Takers, Narcissists and Narcissistic Bullies: They're Everywhere

Book Description

In a guise of false kindness and slick appeal, they cover their self serving motives. Underneath the "I love you" and "I care" is their actual belief: I am superior and you are inferior. While these Takers, Narcissists, and Narcissistic Bullies are adults, emotionally they are emotionally regressed teen agers with an uncanny and innate ability to mesmerize others and take from them. Spiders, Sirens, and Vampires have been metaphors of other eras bygone to understand these types. Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D. is a clinical therapist and director of Boise Bipolar Center. Takers is his third book on the topic of Takers. Other books by Dr. Bunch include Soft Bipolar Suffering and Blue Light Management for Bipolar Disorder.

Takers, Narcissists and Narcissistic Bullies

Book Description

In a guise of false kindness and slick appeal, they cover their self serving motives. Underneath the "I love you" and "I care" is their actual belief: I am superior and you are inferior. While these Takers, Narcissists, and Narcissistic Bullies are adults, emotionally they are emotionally regressed teen agers with an uncanny and innate ability to mesmerize others and take from them. Spiders, Sirens, and Vampires have been metaphors of other eras bygone to understand these types. Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D. is a clinical therapist and director of Boise Bipolar Center. Takers is his third book on the topic of Takers. Other books by Dr. Bunch include Soft Bipolar Suffering and Blue Light Management for Bipolar Disorder.

Vampires, Your Neighbor, Gangsters, and Donald Trump: Narcissistic Personality Disorder 15 Tools Takers Use to Build Skyscrapers of Lies and Deceit

Book Description

The ONE Critical Bully resource book for you to understand current events, your past, and your future "vampire-like" encounters. Masters of the Lie Structure that drains soul, lives, and your possessions They're everywhere. Aware or not, you're at risk by persons around who live only for themselves and have no true human empathy for others. Their structure of lies, and the grooming of a minion slaves to build the lies supports exclusively the final goal: the Narcissist gets stuff, usually yours: possessions, rights, soul, and more. Found as work bullies or even Presidents, they use methods of the Vampires deceit, disguise, and hypnotizing blood donor victims. In the third book in the series on Narcissistic Personality Disorder's Abuse and Bullies, Dr. Charles K. Bunch, retired therapist uses world culture and historical mythology to explain the Narcissist's methods of deceit. Demonstrating Lie Structure Methods from a current historical example, that of Donald Trump, 15 Lie Methods are discussed. But, this material is consistent for all times and for any current defense you may need. It will explain how both bullies and narcissist damaged you and others in the past, and arm you against future Vampires. And, they will cross your path....often.

A Billion Rising Creative Tricksters Jabbing Bullies and Evil Clown Politicians: Individuals Creating Resistance to Narcissists and Change: Archetypal ... Personality Disorder) (Volume 7)

Book Description

Edition 2 Evil Clown Archetype, with added chapters The Evil Clown Archetype is a complex metaphor known to all humans., like other evil character Archetypes: The Vampire and Pirates. But, the Evil Clown has multiple characteristics like the mythic dragon: teeth shred flesh, claws shred and ensnare, and rotting eyes and features are grotesque and fear inducing. To know the Evil Clown archetype is to have the ability to determine those narcissistic takers that are dangerous killers of soul or even body. Evil Clown messages are in stories, movies, mythology, and planed in our unconscious mind to warn us quickly of danger.

The Evil Clown Archetype and Donald Trump: Takers, Shredders, Without Compassion

Book Description

The Clown's Red Nose and Lips are misunderstood: these first clues are of Frozen and Decaying Flesh of the Evil Clown Archetype. This is not your entertaining pal but a warning of death. The mental images signals you to flee danger. 14 The Evil Clown Archetype is a complex metaphor known to all humans., like other evil character Archetypes: The Vampire and Pirates. But, the Evil Clown has multiple characteristics like the mythic dragon: teeth shred flesh, claws shred and ensnare, and rotting eyes and features are grotesque and fear inducing. To know the Evil Clown archetype is to have the ability to determine those narcissistic takers that are dangerous killers of soul or even body. Evil Clown messages are in stories, movies, mythology, and planed in our unconscious mind to warn us quickly of danger. Flee, because the Evil Clown is a taker and a destroyer in all regards.

