Teaching the 3 Cs: Creativity, Curiosity, and Courtesy

Book Description

Nurture enthusiastic learners, promote school readiness, and meet state standards by integrating creativity, curiosity, and courtesy into the curriculum through developmentally appropriate, fun activities.

Reaching Standards and Beyond in Kindergarten

Book Description

Focusing on research-based, developmentally appropriate practices, this book shows teachers how to help young children reach standards through creative play activities that ignite their enthusiasm to learn.

Graad R in Perspektief

Book Description

Graad R in Perspektief is 'n gestruktureerde akademiese gids vir studente, opvoeders en praktisyns in die veld van vroeekindontwikkeling. Dit is saamgestel volgens die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) van die Nasionale Onderwysdepartement 2011 en toon die jongste tendense van internasionale bronne. Die fokus le op die voorbereiding van die student om die beginsels van die informele onderrigbenadering te verstaan en dit te implementeer. Duidelike voorskrifte word gegee om kennis, vaardighede en houdings by die jong kind te ontwikkel sodat elke leerder selfverwesenliking kan bereik. Inligting word voorsien oor die inrigting van die klaskamer en speelomgewing om vir leerders optimale leergeleenthede te skep. Leerders se verskillende ontwikkelingsvlakke en kulture word in ag geneem. Wenke vir onderrig in die praktyk word toegelig met toepaslike voorbeelde en foto's.

Grade R in Perspective

Book Description

Grade R in Perspective is a structured academic guide for students, educators and practitioners in the field of early child development. It is compiled according to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Declaration (CAPS) of the National Department of Education 2011 and presents the latest tendencies of international sources. The focus is put on preparing the student to understand the principles of the informal teaching approach and to implement them. Clear directions are given to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the young child so that each learner can achieve self-realisation. Information is given on organising the classroom and the play area to create optimal learning opportunities for the learners. The different levels of development and cultures of the learners are taken into consideration. Valuable suggestions for teaching in practice are illustrated with appropriate examples and photos.

Critical and Creative Thinking Activities, Grade 3 Teacher Resource

Book Description

Fun and challenging activities and exercises to strengthen children's thinking skills such as logic and problem solving.

Creative Activities for Young Children

Book Description

Creative Activities for Young Children, 9th edition is a rare combination of an art and curriculum text, and is an invaluable resource for any teacher, pre-service or experienced. Teachers, parents, and child-care providers will value this teaching resource that not only promotes creativity in children but also encourages readers to exercise their own creativity. It has a wealth of information covering every conceivable content area that would be encountered in an early childhood classroom, as well as up to grade 5. The sound theoretical base of the book is applied in the hundreds of practical activities provided throughout the text. This updated edition addresses national early childhood standards, more coverage on developmentally appropriate practice (DAP), in depth discussion of play and art development theories, as well as additional activities for children with special needs and more activities to meet specific learning styles. All references, including websites, software recommendations, and additional readings have been updated in this edition. The final section on Creativity and Multicultural Education covers the place of creativity in the anti-bias curriculum, and provides a multitude of creative activity ideas for use in the multicultural classrooms of today. Students will find this book to be a continual resource throughout their professional careers. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Provoking Curiosity

Book Description

When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It!

Book Description

An exciting new collection of sublimely simple wisdom from a bestselling author, celebrated athlete, and a true American hero. Three-time MVP and Hall of Famer Yogi Berra hit home runs twice in a row with his two previous books, The Yogi Book and It Ain't Over. Now, his winning streak will continue with this latest work -- a collection of appealing, funny, and surprisingly moving essays on life, happiness, and getting through the slumps. Filled with another delightful helping of Yogi's inimitable and unwittingly wise aphorisms, these reflections focus on the valuable lessons he's learned on and off the field. From his early years as an immigrant's son who dropped out of the eighth grade through his triumphant career as a player and manager who played in a record seventy-five World Series games, Yogi illustrates his homespun philosophies with apt analogies to his trove of baseball stories. He expounds on such topics as Patience (Waiting for your pitch); Sacrifice (Laying down a bunt); Trusting Others (Taking direction); and Staying Focused (Keeping your eye on the ball), to show how the rules of life and baseball are uncannily similar. And, in the tradition of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and All I Really Need to I Know I Learned in Kindergarten, he explains his recipe for fulfillment and happiness with life lessons that are profoundly simple, simply profound--and classic Yogi to the core. Following on the heels of two New York Times bestselling books and filled with memorable photos, this new collection of Yogi wisdom will undoubtedly expand his growing legion of fans. When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It! is a wise, humble, touching book that's a guaranteed winner. In short, it's Déjà vu all over again. A baseball legend reflects on the following lessons... "A nickel ain't worth a dime any more." "It ain't over til it's over." "You can't think and hit at the same time." "I didn't really say everything I said." "The future ain't what it used to be." . . . and many more.

Curiosity and Powerful Learning

Book Description

Theories of action are the common reference points that assist educators to identify, design, implement and evaluate teaching and leadership practices. 'Curiosity and powerful learning' describes ten theories of action and suggests strategies for using them to increase curiosity and powerful learning.