Tantric Grounds and Paths

Book Description

These days there is great interest in the practice of Tantra, and an urgent need for a comprehensive guide to its practice written by a fully qualified Tantric Master. Based on a completely pure lineage of instruction and practice that dates back to Buddha himself, Tantric Grounds and Paths meets this need by providing a definitive manual for Tantric practitioners. With remarkable clarity and authority Geshe Kelsand presents a comprehensive guide to the four classes of Tantra, including an extensive explanation of the generation and completion stages of Highest Yoga Tantra. All the stages of the Tantric path to full enlightenment are described in breathtaking detail, making the publication of this book an event of major contemporary importance in the history of Buddhist literature. Contents Illustrations, Acknowledgements, Introduction, The Lower Tantras, Highest yoga Tantra, Generation Stage, Isolated Body, Isolated Speech and Isolated Mind, Illusory Body, Clear Light, and Union, The Final Results, Dedication, Appendix I-The Condensed Meaning of the text, Appendix II - The Preliminary Practices, Great Liberation of the Mother, Great Liberation of the Father, An Explanation of the Practice, Glossary, Bibliography, Study Programmes, Index.

Tantric Grounds and Paths

Book Description

The mysteries of Tantra have engrossed countless meditators for centuries. Since the time of Buddha, these secrets have been passed down from accomplished master to disciple largely by word of mouth. Now drawing from his own experience and the works of Je Tsongkhapa and other great Tibetan Yogis, Geshe Kelsang clearly sets out all the stages of the four classes of Tantra, giving a full explanation of generation and completion stages. Tantra is revealed as the gateway to a blissful new world. The book represents a significant milestone in revealing these profound mysteries to the contemporary world.

Tantric Grounds and Paths

Book Description

A definitive manual for completing the spiritual path through the practice of Highest Yoga Tantra. Actual Tantra, also known as "Secret Mantra" or "Vajrayana," is a special method taught by Buddha to purify our world, our self, our enjoyments and our activities. Although there is great interest in Tantra, very few people understand its real meaning. This book represents a significant milestone in revealing the profound mysteries of Tantra to the modern world. Drawing from his own experience and the works of Je Tsongkhapa and other great Yogis, Geshe Kelsang presents an authoritative and comprehensive guide to the four classes of Tantra in general, and to the generation and completion stages of Highest Yoga Tantra in particular. "The Vajrayana path is like a vehicle that takes us directly to our final destination and the common paths are like the road on which the vehicle travels. Therefore, to extract the greatest essence from this precious human life by attaining full enlightenment, we need first to train in the common paths of Lamrim, and then in the uncommon Vajrayana paths." Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Tantric Grounds and Paths

Book Description

Tantric Ethics

Book Description

Tantra, or Vajrayana, Buddhism is a set of esoteric practices that involve mantra recitation and complex visualizations. Tantra constitutes the fabric of a Tibetan Buddhist's daily practice, but no practice of tantra can be successful without adherence to the tantric precepts, the highest of three complementary sets of vows. Tsongkhapa is perhaps the greatest philosopher ever produced by Tibet's Buddhist culture, and this book is a translation of his explanation of the tantric precepts.

Essence of Vajrayana

Book Description

With this book, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche explains with clarity and precision how we can practice the sublime meditations of Heruka body mandala, and thereby gradually transform our ordinary world and experiences into those of a Buddha, a fully enlightened being. He follows this with definitive instructions on the completion stage practices that can lead directly to the supreme bliss of full enlightenment in this one lifetime. This is a treasury of practical instructions for those seriously interested in following the Tantric path. • The first complete explanation in English of the Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Heruka body mandala • Sublime methods for transforming our ordinary minds and attaining pure selfless joy • The actual method to accomplish the supreme bliss of full enlightenment in this lifetime

Clear Light of Bliss

Book Description

Clear light of Bliss is a unique and highly acclaimed explanation of the advanced practices of Vajrayana Buddhism - the supreme path to enlightenment taught by Buddha. The book provides a detailed and practical explanation of the complection stage practices of Tantric Mahamudra, from the initial meditation on our subtle body, through the stages of inner fire meditation and the four joys, to the final attainment. Geshe kelsang also gives extraordinarily clear explanations of the nature of the mind, how to develop meditative concentration, and how to meditate on emptiness, the ultimate nature of reality. This book will be an invaluable guide to those travelling the Tantric swift path to full enlightenment.

Paths and Grounds of Guhyasamaja According to Arya Nagarjuna

Book Description

Paths and Grounds of Guhysamaja according to Arya Nagarjuna is a very significant eighteenth century Tibetan treatise(with brief contemporary) which maps out the paths and the grounds of Guhyasamaja Tantra according to Arya Nagarjuna's tradition. It is based on the incomparable masterpieces of Manjushri, Lama Tsongkhapa and his hear-like disciples. In many Buddhist Tantras and works of realised masters Guhyasamaja is refered to as 'the supreme and king of all Tantras". Acharya Chandrakirti's Bright Lamp(sgron gsal) states. "This (Guhyasamaja) is the supreme subsidiary practice; a compendium of the meaning of all Tantras".

The Tantric Path of Indestructible Wakefulness

Book Description

Chögyam Trungpa explores the the vajrayana teachings of the tantric path in this final volume of his masterpiece on Tibetan Buddhism This three-volume collection presents in lively, relevant language the comprehensive teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist path of the hinayana, mahayana, and vajrayana. Considered Chögyam Trungpa’s magnum opus, The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma will resonate with new and senior students of Buddhism. In this third and final volume, Chögyam Trungpa’s examines the vajrayana teachings of the tantric path. The vajrayana, or "diamond vehicle," also referred to as tantra, draws upon and extends the teachings of the hinayana and mahayana. As with the hinayana and the mahayana, the formal acceptance into the vajrayana is marked by a vow, in this case the samaya vow. There is an emphasis at this stage on the student-teacher relationship and on the quality of devotion. Generally, students must complete preliminary practices, called ngöndro, to prepare themselves for initiation into the vajrayana path before going further. Having done so, they then receive the appropriate empowerments to begin tantric practices. There are empowerment ceremonies of many kinds, called abhishekas. The vajrayana includes both form practices, such as visualizations and sadhanas (ritual liturgies), and formless practices based on allowing the mind to rest naturally in its inherent clarity and emptiness. Although on the surface, there is much greater complexity in tantric practices, the principles of mindfulness and awareness and the cultivation of compassion and skillful action continue to be of central importance. The tantric path requires complete engagement and fierce dedication. It is said to be a more rapid path, but it is also more dangerous. There is a quality of directness, abruptness, and wholeheartedness. Tantrikas, or vajrayana practitioners, recognize that the most challenging aspects of life, the energies and play of confused emotions and frightening obstacles, can be worked with as gateways to freedom and realization. Other topics covered in detail in this volume include the four reminders, the mandala principle, mahamudra, atiyoga, and more.