Handbook of the Normal Distribution, Second Edition

Book Description

"Traces the historical development of the normal law. Second Edition offers a comprehensive treatment of the bivariate normal distribution--presenting entirely new material on normal integrals, asymptotic normality, the asymptotic properties of order statistics, and point estimation and statistical intervals."

Tables of The Legendre Functions P—1⁄2+it(x)

Book Description

Tables of the Legendre Functions P–1⁄2+it (X), Part I tabulates in detail the Legendre spherical functions of the first kind Pv(x) with complex index v = – 1⁄2 + it and real values of X > – 1. P–1⁄2+it (X) plays an important role in mathematical physics and are used in solving boundary value problems in potential theory for domains bounded by cones, hyperboloids of revolution, two intersecting spheres, or other second order surfaces. These Legendre functions are also of theoretical interest in connection with the Meler-Fok integral expansion. This book is devoted to the tables of P–1⁄2+it (X) and coefficients in the asymptotic formula. Some properties of the functions P–1⁄2+it (X) and description of the tables are also discussed. This publication is a good source for mathematical physicists and students conducting work on Legendre functions P–1⁄2+it (X).

Tables of the Function w (z)- e-z2 ? ex2 dx

Book Description

Tables of the Function w(z) = e-z2 z?0ex2dx in the Complex Domain contains tables of the function in connection with the problem of the radio wave propagation. These tables are compiled in the Experimental-Computing Laboratories of the Institute of Exact Mechanics and Computational Methods of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. The function w(z) is represented in the upper half-plane by the asymptotic series. Description of the tables and method of computation is provided. This book will prove useful to mathematicians and researchers.

Tables of Racah Coefficients

Book Description

Tables of Racah Coefficients presents a compilation of tables of Racah coefficients. Racah coefficients appear and are widely used in a number of problems in quantum mechanics; in the theory of spectra of complex atoms and nuclei; in the theory of angular distributions of nuclear reactions; in the theory of angular correlations of decay particles; and many other problems where the sums of products of three or more Clebsch-Gordan coefficients occur. In compiling tables of Racah coefficients certain conditions can be imposed on the indices, which follow from the symmetry relations. Only those coefficients are given which satisfy these conditions. The present tables consist of three parts. The first part gives Racah coefficients in which the first four indices are half-integers, and the other two integers. The second gives Racah coefficients with integer indices. The third gives Racah coefficients in which the three indices, a, c, e are half-integers, and the other three are integers.

Tables of the Principal Unitary Representations of Fedorov Groups

Book Description

Tables of the Principal Unitary Representations of Fedorov Groups contains tables of all the principal representations of Fedorov groups from which all irreducible unitary representations can be obtained with the help of some standard operations. The work originated at a seminar on mathematical crystallography held in 1952-1953 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Leningrad State University. The book is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the relation between the theory of representations and the generalized Fedorov groups in Shubnikov's sense. It shows that all unidimensional representations of Fedorov groups are basic, and hence are given in the tables. In particular, all representations defining generalized Fedorov groups are given in the tables. However, it should be noted that the same generalized Fedorov group may correspond to different representations, if the latter cross each other in certain automorphisms of the Fedorov group to be represented. The second part contains the tables of the principal unitary representations of Fedorov groups.

Tables of Laguerre Polynomials and Functions

Book Description

Tables of Laguerre Polynomials and Functions contains the values of Laguerre polynomials and Laguerre functions for n = 2 , 3 , . . . , 7 ; s = 0(0.1) 1; x = 0(0.1) 10(0.2) 30, and the zeroes and coefficients of the polynomials for n = 2 (1) 10 and s = 0(0.05) 1. The book also explains the Laguerre polynomials, their properties, Laguerre functions, and the tabulation of the Laguerre polynomials and functions. The book contains three tables: tables of values of Laguerre polynomials and functions, tables of the coefficients of the polynomials, and tables of their roots. The first table consists of six parts arranged successively in the ascending order of the degree n. Researchers have calculated the tables for a wider range of values of the parameters n, s and x (n = 2(1) 10, s = 0(0.05) 1, x = 0(0.1) 10(0.2) 30(0.5) 80) using computers at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Technology of the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences and the Computer Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Scientists and investigators at computer centers, research institutes, and engineering organizations will find the book highly valuable.

