Teach Yourself Doric

Book Description

Teach Yourself Doric

Book Description

Teach Yourself Doric

Book Description

Though written in the style of foreign language book, Teach Yourself Doric is intended as a work of entertainment, designed to amuse those already familiar with the speech patterns of North-east Doric. Containing study texts and questions for "students" to answer, it is, in fact, a spoof language book. That most readers got the joke was clear from the fact that the book very quickly became a Scottish best-seller; this, despite the efforts of two critics who reviewed it as a teaching manual and a Glasgow bookshop which displayed it in the foreign language section.


Book Description

The dialect of North-East Scotland, one of the most distinctive and best preserved in the country, survives as both a proudly maintained mark of local identity and the vehicle for a remarkable regional literature. The present study, after placing the dialect in its historical, geographical and social context, discusses in some detail a selection of previous accounts of its distinctive characteristics of phonology and grammar, showing that its shibboleths have been well recognised, and have remained consistent, over a long period. Passages of recorded speech are then examined, with extensive use of phonetic transcription. Finally, a representative selection of written texts, dating from the eighteenth century to the present and illustrating a wide variety of styles and genres, are presented with detailed annotations. A full glossary is also included. This study clearly demonstrates both the individuality of the dialect and the richness of the local culture of which it is an integral part.

A Doric Dictionary

Book Description

What's the difference between a meggie-monyfeet and a hornie-gollach? Between snap-an-rattle and murly-tuck? All is explained in the Doric Dictionary. It is a two-way lexicon of words and phrases drawn from the former Banffshire in the North through Aberdeenshire to the Mearns and North Angus and drawn from the published works of most the North-east's best-known writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. As the writer says in his foreword, 'There is not one monolithic form of Doric but a multliplicity of forms; and words can change not only from county to county but from village to village'. The Dictionary contains no fewer than eight variants of the term for a seagull. This new version (2018) is enhanced by a most stimulating injection of Buchan vocabulary drawn from W. P. Milne's historical novel, Eppie Elrick.

Spikkin Doric

Book Description

Ever been lost for words or just completely mystified by what you hear? This is a new series of pocket books designed to introduce some of the wealth of the spoken and written word in Scotland to those who may not be familiar with them. For the 600 selected Doric words, as well as a simple meaning, the context and background to the word will be explained, along with examples of use (and, as required) a pronunciation guide. Forget about worthy dictionaries, this is a series dedicated to the enjoyment of language.

The Greek Dialects

Book Description

Part of the Advanced Language Series, this is a revised edition of "The Greek Dialects" published by Chicago University Press in 1955. Its virtues were comparative clarity and conciseness on a subject too often treated, for example by contemporary work in German, with prolixity and obscurity. It became the standard scholarly introduction and reference work on questions of dialect; and though much valuable additional work has been done on the subject since its appearance, it largely retains its original virtues and still provides a valuable starting point of reference. The Advanced Language Series reissues important books on Greek and Latin Language (and associated areas) which have been unavailable for some time or have not previously appeared in readily affordable paperback format. They are intended for the reference shelves of all scholars and students of classical languages.

Doric Proverbs and Sayings

Book Description

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Macs

Book Description

Are you a visual learner? Than Teach Yourself VISUALLY Macs is the book for you! This resource: Offers a perfect introduction for visual learners looking to gain a general understanding of Macs and some of the common peripherals associated with them. Demonstrates everything you need to know about transitioning from Windows to a Mac, using iPhoto, creating home movies with iMovie, and connecting all those cool devices, like the iPhone or iPod, so you can maximize iTunes. Shows you how to browse the Web with Safari and use iCal to track appointments, and what to do if something should ever go wrong. Includes full-color, rich screen shots and illustrations as well as step-by-step instructions clearly explain how to get the most from your Mac.

Unlocking Scots

Book Description

The Scots language is the hidden treasure of Scottish culture. For many of us it is still how we speak to each other, how we express our feelings, our humour, even our Scottishness. It not only connects us to our communities at an emotional level but also links us to our past. Scots was created by millions of voices coming together to share words, phrases and jokes; to understand, act on (and often laugh at) the world around them. Aye, but what exactly is 'Scots' anyway? Usually spoken in a mix with Scottish English, at least nowadays, is it really a language at all? Was it ever? And what about its future? Dr Clive Young embarks on a quest to learn about the secret life of the language he spoke as a bairn. Along the way, he encounters centuries of intense argument on the very nature of Scots, from the first dictionaries, through MacDiarmid, The Broons, Trainspotting and on to present-day Twitter rammies. (And of course, endless stushies about how to spell it.) Some still dismiss Scots as 'just' a dialect, slang or bad English. Behind this everyday disdain Dr Young uncovers a troubling history of official neglect and marginalisation of our unique minority language, offset only by a defiant and inspiring linguistic loyalty. A refreshing counterbalance to the usual gloomy prognosis of Scots' supposedly 'inevitable' demise, Dr Young sketches out a practical roadmap to revitalise Scotland's beleaguered tongue and simple ways we can all keep it 'hale an hearty' for future generations. Acause if you dinna dae it, wha wull?