Tears of laughter in deafening silence

Book Description

Gedichte, erg nzt durch Fotografien und Malerei, die Impressionen meines bisherigen Lebens wieder spiegeln. Voll von st ndigem Pendeln zwischen Extremen. Das Wachsen durch Schmerz, Blut und Tr nen. Immer wieder aufstehen, weitergehen und niemals aufh ren, dazuzulernen. Aufrecht und erhobenen Hauptes, mit starken R ckgrat und Stolz im Herzen das Leben zu meistern.

Lake Of Tears

Book Description

There are many different stories that the Indians tell. Myths and legends, history of the old ones of years ago, curses that seem they will never be broken spirits held captive. Will this be the day that a long untold ledgend comes true?...

The Indomitable Silence

Book Description

In Journey into the Soul, Angelo explored the fundamental question: Who am I? Now our intrepid seeker embarks on a new adventure by asking himself, What is my heart telling me? Navigating the experiences and challenges of his life, he takes us into a fantastical realm where love knocks down the walls between peoples minds and builds bridges between our hearts. Here we find a world in which we can be free from the regrets of yesterday and the worries for tomorrow, truly living today and fully appreciating each moment. This book takes us on a unique journey into our own hearts and that of life itself, where stillness speaks and peace and joy await our return home not only at the end of the road but also along the way. When we come to see the true nature of who we are, we can walk fearlessly through any dark tunnel, filling it with our inner light. And in doing so, we lift ourselves and others up the mountain of pure potential. The Indomitable Silence is a treasure for everyone who longs to experience ones true self and then wants to bring this understanding into the world and make it a better place for all of us, one heart at a time.

An Endless Exile

Book Description

“Hereward is dead.” His estranged wife, Torfrida, doesn't believe it. Beautiful, clever and wise in the lore of the stars, she assumes it's a trick to win back her wifely submission. Hereward the Wake, the legendary English hero who defied and defeated William the Conqueror, could not have been killed in such a way. But when she sees the murdered body with her own eyes, all that is left to her is to discover the truth. Vividly remembering the past as she goes, Torfrida investigates the circumstances that led to Hereward's death, for even now, she needs to believe in the flawed, turbulent man who was her only love. From their first childhood meeting, through their tempestuous courtship and marriage, their life together teemed with adventure, romance, intrigue, and betrayal. And the truth, when Torfrida eventually finds it, only leads her into greater danger, threatening her unexpected new happiness in the very moment of its discovery...

To Fetch a Pail of Water

Book Description

From Mother Goose to mentoring, being deserted to deserting, divorce to depression, bitterness to forgiveness, join Jill in her journey across six southern states as she fetches water to quench her thirsty soul. Witness how the Hound of heaven consistently serves her a love-sated ladle of living water, even when her choices seem to spurn His advances. Discovering in the midst of her myriad do-it-yourself schemes that she was being sought, she imputed the revelation that God only uses cracked cisternsand fractured she felt. Because the three Wise Men diligently searched for the promised bright star and readied their gifts amid the worlds busyness, they were the ones enlightened by Jesuss birth. Light is sown like seed only for those girded with the gift of expectation. Dwelling in darkness chains us inside a prison of our own making, but its often more comfortable than freedoms difficulties. Butit is only in falling, and in breaking our crowns, that we tumble into an acute craving for our Maker to truly exercise His uncontestable sovereignty over us. The tough, hard seed corn must be buried and broken before it blossoms. He has granted us choices: Tears or triumph? Mourning or morning? Pitiful or praising? Haphazard or holy? Do-it-yourself or divine design? Come. Bring your empty pail, and don your apron. He will fill them with the finest wheat and honey from the rock. Open your mouth wide. How much do you want?

The Edge of a Cry

Book Description

Oumar Farouk Sesay was resident playwright of Bai Bureh Theatre in the hay days during the 1980s. Several of his plays were performed in the then City Hall which won him accolades amongst his peers. He wrote for local and international newspapers and has been published in anthologies of Sierra Leonean poets. His poems have been translated into German and Spanish.


