Tame Representations of Local Weil Groups and of Chain Groups of Local Principal Orders

Book Description

We begin by making clear the meaning of the term "tame". The higher ramifi cation groups, on the one hand, and the one-units of chain groups, on the other, are to lie in the kernels of the respective representations considered. We shall establish a very natural and very well behaved relationship between representa tions of the two groups mentioned in the title, with all the right properties, and in particular functorial under base change and essentially preserving root numbers. All this will be done in full generality for all principal orders. The formal setup for this also throws new light on the nature of Gauss sums and in particular leads to a canonical closed formula for tame Galois Gauss sums. In many ways the "tame" and the "wild" theory have distinct features and distinct points of interest. The "wild" theory is much harder and - as far as it goes at present - technically rather complicated. On the "tame" side, once we have developed a number of new ideas, we get a complete comprehensive theory, from which technical difficulties have disappeared, and which has a naturality, and perhaps elegance, which seems rather rare in this gen,eral area. Among the principal new concepts we are introducing are those of "similarity" of represen tations in both contexts and that of the Galois algebra of a principalorder., One might expect that this Galois algebra will ,also be of importance in the wild situation.

Representation Theory and Number Theory in Connection with the Local Langlands Conjecture

Book Description

The Langlands Program summarizes those parts of mathematical research belonging to the representation theory of reductive groups and to class field theory. These two topics are connected by the vision that, roughly speaking, the irreducible representations of the general linear group may well serve as parameters for the description of all number fields. In the local case, the base field is a given $p$-adic field $K$ and the extension theory of $K$ is seen as determined by the irreducible representations of the absolute Galois group $G_K$ of $K$. Great progress has been made in establishing correspondence between the supercuspidal representations of $GL(n,K)$ and those irreducible representations of $G_K$ whose degrees divide $n$. Despite these advances, no book or paper has presented the different methods used or even collected known results. This volume contains the proceedings of the conference ``Representation Theory and Number Theory in Connection with the Local Langlands Conjecture,'' held in December 1985 at the University of Augsburg. The program of the conference was divided into two parts: (i) the representation theory of local division algebras and local Galois groups, and the Langlands conjecture in the tame case; and (ii) new results, such as the case $n=p$, the matching theorem, principal orders, tame Deligne representations, classification of representations of $GL(n)$, and the numerical Langlands conjecture. The collection of papers in this volume provides an excellent account of the current state of the local Langlands Program.

Séminaire de Théorie Des Nombres

Book Description

Le travail ci-dessous developpe sur quelques points les tex:tes fondamentaux de C.L. Siegel [13[ et de K. Ramachandra [2). Remerclements C'est au Max Planck Institut de Bonn que la plus grande part des resultats (th. 2 et 3, ex:ception faite du point 3 d et th. 4 et 5) ont ete soit rectiges soit con~s. La rectaction definitive de ce travail a eu lieu ä l'Institut Fourier de Grenoble durant l'hiver 1990. Le th. 1 tel qu'il apparait ici, et le corollaire du th. 6 cf. identite (13), sont nouveaux. On trouvera une rectaction detailleedes th. 2 et 3 dans [51 et, parmi d'autres resultats, des th. 4, 5 et 6 dans [7). Que tous mes collegues et les deux equipes de secretartat recoivent ici mes remerciements les plus chaleureux. 2 1) On pose e( x) = e 1rix, x E C. Pour L un reseau complex:e, on note une base positivement olientee de L = lw + lw c'est-ä-dire teile que 1 2 On definit alors une forme modulaire .,.p> de poids 1 par 1](2)(w) ~fn (21l"i)ql/12 IJ ( - qn)2 1 { w2 n>l 1 12 q = e(W) , q 1 = e(W/12) , W = wt!w2 .

Number Theory

Book Description

Monumental proceedings (very handsomely produced) of a major international conference. The book contains 74 refereed articles which, apart from a few survey papers of peculiar interest, are mostly research papers (63 in English, 11 in French). The topics covered reflect the full diversity of the current trends and activities in modern number theory: elementary, algebraic and analytic number theory; constructive (computational) number theory; elliptic curves and modular forms; arithmetical geometry; transcendence; quadratic forms; coding theory. (NW) Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Algebraic K-Theory: Connections with Geometry and Topology

Book Description

A NATO Advanced Study Institute entitled "Algebraic K-theory: Connections with Geometry and Topology" was held at the Chateau Lake Louise, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada from December 7 to December 11 of 1987. This meeting was jointly supported by NATO and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and was sponsored in part by the Canadian Mathematical Society. This book is the volume of proceedings for that meeting. Algebraic K-theory is essentially the study of homotopy invariants arising from rings and their associated matrix groups. More importantly perhaps, the subject has become central to the study of the relationship between Topology, Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory. It draws on all of these fields as a subject in its own right, but it serves as well as an effective translator for the application of concepts from one field in another. The papers in this volume are representative of the current state of the subject. They are, for the most part, research papers which are primarily of interest to researchers in the field and to those aspiring to be such. There is a section on problems in this volume which should be of particular interest to students; it contains a discussion of the problems from Gersten's well-known list of 1973, as well as a short list of new problems.

L-Functions and Arithmetic

Book Description

Aimed at presenting nontechnical explanations, all the essays in this collection of papers from the 1989 LMS Durham Symposium on L-functions are the contributions of renowned algebraic number theory specialists.

Performance and Blank Components of a Mass Spectrometric System for Routine Measurement of Helium Isotopes and Tritium by the 3He Ingrowth Method

Book Description

For future studies of oceanic circulation it is necessary to develop the tritium measurement via 3He ingrowth into a routine procedure with a high capacity for efficient use. This paper attempts to demonstrate that this can be achieved using a commercial helium isotope mass spectrometer and special procedures for sample preparation, storage for 3He ingrowth, and 3He transfer from the ingrowth containers into the mass spectrometer. This method allows for measurement with a much higher precision and lower detection limit than is possible with counting techniques. Additionally, the parameters and blanks in routine operation of the system are discussed.