and technical applications.As porphyrins are currently employed as platforms for study of theoretical principles and applications in a wide variety of fields, the Handbook of Porphyrin Science represents a timely ongoing series dealing in detail with the synthesis, chemistry, physicochemical and medical properties and applications of polypyrrole macrocycles. Professors Karl Kadish, Kevin Smith and Roger Guilard are internationally recognized experts in the research field of porphyrins, each having his own separate area of expertise in the field. Between them, they have published over 1500 peer-reviewed papers and edited more than three dozen books on diverse topics of porphyrins and phthalocyanines. In assembling the new volumes of this unique Handbook, they have selected and attracted the very best scientists in each sub-discipline as contributing authors.This Handbook will prove to be a modern authoritative treatise on the subject as it is a collection of up-to-date works by world-renowned experts in the field. Complete with hundreds of figures, tables and structural formulas, and thousands of literature citations, all researchers and graduate students in this field will find the Handbook of Porphyrin Science an essential, major reference source for many years to come.

The Porphyrin Handbook

Book Description

The Porphyrin Handbook, Volume 18: Multiporphyrins, Multiphthalocyanines and Arrays provides information pertinent to every aspect of the chemistry, synthesis, spectroscopy, and structure of phthalocyanines. This book examines the biology and medical implications of porphyrin systems. Organized into five chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the results obtained in the research concerning the properties and formation of a class of metal phthalocyanine derivatives containing of two macrocyclic units. This text then examines the luminescence and photophysical data of multiporphyrin systems in which the chromophore centers are held together by weak, medium, or strong bonding interactions. Other chapters consider the intensive electronic absorption and circular dichroism properties of chiral phthalocyanines. This book discusses as well the chemistry porphyrin and corrin systems. The final chapter deals with geoporphyrins or sedimentary porphyrins, which are the most abundant porphyrin derivatives on earth. This book is a valuable resource for research scientists, engineers, and clinicians.

The Porphyrins V2

Book Description

The Porphyrins, Volume II: Structure and Synthesis, Part B is devoted to the structure and synthesis of porphyrins, their precursors, catabolic derivatives, and related systems. The book also covers nomenclature, history, geochemistry, purification, and structural determination of porphyrins, metalloporphyrins, and mono- and polypyrrolic compounds. This volume is organized into 10 chapters and begins with an overview of hydroporphyrins, paying particular attention to their synthesis and stereochemistry as well as reactivity, spectroscopy, and analogues. This book then discusses the synthesis, properties, thermodynamic stability, and evolution of porphyrinogens. The following chapters focus on porphyrins reversibly modified at the periphery by oxidation (oxophlorins) and by irreversible reactions at the periphery. The synthesis of photoexcited porphyrins, metalloporphyrins, and chlorophylls is covered. In addition, chapters on linear polypyrroles, their metal complexes, and macrocycles other than porphyrins are included. This book should be useful to inorganic, organic, physical, and biochemists interested in porphyrin chemistry and biochemistry.