
Book Description

Amber is one of over a million eighteen-year-olds in one of the great hive cities of twenty-sixth century Earth. She’s about to enter the Lottery of 2532, which will assess her abilities and decide her hive level, her profession, her whole future life. Amber’s dream is to be level 10 or above, her nightmare is to be a level 99 Sewage Technician. When Lottery discovers Amber is a rare and precious telepath, she must adapt to a new life protecting the people of the crowded hive city. Her job is hunting down criminals before they commit their crimes, but she doesn’t know she’s being hunted herself.

I, Telepath

Book Description

I, Telepath By: M. E. Miller I, Telepath mixes science facts and science fiction. Medical science states that the process of thought is an electrochemical reaction in our brains. When the brain suffers a hit by lightning, the dying neurons release neurotransmitters. These dying neurons begin to rewire themselves, giving access to areas in the brain that were previously inaccessible. In this book, a man suffers a traumatic injury, survives, and begins a new life he couldn’t have imagined. As he adjusts to this new life, there are new dangers he must face and only one person he must learn to trust.

The Telepath

Book Description

Kara remembers nothing of her family, lost to her when she was a child. She has to stay hidden and avoid people. It never pays for her to help others. Since when she did, she got caught and caged. Then things changed. Her tormented life made no sense until now. New information and insights have brought her family, security, and acceptance. Helping others may be her salvation and her freedom. ~ What if your soulmate was born in a different realm? The Alterealm Series is a paranormal romance in a fantasy, otherworld setting with plenty of action and fate to decide their destinies.


Book Description

Telepathy, a component of extrasensory perception (ESP), has been studied and tested extensively by the scientific community since the 19th century, yet it remains a mystery. Investigating minor events (such as knowing when the doorbell is about to ring) as well as more serious attempts at mind-to-mind communication, this guide encourages the development of the natural gift for telepathy. After introducing the history of telepathy research, the book teaches how to access and nurture telepathic abilities by using techniques and exercises, such as meditation and crystals, that enhance and train the dormant telepathic mind.

Another Telepathic Thing

Book Description

This volume documents one of the treasures of Big Dance Theater's original performances, supplemented by a series of interviews.

The Telepath Chronicles

Book Description

Telepathy. Just a far-fetched bit of science fiction “hocus pocus.” But is it? With today's giant leaps forward in technology and biotechnology, with people constantly surrounded by sophisticated yet invisible communication networks, and with a rapidly increasing understanding of the brain's inner workings . . . is it so hard to imagine that we might be able to develop direct mind-to-mind communication? Or might it not be the case that evolution alone, in the right circumstances—if not on this planet, then on others—could give rise to creatures with telepathic abilities? This collection of fourteen stories explores the ramifications of a future where telepathy is real. From that first glorious moment of discovery, to the subsequent jealousies and class divisions, to the dangers of weaponization and the blessings of medical miracles, The Telepath Chronicles promises to take you inside the creative minds of some of today's top science fiction authors.

Telepaths, Volume 1

Book Description

The brand new epic from comic book legends J. Michael Straczynksi (The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor) and Steve Epting (Captain America: The Winter Soldier). An electromagnetic disturbance results in the sudden awakening of telepathic powers in a tenth of the Earth’s population. In the moments after the world comes to grip with this development, newly-telepathic Boston police find themselves sent against a wrongly convicted prisoner who becomes a hero and leader of other telepaths trying to escape a world in which their powers will make them targets. Both are heroes of their own story, and the future may depend on whether or not trust can be found between them.

BRUCE the Telepath

Book Description

“Pros-pe-ri-ty!” “Right! Abundance is the messenger of prosperity. When abundance arrives at our lives, it doesn’t come only to satisfy our desires, but especially to make us desire more!” “More?” “Much, much more! Desire is the great messenger. Stop desiring is the same as shutting up.” “So I should desire abundance?” “Of course not!” Bruce bent, almost giving her a karate blow. “Do not make that mistake! We end up becoming that which we desire. See yourself in abundance, but do not mistake yourself for it. Abundance does not listen, speak or see, and doesn’t even feel itself.” “So...” “It’s prosperity you should desire! And never stop talking to it, because when we shut up before prosperity, it shuts up before us, and when that happens, abundance becomes waste; and waste, scarcity.” A silence manifested so that she could think about it. “Acknowledge your young spirit, it doesn’t grow old in time.” Bruce resumed talking, having new insights. “Don’t ignore your talents; never allow prosperity to shut up in your life. Where prosperity doesn’t speak, vitality grows old, health gets sick and happiness saddens.” Bruce then started crying. A leaf detached from the tree and fell in front of her. “Why are you crying?” “It’s so sad to see happiness sad!”, he said, sobbing. “Don’t be sad. I’ll cry too...” “Promise you won’t be sad anymore?” “Promise.” “You really do?” “I do!” “Has any leaf fallen near you?” “Yes.” “Read what is written. I want to know too...” She took the leaf and read: “‘You cannot look for prosperity, it is already in you. It’s not about searching, but meeting. For abundance to arrive at your life, you just need to talk to prosperity’” She kept the leaf, preparing to go down. “No, don’t go”, he asked. “Let’s keep talking...”

Comping Techniques

Book Description