Psychopathic Nation

Book Description

Psychopathic Nation. 33 Diverse Articles with tons of links to Online Resources. Psychopathic leaders sow and cultivate the culture of hate, greed, bias, revenge and the lack of compassion that allows death by marginalization and genocide. These Dark Disorders are everywhere, and in the USA they are cruel leaders currently in office, a group of mobsters headed by Mafia-like Donald Trump. This culture can spread from person to group, aided by our own brain that accepts prejudice and hate. But, we can intervene in the propaganda and warlike methods of the stealing Psychopaths. This is Book 14 in a series on dangerous narcissism, and political psychopaths. Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D., is a retired clinical therapist of 30 years, and is currently a writer on Dark Disorder, consultant, and author of 100 books.

Trump Trauma: When Political Bully Psychopaths Mentally Overwhelm Healing PTSD and Connecting to Your True Self While Making Salt

Book Description

What happens with your President and Cabinet are eroding your life possibilities, and you know something stinks: narcissist, lies, and psychopathy are ruling. What happens when you are bombarded with this daily, including the confused state that comes from being conned and deceived on a perpetual basis. What do you do when others around you are falling in line with the Pirate Dictator, leaving you marginalized? The mental result for all in this situation is to be traumatized. It's severe form from Trump's Daily Trauma, and the assault on the US Government to fill his coffers creates Political PTSD: a disorder of mind and brain functions. Dr. Bunch lines out how to know and intervene in this short booklet. Be prompted to affirm life and connect with your soul's directions, not the draining Mesmer of the vampire.

Strong: 85 Affirmations for gays coming out, bullied, or feeling suicidal

Book Description

This is a special version of the Suicide Inoculation Affirmations. In addition to the 54 original affirmations, 31 have been added that are specifically for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans community. In addition to affirmation that inoculate you against suicidal thinking during tuff times or if bullied, other affirmations have been added about Getting the love and life you deserve Helping others bullied Bullying awareness and protection Having good attitudes although narcissistic bullies are still around you. As a gay man I have collected these affirmations over the years and some just recently. I hope they help you in becoming all you dreamed and what you are destined. Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D. www.boisebipolarcenter.com

Psychopathic Politicians and Presidents: Characteristics Field Guide. Know and Stop

Book Description

Table of Contents: Introduction Book 8 in a series on Dangerous Narcissists and Political Psychopaths Psychopathy understanding is growing now, RARE and others What is a political psychopath? Psychopathic Politician / World Dictator Checklist Field Guide to Psychopath Characteristics:  Axioms of Psychopathic Character  Divide, Conquer and Rule: War Strategies against one's own people.  Skyscrapers of Lies and Deceit  Gangsterism: When Criminals Connect  Political PTSD  Hostile Aggression  Paranoia and it's uses 9  Missing: Human Emotions  Adrenalin and Stimulation  Minions: Mini Me  Going for the Gold, My Gold

Stepping Out: Agoraphobia Hope

Book Description

Step out to your destiny of creativity, exploring, traveling and socializing with 54 affirmations fully explained. Each is a summary of the needed recovery tools. Agoraphobia is the fear of being away from a safe place or safe person. 6% of all persons have this. As quickly as agoraphobia can snowball to restrict a life, it can be countered and reversed. Dr. Bunch shows you how via 54 interesting Affirmation. Dr. Bunch has been treating agoraphobia for over 25 years and is aware what treatment works and what is a waste of time. This book is a summary of that work. Charles K. Bunch, PhD, is a clinical therapist, and director of Boise Bipolar Center. He is an author of other books, including Soft Bipolar Suffering.