Helen and Teacher

Book Description

Helen Keller worked for AFB from 1924 until her death in 1968. Her responsibilities included advocating for more and better services, fighting discrimination and negative attitudes, and fundraising. Helen Keller's and Anne Sullivan Macy's photos and unpublished papers today form the Helen Keller Archives at AFB. For information about access to the Helen Keller Archives or permission to use photos and writings from the collection, contact Permissions, M.C. Migel Memorial Library, in writing, at AFB headquarters in New York City. The intimate story of two women whose lives were bound together in a unique relationship marked by genius, dependence, and love. Lash traces Anne Sullivan's early years in a Massachusetts poorhouse, describes her meeting with Helen Keller in Alabama, and goes on to recount the joint events of their lives: Helen's childhood experiences, education at Radcliffe, and work in vaudeville, politics, and for the blind.

Teacher Anne Sullivan Macy

Book Description

Helen Keller tells us about Anne Sullivan Macy, the woman who opened the world for her. Although the book was intended as a biography, it is also autobiographical in part since the lives of the author and subject were so closely intertwined for many years.


Book Description

Most people know the story of Helen Keller who at the age of nineteen months had an illness that left her blind and deaf. A teacher was hired for Helen when she was six years old by the name of Anne Sullivan. Anne Sullivan (Macy) taught Helen how to communicate and acted as Helens eyes and ears for fifty years. She guided Helen through several schools, and ultimately Helen graduated from Radcliffe College with honors. Helen Keller, with Anne by her side, achieved worldwide fame for her work on behalf of the blind. The story of Anne Sullivan (Macy) is not well known. As a child, she herself was blind as well as poor, abused by her father, and lived for five years in an almshouse (poorhouse). This biography of Anne Sullivan (Macy) tells her story as she may have told it.

Beyond the Miracle Worker

Book Description

A detailed biography of Anne Sullivan Macy, the teacher and tutor of Helen Keller, that chronicles her early life and life-long dedication to helping Helen.

Helen Keller's Teacher

Book Description

The true story of the dedicated woman Anne Sullivan Macy, who became Helen Keller's lifetime teacher and friend.


Book Description

Helen's Eyes

Book Description

A photobiography of Annie Sullivan, a woman who overcame her own disabilities to become an educational pioneer and life-long teacher to Helen Keller.

Anne Sullivan Macy The Story Behind Helen Keller

Book Description

這本書寫於1933年,在美國甚或其實地區已經屬於公共領域。 出版者將舊書製成數位化版本是為了向這三位女性致敬:作者內拉·布拉迪(Nella Braddy)、第一位獲得大學學位的聾盲人海倫·凱勒(Helen Keller) 以及她堅持不懈的老師安妮·蘇利文·梅西(Anne Sullivan Macy)。此外,海倫凱勒的筆跡也被數位化,製成為海倫凱勒手寫字體(Helen Keller Handwriting Font),並用於這電子書的封面。 這本書在教育和人類演進方面具有非常重要的意義,其內容對整個世界是無價的。

Miracle Worker and the Transcendentalist

Book Description

Helen Keller and her teacher, Annie Sullivan, remain two of the best-known American women. But few people know how Sullivan came to her role as teacher of the deaf and blind Keller. Contrasting their lives with Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, the era's prominent abolitionist, this book sheds light on the gender and disability expectations that affected the public perception of Sullivan and Keller. This book provides a fascinating insight into class, ethnicity, gender, and disability issues in the Gilded Age and Progressive-Era America.