Taxation of Companies on Capital Gains on Shares Under Domestic Law, EU Law and Tax Treaties

Book Description

"Taxation of Companies on Capital Gains on Shares under Domestic Law, EU Law and Tax Treaties, comprising the proceedings and working documents of a seminar held in Milan on 26 November 2012, is a detailed and comprehensive study on the taxation of capital gains on shares derived by companies."--Extracted from publisher website on March 25, 2014.

Cross-border Capital Gains on Italian Participations : Interaction of Domestic Law and Double Tax Treaties with EU Principles

Book Description

The aim of the paper is (i) to provide a general overview of the Italian domestic tax law applicable to capital gains on Italian participations realized by non-Italian resident companies; (ii) to review the provisions on taxation of capital gain on participations contained in the Double Tax Treaties entered by Italy, also in light of the envisaged entering into force of the MLI; (iii) to analyse the possible interaction of the Italian domestic tax law with the EU principles, in particular the freedom of establishment, considering the principles provided by CJEU's case law on taxation of corporate profit; (iv) to revise the proposal for an Intra-EU exemption of capital gains on shares raised in 2002.

Taxation of Capital Gains Under the OECD Model Convention

Book Description

Increasing globalization and the related cross-border flows of capital resources has only increased interest in the taxation of transnational capital gains among practitioners and scholars. This is particularly true as it relates to investments in immovable property. As a consequence, Article 13 of the OECD Model Convention - covering capital gains - has emerged as one of the document's key provisions. Based on in-depth historical research, this book pays particular attention to the definition of capital gains falling within the scope of Article 13. It also thoroughly analyses the treaty regime applicable to gains derived from the alienation of both immovable property and shares of immovable property companies.

Residence of Companies Under Tax Treaties and EC Law

Book Description

Deals with issues and problems raised by residence of companies for tax purposes, including detailed analysis from a national viewpoint in selected European and North American jurisdictions, Australia and South Africa.

Taxation of Intercompany Dividends Under Tax Treaties and EU Law

Book Description

This book is a detailed and comprehensive study on the taxation of cross-border dividend distributions. It first considers cross-border dividend taxation in the context of EU law. In this field, issues such as the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice, the hindrance to the internal market caused by double taxation of dividends and the compatibility of dividend withholding taxes are dealt with. Next, the book discusses the taxation of dividends under tax treaties, in particular focusing on the definition of "dividends" in the OECD Model Convention and the meaning of the concept of "beneficial owner" as applied to dividends. The application of domestic and agreement-based anti-abuse rules to dividends is thoroughly analysed. Finally, the relevance of the non-discrimination provision enshrined in Art. 24 of the OECD Model Convention to dividends as well as procedural issues relating to treaty relief and possible ways of improvement are taken into consideration. Individual country surveys provide an in-depth analysis of the above issues from a national viewpoint in selected European and non-European jurisdictions.

Tax Planning with Holding Companies - Repatriation of US Profits from Europe

Book Description

The book deals with tax planning with holding companies located in Europe, Asia of the Caribbean. It analyses the problem of repatriating U.S. profits from Europe, going far beyond the routing of income via different companies. Instead, the approach includes an analysis of the interdependencies between international tax competition, holding company regimes, and tax planning concepts in order to establish a basis for tax planning measures regardless of the fast changing legal environment for holding companies in the different countries.

Shortcomings in the EU Merger Directive

Book Description

The European Union (EU) Merger Directive removes certain tax disadvantages encountered by companies and their shareholders in the course of a restructuring operation. However, in spite of amendments and European Court of Justice's (ECJ) interpretations of its provisions, various shortcomings remain. This thoroughgoing analysis, broader and deeper than any prior work on the subject, addresses all the Directive's subtopics methodically, following the paragraphs of Articles 1-15 in their logical succession. The author analyses the points in which the Merger Directive falls short of attaining its stated objective, and he also examines how these shortcomings could be scaled. To do so, he tests the Merger Directive against its own objective, primary EU law (the fundamental freedoms and the unwritten general principles of EU law) and non-discrimination provisions in relevant treaties. Each of the following questions is addressed and responded to in depth: – Which entities have access to the Merger Directive and which entities should have access to it? – Which operations are covered by the Merger Directive and which operations should be covered? – Which tax disadvantages to cross-border restructuring operations does the Merger Directive aim to remove, which tax disadvantages have been actually removed, which tax disadvantages remain, and how should the Merger Directive be amended to remove the remaining tax disadvantages? – How tax avoidance should be combated under Article 15(1)(a) of the Merger Directive, which possible types of tax avoidance can be identi¬fied, and how the Merger Directive should be amended? – Which cases of double taxation does a taxpayer engaging in cross-border restructuring operations potentially encounter, and how they can be taken away by the Merger Directive? The key shortcomings that are identifi¬ed are: the Merger Directive’s objective is not stated precisely; minimum harmonisation does not lead to a common tax system; exhaustive lists are used as legislative technique; the Merger Directive does not add much to the outcomes reached through negative harmonisation; and the de¬finitions of qualifying operations are not fully aligned with corporate law. Chapter 6 contains a deeply informed and viable proposal for the amendment of the Merger Directive. This is the fi¬rst treatment not only to evaluate the Directive's effi¬cacy in detail but also to offer real solutions to its shortcomings. It will be welcomed by policymakers, judges, practitioners and academics, and the recommendations it contains are sure to affect ongoing amendments and jurisprudence on the Merger Directive.

Taxation of Bilateral Investments

Book Description

The OECD’s guidance on combatting tax avoidance strategies associated with Base Erosion and Profit Sharing (BEPS) methods is complex and accompanied by a wealth of literature. This book is the first to provide a concise and accessible overview of counter BEPS measures in the OECD Model and Commentary, allowing readers to gain a practical understanding of how the measures can impact the taxation of bilateral investments protected by tax treaties.

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