International Handbook of Distance Education

Book Description

Distance education is arguably one of the major developments in education during the 20th Century. This title explores the array of distance education theories and practices as they have been shaped by the late-20th Century and then positions these in terms of the contemporary circumstances of the 21st Century.


Book Description

This book provides a critical review of the impact of international academics on teaching practices in higher education. As borders and boundaries become increasingly blurred and virtual citizenship starts to impact on ways of working, being able to teach seamlessly across cultures and political divides will be critical to ensuring a thriving higher education sector. This book captures the impact of academic mobility on teaching practices which have been informed by academics’ original cultures being modified to align with those of a host culture. The book comprises three thematic sections which take the reader through the various stages of the internationalisation of higher education teaching practice. It starts with how teaching identities are constructed and influenced by culture and geopolitical factors and concludes with an exploration into the emergence of the global teaching practitioner who is able to work seamlessly across borders and boundaries. The core sections include: i) the geopolitics of teaching identities, ii) a sense of belonging and the lived experience of the academic nomad and iii) academic transition, from migration to integration. Providing practical tools for improving both students’ learning experiences and academics’ classroom practices this volume will be of use to researchers, students, and practitioners from the social sciences (specially business, management, and education) as well as foreign language tutors and TEFL practitioners. Human resource professionals, recruiters, and trainers responsible for recruiting, training, and developing international higher education staff will also find this book to be of interest.

Introduction to Management Accounting, Chap. 1-14

Book Description

Make the right decisions with Horngren/Sundem/Stratton! Horngren/Sundem/Stratton's best-selling texts emphasize decision-making throughout each chapter. Decision-making is introduced in the early text chapters and also appears in many of the text features: "Making Managerial Decisions" boxes, critical thinking exercises, and more. As always, students develop a solid understanding of costs and cost behavior and the use of cost information for planning and control decisions, not just inventory valuation. Two text versions enable faculty to select a text that only covers management accounting concepts (Chs. 1-14) or one that includes three chapters of financial accounting review (Chs. 1-17). New OneKey provides the convenience of having all text resources in a single location and available in your choice of course management platform: BlackBoard, WebCT, and CourseCompass. OneKey also includes PH Grade Assist on-line homework with automatic grading and infinite practice for students).

Current Catalog

Book Description

First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.

ADMINISTRAÇÃO Coletânea de escritos científicos

Book Description

Encontram-se atualmente na literatura sobre gestão de pessoas alguns trabalhos, desenvolvidos por diferentes autores, que buscam retratar problemas e desconfortos presentes no cotidiano das pessoas que podem reduzir sua produtividade e gerar conflitos e aborrecimentos. Por conseguinte, este trabalho busca abordar as consequências que os ruídos acima do normal, ou seja, 50 dB, acarretam ao ser humano. Observam-se na cidade de Manaus, em áreas residenciais, muitas edificações que se destinam ao lazer, diversão, alimentação e outros. Conquanto seja da natureza humana e pertinente ao cidadão o direito ao lazer, tais usos deverão respeitar a vizinhança, garantindo níveis de pressão sonora confortáveis, que expressem a normalidade dessas comunidades.

ENGENHARIA DE PRODU‚ÌO 2 Colet‰nea de Escritos Cient’ficos

Book Description

Este artigo trata da gestão da qualidade em prestação de serviços e seus reflexos na melhoria da produtividade dos professores: uma proposta de aplicação numa escola no centro de Manaus. A gestão da qualidade é o conjunto de métodos, processos e sistemas que as organizações empregam para maravilhar seus consumidores e, ao mesmo tempo reduzir custos, recuperar investimentos e envolver seus funcionários. Esses métodos evoluem com o tempo.