Tantra Iluminado

Book Description

Tantra Iluminado gu&ía al lector a lo largo de un viaje fascinante hacia el coraz&ón mismo del Tantra: sus ense&ñanzas principales, los linajes que le dan fundamento y sus pr&ácticas transformativas. Desde que Occidente descubri&ó el Tantra hace 100 a&ños, este movimiento espiritual ha sido objeto de gran fascinaci&ón, especulaci&ón, y una buena dosis de desinformaci&ón. Ahora, por primera vez en nuestra lengua, Tantra Iluminado nos brinda una introducci&ón accesible a esta sagrada tradici&ón que naci&ó hace 1,500 a&ños en el norte de la India. Esta obra se sustenta en fuentes originales en s&ánscrito, ofrece una mirada profunda a la pr&áctica espiritual, y revela la rica historia del Tantra junto con sus poderosas ense&ñanzas.Entrar en el mundo del Tantra original es adentrarse en un reino de magia y misterio, en una filosof&ía que expande nuestra mente; llena de ritos arcanos; panteones de diosas feroces encarnadas en s&ílabas m&ísticas; diagramas energéticos que dibujan un mapa de las dimensiones de la realidad; visualizaciones de los centros de poder del cuerpo; posturas que expresan las formas m&ás puras de la conciencia; experiencias nect&áreas del éxtasis m&ás absoluto, portadoras un poder sobrenatural, y conceptos que desaf&ían las normas fundamentales de la sociedad tradicional. En pocas palabras, un mundo que abarca todo el rango de la actividad religiosa y espiritual del ser humano, desde las contemplaciones m&ás sublimes y elevadas de nuestra naturaleza interna, hasta las m&ás extra&ñas supersticiones. Hoy en d&ía, algunos est&án interesados en la elevada filosof&ía del Tantra, otros s&ólo quieren conocer las técnicas netamente pr&ácticas, mientras que a otros m&ás los mueve la curiosidad de conocer el contexto hist&órico. No importa quién seas, para sumergirte por completo en este mundo, deber&ás no nada m&ás renunciar a cualquier noci&ón de aquello que t&ú creas que es Tantra, sino también despojarte de algunas de tus creencias m&ás arraigadas sobre la realidad en s&í misma.

Tantra Illuminated

Book Description

This book takes readers on a fascinating journey to the very heart of Tantra: its key teachings, foundational lineages, and transformative practices. Since the West's discovery of Tantra 100 years ago, there has been considerable fascination, speculation, and more than a little misinformation about this spiritual movement. Now, for the first time in the English language, Tantra Illuminated presents an accessible introduction to this sacred tradition that began 1,500 years ago, in the far north of India. The book uses translations from primary Sanskrit sources, offers a profound look at spiritual practice, and reveals Tantra's rich history and powerful teachings.

Tantra Illuminated

Book Description

This book takes readers on a fascinating journey to the very heart of Tantra: its key teachings, foundational lineages, and transformative practices. Since the West's discovery of Tantra 100 years ago, there has been considerable fascination, speculation, and more than a little misinformation about this spiritual movement. Now, for the first time in the English language, Tantra Illuminated presents an accessible introduction to this sacred tradition that began 1,500 years ago, in the far north of India. The book uses translations from primary Sanskrit sources, offers a profound look at spiritual practice, and reveals Tantra's rich history and powerful teachings.

Tantra: The Way of Action

Book Description

Tantra: The Way of Action provides a complete guide to the Tantric path of liberation. Topics include esoteric physiology, Qabalism, right and left-hand Tantra, and arousal of the Kundalini serpent power. Following the spirit rather than the letter of the traditions, Francis King maintains that Tantric techniques are universal processes adaptable to Western culture and lifestyle.

The Tantra Connection

Book Description

Having started the new millennium we are in the midst of imminent changes. This era was foreseen five millennia ago, and described in tantric scriptures as the transition from the "Age of Darkness" to the "Age of Truth". The main intention of this book is to heighten the reader's understanding of this transformation and to assist in this time of change we are going through, individually as well as in society. Tantra considers the spiritual component of sexuality as it presents a balanced approach to life. Like Tantra this text is designed to enhance and support individual spiritual growth - in unity within a healing body. Holistic health is an ever-present undercurrent, since the work intertwines the conscious use of energy in the body with knowledge gleaned from ancient Tantra. Some parallels, between ancient East Indian Tantra and the highly developed cosmology of the pre-columbian Mayan culture, are also identified. The work is based on personal experiences. These have led the author to an energetic under-standing of Tantra. Describing the use of certain meditations, different modes of energy-cleansing and cultivated sexuality, it attempts to reinforce the reader's courage and self-confidence. The goal is to master life, eventually becoming a "whole" human being - a microcosm within the macrocosm. In this context, the work seeks to clarify - from the focal point of energy and social programming - the adversities and opportunities that couples face as soon as either partner begins the journey to Self. It concludes, by pointing to a possible future vision - enabled by our consciousness and the actions we can take to bring on deepened awareness.


