Techniques, Tools and Methodologies Applied to Global Supply Chain Ecosystems

Book Description

This book presents the latest developments concerning techniques, tools, and methodologies in supply chain ecosystems. It gathers contributions from a variety of experts, who analyze a range of case studies and industrial sectors such as manufacturing, energy, agricultural, healthcare, humanitarian logistics, and urban goods distribution, to name but a few. The book is chiefly intended to meet the needs of two sectors: firstly, the academic sector, so as to familiarize students, professors, and researchers with the tools that are now being used to optimize supply chains; and secondly, the industrial and managerial sector, so that supply chain management practitioners can benefit from methods and tools that are yielding valuable results in other contexts.

Innovation and Sustainability in Governments and Companies: A Perspective to the New Realities

Book Description

Innovation and sustainability are issues that have become very relevant in recent years. This book presents a compilation of investigations on these topics, divided into those applied in government or enterprises. The objective is to demonstrate to the audience how these issues have been worked around the world and in different scenarios. Among the papers, there are works related to economic variables, imports, exports, and analysis in different sectors such as tourism, agriculture, education, and even in countries in general.

The New Ideal Worker

Book Description

Many managers and organizations still assume that employees who devote long hours to their jobs with no family interference are “ideal workers”. However, this assumption has negative consequences for employees, their families and, more interestingly, for their organizations. This book provides a wealth of empirical evidence from around the globe, as well as innovative conceptual frameworks, to help practitioners and researchers alike to go beyond the classic notion of the “ideal worker” and to rethink what companies actually need from their employees. As it demonstrates, doing so will be beneficial for countless men and women, and for society at large.

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Evaluaciones nacionales del rendimiento académico Volumen 4

Book Description

Análisis de los datos de una evaluación nacional del rendimiento académico es el cuarto de cinco volúmenes de la serie Evaluaciones nacionales del rendimiento académico. Otros volúmenes han descrito los procedimientos de una evaluación hasta llegar a la fase de preparación de los datos para su análisis estadístico, el tema del presente volumen. Los análisis precisos que se lleven a cabo dependerán de las necesidades de información de los responsables políticos y los gestores educativos. En la mayoría de las evaluaciones nacionales, estas necesidades tienen que ver con la calidad del aprendizaje estudiantil, los factores relacionados con el aprendizaje, las cuestiones de equidad, y en algunos casos, la transformación de los resultados educativos con el paso del tiempo. El volumen 4, que consta de dos partes, explica detalladamente los pasos necesarios para el análisis de los datos recopilados en una evaluación nacional. La 1.ª parte ofrece una introducción general a los análisis estadísticos llevados a cabo normalmente en las evaluaciones a gran escala, midiendo la tendencia central y la dispersión de los puntajes de los alumnos, así como las relaciones entre variables. La 2.ª parte describe el programa IATA (Item and Test Analysis), que utiliza la Teoría Clásica de las Pruebas y la Teoría de Respuesta al à?tem para establecer escalas sobre las que determinar los puntajes de los alumnos. Se describe en detalle los pasos del análisis de las administraciones de las pruebas piloto y las pruebas definitivas. Un CD complementario contiene ejercicios especialmente diseñados y ficheros de datos de respaldo para ambas partes del volumen. Este libro será de interés para los especialistas en evaluaciones en gobiernos nacionales, regionales y locales, instituciones de investigación y universidades.

Advances in Cross-Section Data Methods in Applied Economic Research

Book Description

This proceedings volume presents new methods and applications in applied economics with special interest in advanced cross-section data estimation methodology. Featuring select contributions from the 2019 International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE 2019) held in Milan, Italy, this book explores areas such as applied macroeconomics, applied microeconomics, applied financial economics, applied international economics, applied agricultural economics, applied marketing and applied managerial economics. International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE) is an annual conference that started in 2008, designed to bring together economists from different fields of applied economic research, in order to share methods and ideas. Applied economics is a rapidly growing field of economics that combines economic theory with econometrics, to analyze economic problems of the real world, usually with economic policy interest. In addition, there is growing interest in the field of applied economics for cross-section data estimation methods, tests and techniques. This volume makes a contribution in the field of applied economic research by presenting the most current research. Featuring country specific studies, this book is of interest to academics, students, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in applied economics, econometrics and economic policy.


Book Description

Evolución y complejidad

Book Description

Les espècies evolucionen, canvien amb el pas del temps i així ho va constatar i argumentar Charles Darwin. El que té entre les mans és una obra que intenta integrar dues grans visions de l?evolució que sovint es presenten enfrontades. D?una banda, la visió que emfatitza la contingència, els accidents congelats i la irreversibilitat, i determina una ciència eminentment històrica. De l?altra, la visió més racio¬nal, basada en la comprensió dels processos d?auto¬organització semblants als d?altres sistemes físics allunyats de l?equilibri termodinàmic, i que determina una ciència estructuralista. El resultat és una visió més rica i plural del fenomen evolutiu, en la qual es posen en evidència els paradigmes clàssics. Una revisió acurada de la visió més ortodoxa de l?evolució a la recerca d?explicacions teòriques que van més enllà dels límits de la biologia.

Elsevier's Dictionary of Medicine

Book Description

This is a comprehensive medical and scientific dictionary for the 21st century. New vocabulary is constantly being introduced into fast moving medico-scientific disciplines such as genomics, clinical trials, medico-legal, health economics and pharmacovigilance. This new terminology is included in this dictionary, clearly defined and accurately translated into Spanish. The dictionary contains more than 28,000 main entries and many subentries: (a) medical terms used outside the medical community, including colloquial usage; (b) technical medical terms in current use in clinical practice and research; (c) new technical terms in the fields of medicine, medical research and basic scientific research applied to medicine, defined in recent years. The breadth of subjects covered and the accessibility of the definitions make it user-friendly for the educated general public, while the level of detail and state-of-the-art coverage of recent terminology make it a unique tool for professionals.