Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange: Multiplication War

Book Description

"Multiplication War" is a game for students in grades 4-6 that uses decks of playing cards to review multiplication facts. Teachers.Net provides the instructions for the game as part of the Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange online resource.

Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange: Multiplication Stations

Book Description

Lisa Hall presents a series of games used to reinforce multiplication facts with elementary students. Hall includes a list of the materials required, the time needed, and the procedures for each game. Teachers.Net provides the instructions for the games as part of the Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange online resource.

Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange: Multiplication Names

Book Description

Tonya Roberts presents an activity intended to help students in grade 3 review multiplication facts daily. Each student has a name tag with a multiplication problem and must call other students by the answer to their problem. Teachers.Net provides the instructions for the activity as part of the Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange online resource.

Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange: Pop--a--Top Math Game

Book Description

Janet Hill presents an activity entitled "Pop a Top," intended to help elementary students practice and review basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Hill includes a list of the materials required and the procedures. Teachers.Net provides the instructions for the activity as part of the Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange online resource.

Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange: Multiplication Is a Real Handful (Multiplying by 5's).

Book Description

Trish Johnson presents a lesson designed to introduce the concept of multiplying by fives to elementary students. Johnson includes a list of the materials required, the time needed, and the procedures. Teachers.Net provides the lesson as part of the Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange online resource.

Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange: Pig/Hog

Book Description

Debbie Bickford describes a game, called Pig/Hog, intended to help elementary student review addition and multiplication facts. Teachers.Net provides the game as part of the Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange online resource.

Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange: Help Students Stay Focused on Long Division Problems

Book Description

Esmer L. Rodriguez presents an activity intended to help 4th grade students master the process of long division. Rodriguez includes a list of the materials required, the time needed, and the procedures. Teachers.Net provides the instructions for the activity as part of the Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange online resource.

Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange: Moonlight Madness Night Time

Book Description

"Moonlight Madness Night Time" is a lesson designed to teach preschool children the concept of even and odd numbers. Teachers.Net provides the instructions for the lesson as part of the Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange online resource.

Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange: Blast Off to Learning

Book Description

Kevin Goff presents a lesson for middle school students on the scientific method, gas laws, and limiting reagents, which involves creating a rocket from an empty film cannister. Goff includes a list of the materials required, the time needed, and the procedures. Teachers.Net provides the lesson as part of the Teachers.Net Lesson Exchange online resource.