System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques

Book Description

Our planet is currently experiencing substantial changes due to natural phen- ena and direct or indirect human interactions. Observations from space are the only means to monitor and quantify these changes on a global and long-term p- spective. Continuous time series of a large set of Earth system parameters are needed in order to better understand the processes causing these changes, as well as their interactions. This knowledge is needed to build comprehensive Earth s- tem models used for analysis and prediction of the changing Earth. Geodesy and geophysics contribute to the understanding of system Earth through the observation of global parameter sets in space and time, such as tectonic motion, Earth surface deformation, sea level changes and gravity, magnetic and atmospheric elds. In the framework of the German geoscience research and development p- gramme GEOTECHNOLOGIEN, research projects related to the theme “Observing the Earth System from Space” have been funded within two consecutive phases since 2002, both covering 3 years. The projects address data analysis and model development using the satellite missions CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and comp- mentary ground or airborne observations. The results of the rst phase projects have been published in the Springer book, titled “Observation of the Earth System from Space”, edited by Flury, Rummel, Reigber, Rothacher, Boedecker and Schreiber in 2006. The present book, titled “System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques” summarizes in 40 scienti c papers the results of eight coordinated research projects funded in the second phase of this programme (2005–2008).

Global Geodetic Observing System

Book Description

The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) has been established by the Int- national Association of Geodesy (IAG) in order to integrate the three fundamental areas of geodesy, so as to monitor geodetic parameters and their temporal varia- ?9 tions, in a global reference frame with a target relative accuracy of 10 or b- ter. These areas, often called ‘pillars’, deal with the determination and evolution of (a) the Earth’s geometry (topography, bathymetry, ice surface, sea level), (b) the Earth’s rotation and orientation (polar motion, rotation rate, nutation, etc. ), and (c) the Earth’s gravity eld (gravity, geoid). Therefore, Earth Observation on a global scale is at the heart of GGOS’s activities, which contributes to Global Change - search through the monitoring, as well as the modeling, of dynamic Earth processes such as, for example, mass and angular momentum exchanges, mass transport and ocean circulation, and changes in sea, land and ice surfaces. To achieve such an - bitious goal, GGOS relies on an integrated network of current and future terrestrial, airborne and satellite systems and technologies. These include: various positioning, navigation, remote sensing and dedicated gravity and altimetry satellite missions; global ground networks of VLBI, SLR, DORIS, GNSS and absolute and relative gravity stations; and airborne gravity, mapping and remote sensing systems.

Observation of the Earth System from Space

Book Description

In the recent years, space-based observation methods have led to a subst- tially improved understanding of Earth system. Geodesy and geophysics are contributing to this development by measuring the temporal and spatial va- ations of the Earth’s shape, gravity ?eld, and magnetic ?eld, as well as at- sphere density. In the frame of the GermanR&D programmeGEOTECHNO- LOGIEN,researchprojectshavebeen launchedin2002relatedto the satellite missions CHAMP, GRACE and ESA’s planned mission GOCE, to comp- mentary terrestrial and airborne sensor systems and to consistent and stable high-precision global reference systems for satellite and other techniques. In the initial 3-year phase of the research programme (2002-2004), new gravity ?eld models have been computed from CHAMP and GRACE data which outperform previous models in accuracy by up to two orders of m- nitude for the long and medium wavelengths. A special highlight is the - termination of seasonal gravity variations caused by changes in continental water masses. For GOCE, to be launched in 2006, new gravity ?eld analysis methods are under development and integrated into the ESA processing s- tem. 200,000 GPS radio occultation pro?les, observed by CHAMP, have been processed on an operational basis. They represent new and excellent inf- mation on atmospheric refractivity, temperature and water vapor. These new developments require geodetic space techniques (such as VLBI, SLR, LLR, GPS) to be combined and synchronized as if being one global instrument.

