Sediments in the Tema Harbour (Ghana)

Book Description

Sediment pollution and accumulation in harbours are major environmental issues and studies that advance their solutions are essential for harbour sustainability. This book provides the first comprehensive assessment of chemical pollution in sediments and sediment accumulation rates in the tropical Tema Harbour (Ghana). This book contributes to improving our ability to use an integrated approach involving sediment chemistry and bioassays in one comprehensive assessment of the contamination state of a tropical coastal environment. Whole-sediment toxicity bioassays using the amphipod Corophium volutator and the polychaete Hediste diversicolor as bioindicators were combined with data on concentrations of total metal and metal binding forms, radionuclides, organochlorine pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in bottom sediments as well as total metal concentrations in settling silt-clay particles collected by sediment traps to characterise the hazard, risk and impact of sediments from the tropical coastal Tema Harbour.

Child Laborers in Tema and Accra Metro Areas

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What is poverty and how does it affect family life and children in particular? How should children from an early age be socialized to menial labor? This seven-year research seeks to understand how girls are socialized in a modern traditionalistic society that is bent on stripping them of normal childhood and destined for a life of back-breaking and dangerous manual street labor for a long stretch of time in order to put food on the family table without quality of life and education for a career.

Enseñanzas y estudios por tema del Nuevo Testamento

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Cuando crei y recibi a Cristo, como mi Salvador y Senor, no tenia una comprension clara de como leer la Biblia, o de donde empezar a leerla. Asi que basandome en lo que habia aprendido en este mundo, en la escuela, por ejemplo, empece a leer la Biblia desde el principio, desde el libro del Genesis. Despues de todo, eso es lo que aprendi en la escuela, un libro se empieza a leer desde el principio. Las historias del Antiguo Testamento me fascinaban, eran mejores y mas emocionantes para mi que las ensenanzas y mandamientos de Jesus en el Nuevo Testamento. Lo que no entendia, y lo que no me ensenaron, fue que yo habia creido y recibido a Jesucristo como mi Salvador y Senor. Que ahora era su seguidor, su discipulo, su siervo. Y como su siervo, yo tenia que empezar a leer del Nuevo Testamento primero, para empezar a aprender las ensenanzas, instrucciones y mandamientos de mi Senor, lo que el queria que ahora yo hiciera, y asi, empezar a ser obediente a su palabra. No sabia que tambien era un mandamiento de nuestro Padre Celestial, que nos dice en Hechos 3, 22-23, que debemos empezar a leer del Nuevo Testamento, para poder hacer lo que Jesus ahora nos dice que hagamos. En el Nuevo Testamento, Jesus comienza a ensenarnos, sus nuevas leyes, y lo diferente de las antiguas, las que todavia debemos obedecer y hacer, y las que ya no hacemos. Por ejemplo, la ley del ojo por ojo, o diente por diente, y otras que estan escritas en Mateo 5, 21-47. Otras como la circuncision, el dia septimo, sobre los sacrificios de animales, que clase de animales podemos comer ahora, y muchas mas. Tambien aprendi que otra razon por la que empezamos a leer del Nuevo Testamento, es para podamos entender lo que realmente Dios requiere de nosotros, para convertirnos en verdaderos cristianos, o en unos verdaderos seguidores de Cristo. Para crecer espiritualmente, para desarrollar una relacion intima con Dios, y para estar completamente equipado para servirle. Tambien aprendi que a diferencia del Antiguo Testamento, Dios nos ha dado a cada uno de nosotros, los que ahora seguimos a su hijo Jesus, su Espiritu Santo, para ayudarnos y guiarnos en cada paso de nuestra vida espiritual con Cristo. Y asi poder vivir la vida santa que el ahora quiere que vivamos hasta el final, o hasta que Jesus vuelva.


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"Upstate" records the imprint of American industrial and agricultural history left on settings in and around Hudson, including the rural communities of Germantown and Livingston. Combining poetry with realism, the images express a quiet beauty and mystery in the vernacular architecture and artifacts reflecting the industrial era and rural settings in upstate New York and the shifting economic realities over time.

Port of Tema

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Monthly Bulletin

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The Emperor Has No Clothes

Book Description

The Emperor Has No Clothes: Teaching About Race and Racism to People Who Don’t Want to Know offers theoretical grounding and practical approaches for leaders and teachers interested in effectively addressing racism and other oppressive constructs. The book draws both on the author’s extensive experience teaching about race and racism in classroom and community settings and from the theory and practice of a wide range of educators, activists, and researchers committed to social justice. The first chapter looks at the toxic consequences of our western cultural insistence on profit, binary thinking, and individualism to establish the theoretical framework for teaching about race and racism. Chapter two investigates privileged resistance, offering a psycho/social history of denial, particularly as a product of racist culture. Chapter three reviews the research on the construction and reconstruction of dominant culture both historically and now in order to establish sound strategic approaches that educators, teachers, facilitators, and activists can take as we work together to move from a culture of profit and fear to one of shared hope and love. Chapter four lays out the stages of a process that supports teaching about racist, white supremacy culture, explaining how students can be taken through an iterative process of relationshipbuilding, analysis, planning, action, and reflection. The final chapter borrows from the brilliant, brave, and incisive writer Dorothy Allison to discuss the things the author knows for sure about how to teach people to see that which we have been conditioned to fear knowing. The chapter concludes with how to encourage and support collective and collaborative action as a critical goal of the process.