Tax Policy and Inclusive Growth

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This paper discusses the theory and practice of tax design to achieve an efficient and equitable outcome, i.e. in support of inclusive growth. It starts with a discussion of the key principles from tax theory to guide practical tax design. Then, it elaborates on more granular tax policy, discussing key choices in the structure of the personal income tax on labor and capital income, taxes on wealth, the corporate income tax, and consumption taxes. The paper concludes by highlighting the political economy considerations of the issues with concrete recommedtions as to how to implement tax reform.

Taxing Wages 2021

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This annual publication provides details of taxes paid on wages in OECD countries. It covers personal income taxes and social security contributions paid by employees, social security contributions and payroll taxes paid by employers, and cash benefits received by workers. Taxing Wages 2021 includes a special feature entitled: “Impact of COVID-19 on the Tax Wedge in OECD Countries”.

Tax Policies for Inclusive Growth in a Changing World

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This paper considers the challenges and opportunities confronting policy makers in a rapidly changing world as a result of globalisation, technological change and the changing world of work. The paper focusses on: - The impact of the tax system on the market distribution of income, by supporting employment, skills investments, and labour market formality; - How shifting tax mixes towards growth-friendly taxes can be combined with measures to improve progressivity, particularly through base-broadening and through removing inefficient and regressive tax expenditures; - Ways in which personal income taxes and social transfers can foster inclusive growth by raising the efficiency and equity of labour and capital income tax systems; - How tax policy can foster business dynamism and productivity, including through support for investment and innovation, and can raise efficiency by continuing to combat BEPS; - How tax capacity can be raised, and how tax administration can be strengthened, including through international co-operation. The paper provides tax policy advice and recommendations to support governments in their pursuit of tax and transfer policies conducive to inclusive growth, while supporting innovation and increased productivity growth; preserving the revenue-raising capacity of the tax system; and ensuring the sustainability of public spending.

Inclusive Growth, Full Employment, and Structural Change

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'Inclusive Growth, Full Employment, and Structural Change: Implications and Policies for Developing Asia' discusses policies to achieve inclusive growth in developing Asia, including agriculture, investment, certain state interventions, monetary, fiscal, and the role of the state as employer of last resort. Felipe argues that full employment of the labor force is the key to delivering inclusive growth. Full employment is the most direct way to improve the well-being of the people, especially of the most disadvantaged. Since unemployment and underemployment are pervasive in many parts of the region, Asian leaders must commit to the goal of full employment. The book also analyzes the region's phenomenal growth in recent decades in terms of structural transformation. Accelerating it is vital for the continued growth of developing Asia. But efforts to achieve full employment might be held back given that structural transformation requires massive labor shifts across sectors, and these are difficult to coordinate. Moreover, the goal of full employment was abandoned in the 1970s, and governments and central banks have since concentrated on keeping inflation low.

Federal Tax Policy

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Of current theories of the incidence of the major state and local taxes, assessment of the capacity of state and local governments to carry their debt burdens, and discussion of the property tax system and the state and local retirement system. Two chapters are devoted to the intergovernmental transfers.

Fiscal Policy and Long-Term Growth

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This paper explores how fiscal policy can affect medium- to long-term growth. It identifies the main channels through which fiscal policy can influence growth and distills practical lessons for policymakers. The particular mix of policy measures, however, will depend on country-specific conditions, capacities, and preferences. The paper draws on the Fund’s extensive technical assistance on fiscal reforms as well as several analytical studies, including a novel approach for country studies, a statistical analysis of growth accelerations following fiscal reforms, and simulations of an endogenous growth model.

Tax Design for Inclusive Economic Growth

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This paper examines how the design features of countries' tax systems can be strengthened to support inclusive economic growth. In the context of the OECD's New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC) initiative, this paper seeks to re-assess the policy recommendations stemming from the 2008 Tax and Economic Growth report, which focused on the impact of taxes on economic growth from an efficiency perspective, to more explicitly take account of equity considerations. Drawing on recent developments in the academic literature and in countries' tax policies, the paper examines how the basic design aspects of each tax can be improved to better achieve inclusive growth. It also looks at how the interactions of taxes with other factors - both within and beyond tax systems - affect their efficiency and equity outcomes. The paper more generally emphasises the need to look at tax and benefit systems as a whole to fully assess the efficiency and equity implications of tax policies. The inclusive design of domestic tax policies needs to go hand in hand with the implementation of international tax rules and mechanisms that prevent tax evasion and tax avoidance. It also requires measures that strengthen the functioning of the tax administration and incentivise agents to operate within the formal economy. The paper lays the groundwork for future empirical work to support tax design for inclusive growth.