Book Description

This is a work of fiction about a young teenage girl orphaned in childhood and raised by her grandmother who lost control when Katie got into high school. She hires a body guard/mentor, Nicholas Chow to help her manage Katie. He is a retired NYPD police officer about 8 years older than Katie. He was medically retired due to a bullet wound. He is Chinese. They go through turbulent times dealing with peer pressure, low self esteem, honesty, and all of the things teens must deal with. It is story of adventure, travel, heartache & torment with a dash of crime and retribution. There is a discreetly done bit of sex. There are also episodes of humor. With the help of Nicholas, Katie becomes a good student and matures into a well adjusted, beautiful young lady who is proud of who and what she is.

Beyond the Finish Line

Book Description

Embark on a thrilling journey beyond the confines of the racetrack in "Beyond the Finish Line". This gripping novel dives deep into the intertwined lives of Amanda Sinclair, a medical student burdened by family expectations, and Antonio Giovanni Rossi, a Formula 1 champion grappling with the weight of fame. As the only daughter of renowned doctors, Amanda, fondly known as Mandy, navigates the delicate balance between duty and desire. Her seemingly perfect facade hides layers of complexity, which unravel when she receives an unexpected invitation that turns her world upside down. Meanwhile, Antonio, labeled as a playboy and womanizer, struggles to escape the shadow of his legendary father while facing repercussions for his reckless behavior both on and off the track. When a leaked photo threatens to derail his career, he sees a glimmer of hope in an unlikely ally. Set against the backdrop of high-stakes racing and family expectations, "Beyond the Finish Line" explores themes of love, redemption, and the pursuit of personal identity. With vivid storytelling and compelling characters, Katheryn Kaufmann crafts a captivating narrative that transcends the boundaries of sports fiction. Experience the thrill of the race, the drama of forbidden love, and the triumph of the human spirit in "Beyond the Finish Line." Whether you're a fan of motorsports or simply crave a riveting tale of passion and perseverance, this novel promises to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. Don't miss out on the next literary sensation. Order your copy of "Beyond the Finish Line" today and discover what lies beyond the checkered flag.

The Descendant

Book Description

John and Eleanor take over the tenancy of The Old Coaching Inn (The Coach) situated in the Pendle area of Lancashire intending to renovating the third floor attic to provide bed and breakfast accommodation. There is a legend that The Coach is haunted by a ghost Henry. At first things run smoothly, but eventually more unexplained things start to occur which cannot be attributed solely to Henry. In London, Paul Mitch Mitchell who is a close acquaintance of Jennifer, Eleanors best friend, is having dreams of events which took place long ago. Each dream becomes more vivid and revealing. Jennifer decides to investigate. She enlists the help of Jake, one of her colleagues at London University. And Jakes wife Annabel who is a spirit medium experienced in the paranormal. With the help of Lucy a research assistant at the University, they come to the rescue. Annabel conducts one-to-one psychic readings and sances to find out what is troubling the spirit. Will it ever be appeased? And, if so how? The answer lies with The Descendant, but, who is it?

Poetic Process

Book Description

Georg Trakl (1887–1914) has emerged as one of the most influential poets of the century. Kudszus both explores and participates in the relentless process of Trakl’s writing. Presumptions of objectivity, authority, dialogue, and coherence are questioned in a discourse that also involves Martin Heidegger’s philosophical reflections on Trakl, C. G. Jung’s self-analytical reading of James Joyce’s Ulysses, and the Bluebeard tale as related by Charles Perrault. Faithful to its title, Poetic Process activates key issues of twentieth-century poetry—terror, pain, madness, imagination unbound—through a dynamically self-reflective inquiry. Under the impact of the poetic text, this investigation engages in a continuous refinement and transformation of its own critical stance. Poetic Process draws on the ability of poetry to explore uncharted realms of the human condition. The result is a contribution to the knowledge of poetic language and effects.