Book Description

A leading yoga researcher offers a clear and lively introduction to the history, philosophy, and practice of the Tantric spiritual tradition Tantra—often associated with Kundalini Yoga—is a fundamental dimension of Hinduism, emphasizing the cultivation of “divine power” (shakti) as a path to infinite bliss. Tantra has been widely misunderstood in the West, however, where its practices are often confused with eroticism and licentious morality. Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy dispels many common misconceptions, providing an accessible introduction to the history, philosophy, and practice of this extraordinary spiritual tradition. The Tantric teachings are geared toward the attainment of enlightenment as well as spiritual power and are present not only in Hinduism but also Jainism and Vajrayana Buddhism. In this book, Georg Feuerstein offers readers a clear understanding of authentic Tantra, as well as appropriate guidance for spiritual practice and the attainment of higher consciousness.

The Esoteric Community Tantra with The Illuminating Lamp

Book Description

A new presentation of Tantra with its most renowned commentary by one of the foremost translator/scholar teams of Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. This volume is a translation of the first twelve chapters of The Glorious Esoteric Community Great King of Tantras (Sri Guhyasamaja Maha-tantra-raja), along with the commentary called The Illuminating Lamp (Pradipoddyotana-nama-tika), a commentary in Sanskrit on this tantra by the seventh-century Buddhist intellectual and tantric scholar-adept Chandrakirti. Regarded by Indo-Tibetan tradition as the esoteric scripture wherein the Buddha revealed in greatest detail the actual psycho-physical process of his enlightenment, The Esoteric Community Tantra is a preeminent text of the class of scriptures known to Indian Buddhist scholar-adepts as great yoga tantra, and later to their Tibetan successors as unexcelled yoga tantra. The Illuminating Lamp presents a system of interpretive guidelines according to which the cryptic meanings of all tantras might be extracted in order to engage the ritual and yogic practices taught therein. Applying its interpretive strategies to the text of The Esoteric Community Tantra, The Illuminating Lamp articulates a synthetic, “vajra vehicle” (vajrayana) discourse that locates tantric practices and ideals squarely within the cosmological and institutional frameworks of exoteric Mahayana Buddhism.

Tantric Transformation

Book Description

In the 'Tantric Transformation' we are introduced to the sacred and ancient tradition of Tantra by a contemporary Tantric master, Osho. We are given a detailed map of Tantra: inner man, inner woman; the meeting of man and woman; the transformation of energy through sex, love and meditation. Based on the Royal Song of Saraha, we are not just introduced to an Asian sex tradition but with Osho we enter the higher levels of transformation. Here we find Tantra as a door to freedom: freedom from all mind-constructs, mind games; freedom from all structures and freedom from the other. Love and meditation merge and provide a path to liberation.'Tantric Transformation' is a very alive, concrete book for exploration of our own energy, of our own inner space. You don't just read Osho, you undefine yourself.

Practical Tantra (HB)

Book Description

Though often associated with sexual practices, traditional Hindu Tantra presents a body of sophisticated psycho-physical techniques for attaining enlightenment. The tradition is often perplexing to the uninitiated due to Tantra's use of metaphors that serve to keep the teachings secret from outsiders. The author reveals the secrets and hidden meanings of important Tantric symbols and distills 50 years of practice and teaching into a form accessible to readers new to the tradition. Drawing on his own experience, the author presents a demystified and simplified version of Tantric practices that any sincere spiritual aspirant East or West can actually do.

Tantra Yoga

Book Description

Le Vijnânabhaïrava tantra, écrit au début de notre ère dans l'école shivaïte du Cachemire, présente la « quintessence de tous les tantras ». Il se situe d'emblée sur le plan de la réalité absolue et touche aux racines les plus profondes de l'esprit. Ce « tantra de la connaissance suprême » qui permet de « regarder Brahman les yeux ouverts », est probablement la somme la plus extraordinaire des moyens yoguiques jamais réunie. Il expose un yoga qui utilise le spectre intégral des pensées, des émotions et des sensations comme voie mystique. Ce texte universel, source vive d'une des écoles majeures de la mystique indienne, est traduit et commenté par Daniel Odier, spécialiste du tantrisme shivaïte dont il donne aussi dans ce volume une présentation éclairante. Ce yoga de l'action dans le monde des sens fait découvrir au yogin une liberté sans bornes et lui fait voir le divin comme son propre Soi libéré de toute limitation conceptuelle, de tout dogme, de toute croyance.