Tables of Lommel's Functions of Two Pure Imaginary Variables

Book Description

Tables of Lommel's Functions of Two Pure Imaginary Variables provide tables on cylinder functions of two pure imaginary variables. These tables are computed on the "Strela" electronic computer and are checked and prepared in the Analytic Machine Department. The introductory part describes some properties of the Lommel's functions. This part also contains the integral forms and asymptotic expansions. Lommel's functions of two pure imaginary arguments are defined by the Neumann series. This text is of value to researchers and students.

Mathematical Functions and Their Approximations

Book Description

Mathematical Functions and their Approximations is an updated version of the Applied Mathematics Series 55 Handbook based on the 1954 Conference on Mathematical Tables, held at Cambridge, Massachusetts. The aim of the conference is to determine the need for mathematical tables in view of the availability of high speed computing machinery. This work is composed of 14 chapters that cover the machinery for the expansion of the generalized hypergeometric function and other functions in infinite series of Jacobi and Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. Numerical coefficients for Chebyshev expansions of the more common functions are tabulated. Other chapters contain polynomial and rational approximations for certain class of G-functions, the coefficients in the early polynomials of these rational approximations, and the Padé approximations for many of the elementary functions and the incomplete gamma functions. The remaining chapters describe the development of analytic approximations and expansions. This book will prove useful to mathematicians, advance mathematics students, and researchers.

Six-Figure Tables of Trigonometric Functions

Book Description

THE PRESENT six-figure trigonometric tables complete the series of tables of the natural values of the trigonometric functions published by Fizmatgiz. Now that small computers have become very widely available, almost all computations are carried out by machine, and the majority of computational schemes arc suited to this purpose. The situation calls urgently for the availability of tables containing the natural values of all six trigonometric functions. The following special factor emerges here. In logarithmic computations the same relative accuracy is guaranteed more or less automatically for all values of the argument: the number of correct significant figures in the result is either equal to or (in rare cases) one less than, the number of significant figures in the mantissa of the logarithm. In computations with natural values of the functions the same relative accuracy is guaranteed in practice for all arguments only by having a constant nmber of significant figures throughout the tables. Until recently however, tables of the natural values of the trigonometric functions have been compiled both in Russia and abroad with the same number of places after the decimal point, which leads to a loss of accuracy when computing with functions of small angles. In view of this there is an urgent need for tables of the natural values of the trigonometric functions with a constant number of significant figures which substantially guarantees roughly the- same relative accuracy for all angles. The present tables, together with the following, already published by Fizmatgiz: Fil'e-figure Tables (L. S. Khrenov~ 1954), Five-.figure Tables l~,ith the Argument in Time (L. S. Khrenov, 1954), Seven-figure Tables(L. S. Khrenov, 1956) and Six-figure Tables with the Argunlent in Time (S. A. Angelov, 1957), form a complete series ~ith the same number of significant figures, satisfying the main requirements of a wide variety of computers. When compiling the present tables, use was made for purposes of collation of the following tables of the natural values of the trigonometric functions: The I)-figure Table..' of H. Andoyer, (Paris, 1915-1918), the Eight-figure Table of J. Peters (Berlin) J939), the Seven-figure Table of °L.S. Khrenov (2nd. ed., Gostekhizdat, 1956), the Seven-figure Table of H. C. Ives, and the Eight-figure Tables oj' the Logarith,l1.ft of NumberaV and oJ the Trigonometric functions of J. Bauschin.e;er and J. Peters (Geodezizdat, 1942 and 1944).