Tecnología de las energías renovables

Book Description

Esta obra es del autor de otras obras de energía solar térmica y fotovoltaica de nuestra editorial y de gran éxito, con varias ediciones en poco tiempo. Es un nuevo libro que trata las energías renovables más importantes de la actualidad y que lo serán en el futuro. Esta obra estudia ampliamente la energía solar térmica, la energía solar fotovoltaica, la energía solar termoeléctrica, la energía eólica y la biomasa. El contenido es muy amplio en un solo tomo para tener una amplia visión de estas fuentes de energía y para además profundizar en el diseño, la instalación, el mantenimiento y la puesta en marcha de los sistemas de energía tratados en este libro. Es una obra muy interesante para cualquier técnico de energías renovables, para instaladores, técnicos, estudiantes, cursos de formación, arquitectos, empresas constructoras, centros de formación, etc. que necesiten una documentación actualizada, práctica y que aporta conocimientos muy amplios de las energías renovables.

Book Description

19th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

Book Description

Libro de resúmenes del XIX Congreso Internacional de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (CIDIP 2015) celebrado en Granada

Just One Planet

Book Description

Based on analysis of the evidence for climate change and the vulnerability of poor people, develops a framework for action and examines the link between consumer and political choices in the North, and impacts in the South on the most vulnerable people on the planet.

International Directory of New and Renewable Energy Information Sources and Research Centres

Book Description

UNESCO pub. International directory of research centres, UN and specialized agencies and other international organizations, government agencys and information sources dealing with alternative energy sources and renewable resources of energy - abbreviations, bibliography, directory of data bases.

AP Spanish Language and Culture Premium

Book Description

Always study with the most up-to-date prep! Look for AP Spanish Language and Culture Premium, 2022-2023, ISBN 9781506278452, on sale January 4, 2022. Publisher's Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitles included with the product.

Renewable Energies and European Landscapes

Book Description

This book provides timely, multidisciplinary cross-national comparison of the institutional and social processes through which renewable energy landscapes have emerged in Southern Europe. On the basis of case studies in these countries, it analyzes the way in which and the extent to which the development of renewable energies has affected landscape forms and whether or not it has contributed to a reformulation of landscape practices and values in these countries. Landscape is conceived broadly, as a material, social, political and historical process embedded into the local realm, going beyond aesthetic. The case studies analyze renewable energy landscapes in Southern Europe on different political and geographical scales and compare different types of renewable energy such as wind, hydro, solar and biomass power. The contributors are leading experts from Spain, France, Italy and Portugal. The book is intended for researchers, graduate students and professionals interested in geography, landscape and planning.

The Cry of Mother Earth

Book Description

The Cry of Mother Earth: Plan of Action of the Ecosocialist International recognizes and records the history and the future of the world’s first Ecosocialist International, a chorus of grief and praise for Mother Earth, and a planetary program of revolutionary action in defense of free life. It combines two historic documents, written in a collective process of loving exchange and hope, in a land that knows liberation, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The first is an invitation—an urgent summons to come together and draft a plan of action for the salvation of ourselves and the planet. It is a wish—a seed. The second is the fruit of that seed written a year later, over the course of four days with the words of over 100 delegates from five continents. It is a compass and a cradle, a map and a manifesto, for a global revolution—a return to a way of life in unity with nature.