System of High-purity Germanium Detectors for the Detection and Measurement of Inhaled Radionuclides. [239Pu and 24°Pu and 241Am].

Book Description

A system of eight high-purity germanium detectors mounted, four each, as arrays on two downward-looking cryostats is described. This system is designed to measure photons emitted by inhaled radionuclides and is efficient for photon energies between 10 keV and 200 keV. In routine operation since October 1976, the system is used mainly to detect and measure inhaled plutonium and americium. Each of the eight detectors has a surface area of 10 cm2 and a resolution of 650 eV full-width half-maximum or better at 60 keV. This excellent resolution means that the photopeak can be placed in a narrow portion (about 1 keV) of the background energy spectrum. Consequences of this feature are: (1) the subject background count rate for a given photopeak is low (between 0.025 and 0.035 counts/min per cm2 detector surface area for a 1-keV band in the range of 15 to 100 keV); (2) the subject background can be well estimated from counts in the energy spectrum a few keV above the photopeak of interest; (3) baseline resolution can be obtained for photons separated by as little as 1.5 keV in energy; and (4) identification of unknown or unexpected radionuclides can be accomplished with good accuracy. Applications and capabilities of the system are discussed. The current application is for the measurement of plutonium via the measurement of the 59.54-keV gamma from 241Am. The measurement of L x-rays from the decay of plutonium is also discussed.

High-purity Germanium Detection System for the in Vivo Measurement of Americium and Plutonium

Book Description

A high-purity germanium (HPGe) array, photon-counting system has been developed for the Rocky Flats Plant Body-Counter Medical Facility. The newly improved system provides exceptional resolutions of low-energy X-ray and gamma-ray spectra associated with the in vivo deposition of plutonium and americium. Described are the operational parameters of the system and some qualitative results illustrating detector performance for the photon emissions produced from the decay of plutonium and americium between energy ranges from 10 to 100 kiloelectron volts. Since large amounts of data are easily generated with the system, data storage, analysis, and computer software developments continue to be an essential ingredient for processing spectral data obtained from the detectors. Absence of quantitative data is intentional. The primary concern of the study was to evaluate the effects of the various physical and electronic operational parameters before adding those related entirely to a human subject.

Mechanically Cooled Large-Volume Germanium Detector Systems for Nuclear Explosion Monitoring

Book Description

Compact maintenance-free mechanical cooling detector systems are being developed to operate large-volume (approximately 570 cubic cm, approximately 3 kg, 140% or larger) germanium detectors for field applications. These detector systems are necessary for remote long-duration liquid-nitrogen free deployment of large-volume germanium gamma-ray detector systems. The Radionuclide Aerosol Sampler/Analyzer (RASA) nuclear explosion monitoring systems will benefit from the availability of such detector systems by allowing the very largest available germanium detectors to be utilized for the highest sensitivity measurements. To reliably provide such detector systems, three fundamental technical issues are being investigated: temperature, vacuum, and vibration. Two prototype detector systems (RASA 1 and RASA 2) have been developed, fabricated, and tested. The cryostats have been demonstrated to cool very large (slightly greater than 10(+)-cm long and 10-cm diameter) detectors to temperatures as low as 50 K. The vacuum design has been demonstrated to show no measurable degradation over long time periods. The detector systems have been demonstrated to successfully instrument high-purity germanium detectors. Microphonic noise from the vibrating cooler has been completely eliminated in one case, serving as a demonstration of the total detector system viability. Microphonic noise remains the largest technical issue for these detector systems. The third generation, RASA 3, design incorporates mechanical changes to eliminate microphonic noise issues.

High-resolution Gamma-ray Measurement Systems Using a Compact Electro- Mechanically Cooled Detector System and Intelligent Software

Book Description

Obtaining high-resolution gamma-ray measurements using high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors in the field has been of limited practicality due to the need to use and maintain a supply of liquid nitrogen (LN2). This same constraint limits high-resolution gamma measurements in unattended safeguards or treaty Verification applications. We are developing detectors and software to greatly extend the applicability of high-resolution germanium-based measurements for these situations.

Germanium Detector System for the Detection of Transuranics at Low-activity Concentrations in Soil. [241Am, 24°Pu, 239Pu, 238U, 232Th].

Book Description

A photon spectroscopy system is described which is designed for the detection of plutonium and 241Am in soil samples with a minimum turnaround time. Quantification is based upon the 60-keV gamma emitted in 241Am decay and upon the uranium L x-rays (energies from 13 to 22 keV) emitted by plutonium isotopes during alpha decay. The detector is a single-crystal, intrinsic-germanium-planar detector with a surface area of 21 cm2. Sensitivity is increased by incorporating a detector window with a larger than normal surface area. This optimized window size was established by Monte Carlo calculations. For small, Petri-dish samples, detection limits at the 3 sigma level for a 4-hr counting time are better than 4 pCi/g for plutonium and better than 0.05 pCi/g for 241Am. The specifications, performance, and cost of the system are discussed.

On the Underground Production of High Purity Germanium Detectors

Book Description

Detectors based on high purity germanium (HPGe) are used in numerous deep underground experiments world-wide aiming at detecting rare events like double beta decay and interactions of dark matter. These detectors require the lowest possible background. A significant part of the background is due to radionuclides produced by cosmic-ray interactions with the germanium crystal. This report gives quantitative data on this activation and discusses the possible solutions. The first solution is to optimise the logistics during the crystal and detector fabrication so that the germanium spends a minimum time above ground. The second solution is to implement one or several (up to 12) production steps underground. The report also makes estimates on the future needs for germanium produced underground and the costs involved.