Atmospheric Effects in Space Geodesy

Book Description

Various effects of the atmosphere have to be considered in space geodesy and all of them are described and treated consistently in this textbook. Two chapters are concerned with ionospheric and tropospheric path delays of microwave and optical signals used by space geodetic techniques, such as the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), or Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR). It is explained how these effects are best reduced and modelled to improve the accuracy of space geodetic measurements. Other chapters are on the deformation of the Earth’s crust due to atmospheric loading, on atmospheric excitation of Earth rotation, and on atmospheric effects on gravity field measurements from special satellite missions such as CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE. All chapters have been written by staff members of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation at TU Wien who are experts in the particular fields.

Treatise on Geophysics, Volume 3

Book Description

Geodesy, which is the science of measuring the size and shape of the Earth, explores the theory, instrumentation and results from modern geodetic systems. The beginning sections of the volume cover the theory of the Earth's gravity field, the instrumentation for measuring the field, and its temporal variations. The measurements and results obtained from variations in the rotation of the Earth are covered in the sections on short and long period rotation hanges. Space based geodetic methods, including the global positioning system (GPS) and Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR), are also examined in detail. Self-contained volume starts with an overview of the subject then explores each topic with in depth detail Extensive reference lists and cross references with other volumes to facilitate further research Full-color figures and tables support the text and aid in understanding Content suited for both the expert and non-expert

Geodetic Time Series Analysis in Earth Sciences

Book Description

This book provides an essential appraisal of the recent advances in technologies, mathematical models and computational software used by those working with geodetic data. It explains the latest methods in processing and analyzing geodetic time series data from various space missions (i.e. GNSS, GRACE) and other technologies (i.e. tide gauges), using the most recent mathematical models. The book provides practical examples of how to apply these models to estimate seal level rise as well as rapid and evolving land motion changes due to gravity (ice sheet loss) and earthquakes respectively. It also provides a necessary overview of geodetic software and where to obtain them.

Observation of the System Earth from Space - CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and future missions

Book Description

Significant advances in the scientific use of space based data were achieved in three joint interdisciplinary projects based on data of the satellite missions CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE within the R&D program GEOTECHNOLOGIEN. It was possible to explore and monitor changes related to the Earth’s surface, the boundary layer between atmosphere and solid earth, and the oceans and ice shields. This boundary layer is our habitat and therefore is in the focus of our interests. The Earth’s surface is subject to anthropogenetic changes, to changes driven by the Sun, Moon and planets, and by changes caused by processes in the Earth system. The state parameters and their changes are best monitored from space. The theme “Observation of the System Earth from Space” offers comprehensive insights into a broad range of research topics relevant to society including geodesy, oceanography, atmospheric science (from meteorology to climatology), hydrology and glaciology.

Geodetic Sciences

Book Description

Advances in space-borne technologies lead to improvements in observations and have a notable impact on geodesy and its applications. As a consequence of these improvements in data accuracies, spatial and temporal resolutions, as well as the developments in the methodologies, more detailed analyses of the Earth and a deeper understanding of its state and dynamic processes are possible today. From this perspective, this book is a collection of the selected reviews and case-study articles that report the advances in methodology and applications in geodesy. The chapters in the book are mainly dedicated to the Earth’s gravity field theory and applications, sea level monitoring and analysis, navigation satellite systems data and applications, and monitoring networks for tectonic deformations. This collection is a current state analysis of the geodetic research in theory and applications in today’s modern world.

Contributions of Space Geodesy to Geodynamics

Book Description

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geodynamics Series, Volume 24. There are times in the history of a science when the evolving technology has been combined with a singleness of purpose to make possible the next great step. For space geodesy the decade of the 1980s was one of those times. Initiated in the early 1980s, the NASA Crustal Dynamics Project (CDP), a global venture of unprecedented proportions, exploited new technologies to confirm and refine tectonic theories and to advance geodynamics. The highlights of the efforts of scientists and engineers from some 30 countries are contained in the 54 papers collected in three volumes which are dedicated to the memory of Edward A. (Ted) Flinn, the former Chief Scientist of the NASA Geodynamics Program.