Systemic Violence in Education

Book Description

Researchers and practitioners identify and examine systemic violence in schools from a number of perspectives including school administration policies, pedagogical methods, educational labeling, classroom interaction, childhood games, and teacher reactions, as well as child abuse. Includes practical suggestions for addressing systemic violence.

Systemic Violence

Book Description

This text examines the negative practices of schools which are resulting in school systems failing students. Such practices include intrusive authoritarian administrative structures and procedures; inappropriate discipline; unrealistic expectations; and placid exceptance of exclusionary practices. Indeed, educational systemic violence includes any practice or procedure that prevents students from learning, thus harming them. Taking a close look at ways in which current social problems may be a result of, or even supported by, compulsory schooling, the contributors to this volume consider whether or not schools contribute to the violence amongst modern young people.

Systemic Violence

Book Description

This text examines the negative practices of schools which are resulting in school systems failing students. Such practices include intrusive authoritarian administrative structures and procedures; inappropriate discipline; unrealistic expectations; and placid exceptance of exclusionary practices. Indeed, educational systemic violence includes any practice or procedure that prevents students from learning, thus harming them. Taking a close look at ways in which current social problems may be a result of, or even supported by, compulsory schooling, the contributors to this volume consider whether or not schools contribute to the violence amongst modern young people.

Preventing Violence in Schools

Book Description

School violence is a burning issue these days. This book provides an in-depth analysis of violence prevention programs and an assessment of their effectiveness, using data from observations, individual interviews, and focus groups, as well as published data from the schools. It is distinguished by its focus on the cultural and structural context of school violence and violence prevention efforts. Where most other researchers use quantitative measures, such as surveys, to assess the effectiveness of violence prevention programs, the authors of this book use qualitative research and ethnography to study the environment where such programs take place. Thus, this work--one of only a few ethnographic studies of violence prevention programs in schools--links previous quantitative research on the topic and critical ethnography. Preventing Violence in Schools: A Challenge to American Democracy: *includes voices of school students, accused of practicing violence, who have been participants in violence prevention programs; *analyzes a citywide peer mediation program (who benefits and who does not, who is mediated and who mediates, and what the implications of these findings may be); *examines the kinds of violence recognized in schools and the ways schools themselves may perpetuate violence; and *describes a violence prevention program for students at an alternative school. Preventing Violence in Schools: A Challenge to American Democracy is highly relevant for students in courses on urban education, foundations of education, education and social policy, youth and the law, and qualitative research, and for teachers, administrators, and other professionals, such as school psychologists and guidance counselors, at the middle and high school levels.

Systemic Violence

Book Description

This text examines the negative practices of schools which are resulting in school systems failing students. Such practices include intrusive authoritarian administrative structures and procedures; inappropriate discipline; unrealistic expectations; and placid exceptance of exclusionary practices. Indeed, educational systemic violence includes any practice or procedure that prevents students from learning, thus harming them. Taking a close look at ways in which current social problems may be a result of, or even supported by, compulsory schooling, the contributors to this volume consider whether or not schools contribute to the violence amongst modern young people.

The Victimization of Public School Teachers in America

Book Description

The assault on public school teachers' integrity, livelihood, and professionalism started in 1983 with the publication of A Nation at Risk. Based on the results of our education system performance, they were indirectly accused of failing our children. Still, it peaked in 2004, when Rod Paige, then George W. Bush's secretary of education, called the country's leading teachers union a "terrorist organization." Teachers felt dehumanized then. In 2009, Barack Obama blamed them for "letting our grades slip, our schools crumble, our teacher quality fall short, and other nations outpace us." Teachers felt let down again. In 2017, President Donald Trump lamented how "beautiful" students had been "deprived of all knowledge" by our nation's cash-guzzling public school system. Teachers felt humiliated and rejected. Currently, in states like Florida, public school teachers are besieged by politically motivated laws and unrealistic demands from parents, politicians, and noneducation experts. They have lost their freedom to teach as they see fit to meet the needs of their students. Teachers feel more disrespected, devalued, unappreciated, and under attack than ever. The bad news is that a recent NEA survey revealed that 55 percent of currently employed teachers are seriously considering leaving their jobs. If that rate of resignations continues to grow, the question is, Will there be a public school system in America in the future?

Uncovering Examples of Humanizing Praxis and Pathological Violence in Special Education: District, Parent, and Researcher Perspectives

Book Description

Students of color continue to be labeled with dis/abilities and funneled into segregated settings by special education staff (Annamma, Connor, & Ferri, 2013; Leonardo & Broderick, 2011). The purpose of this study is to highlight the kinds of experiences students and their family's experience in special education related to humanization and violence. In addition to gaining a better understanding of how special education district staff are working to both reproduce and disrupt the violent exclusion of students of color, this dissertation aimed to center the experiences of parents and students who are being impacted by the exclusionary policies and practices. Using Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory (DisCrit) as a theoretical framework reminds educators that the term disproportionality is a euphemism for the state-sanctioned racist and ableist systemic violence students and parents experience (Artiles et al., 2010). Data was collected through narrative interviews with parents, teachers, and district staff as well as through personal reflections. Participants shared examples of violence dis/abled students experience in schools, ways parents are disregarded, and how school districts continue to disinvest in students and families of color. This study terms their experiences as examples of the kinds of "pathological violence" that are enacted within special education. What also surfaced were examples of critical educators implementing humanizing praxis, which is not often discussed or found in the field of special education.

Violence and educational quality

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Handbook of Systems Sciences

Book Description

The primary purpose of this handbook is to clearly describe the current state of theories of systems sciences and to support their use and practice. There are many ways in which systems sciences can be described. This handbook takes a multifaceted view of systems sciences and describes them in terms of a relatively large number of dimensions, from natural and engineering science to social science and systems management perspectives. It is not the authors’ intent, however, to produce a catalog of systems science concepts, methodologies, tools, or products. Instead, the focus is on the structural network of a variety of topics. Special emphasis is given to a cyclic–interrelated view; for example, when a theory of systems sciences is described, there is also discussion of how and why the theory is relevant to modeling or practice in reality. Such an interrelationship between theory and practice is also illustrated when an applied research field in systems sciences is explained. The chapters in the handbook present definitive discussions of systems sciences from a wide array of perspectives. The needs of practitioners in industry and government as well as students aspiring to careers in systems sciences provide the motivation for the majority of the chapters. The handbook begins with a comprehensive introduction to the coverage that follows. It provides not only an introduction to systems sciences but also a brief overview and integration of the succeeding chapters in terms of a knowledge map. The introduction is intended to be used as a field guide that indicates why, when, and how to use the materials or topics contained in the handbook.

School Violence

Book Description

A timely investigation of the history, legislation, and perpetrators of school violence, this guide debunks the myths and misconceptions about this terrible problem of national concern. With school violence on the rise, schools have implemented security safeguards like never before in the form of metal detectors, video cameras, and armed guards. School communities have mixed opinions regarding these drastic prevention measures—many welcome the protection, while some condemn the reminders of violence these tactics evoke. This comprehensive text introduces the history of school violence in the United States, providing an overview of proposed causes—from violent video games, to inadequate parental involvement, to bullying by classmates—and detailing the pros and cons of various deterrents. Experienced criminologist Laura Finley incorporates personal reflections, primary source data, and profiles of key figures to address the painful reality of school shootings and other violent acts. The text expounds upon the characteristics of victims, individuals who are most likely to carry out violence, and common types of assaults. Chapters include a discussion on current legislation; stories of infamous perpetrators; activists who are working to make schools safer; and school, community, and societal risk factors.