Compilación de temas de derecho procesal para estudiantes de derecho

Book Description

El Derecho Procesal es la rama del ordenamiento jurídico que se relaciona de manera muy estrecha con el Derecho Sustantivo, por cuanto establece los procesos que sirven y permiten la instrumentalización de derecho material. En tanto el Derecho Procesal Civil es el conjunto de normas e instituciones jurídicas que regulan el proceso civil, es el instrumento que provee el método jurídico para la realización de las normas sustantivas de derecho civil.

Towards a Justice with a Human Face

Book Description

Je tiens egalement a remercier l'editeur KLUWER que nous a garanti une pu blication aisee et attrayante. Ce n'est pas sans fierte que j'ai l'honneur d'introduire la presente edition des actes du congres. PREFACE In the text mentioned above, it has been stated that the texts of the General Rap porteurs were published in their original language and the texts of the opening and closing speeches, although they were made in the five Congress languages (Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish), were published in English, as the Belgian organisers deemed this to be the most rational solution, even though the Con gress took place in a country where three different languages (Dutch, French and German) are spoken there. As regards the publication of this book, I would like to thank Mrs. CAS MAN, who made the texts ready for printing, Profe~sor R. DE CORTE, who saw to the distribution of the texts during the Congress, and the KLUWER publishing com pany for their excellent and faultless publication. I cannot stifle a distinct feeling of pride at being privileged enough to introduce this publication of the Reports. VORWORT Im vorstehenden Text is erortert worden aus welchen GrUnden die Gesamt berichte in ihren originellen Sprachen veroffentlicht wurden, und die Texte der feierlichen Eroffnungssitzung und der Schluss-sitzung im Englischen, obwohl diese verfasst wurden in den fiinf Kongressprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Fran zosisch, NiederHindisch und Spanisch) und obgleich der Kongress veranstaltet wurde in einem Land wo es drei Sprachen (Niederliindisch, Franzosich und Deutsch) gibt.

Latin American Series

Book Description

Voluntary (Non-Contentious) Jurisdiction Around The World

Book Description

This book offers an analysis of the history, legal basis and developments in voluntary jurisdiction in a large number of jurisdictions. Authors discuss the terminology, the nature of voluntary jurisdiction, the recent development, the regulatory basis like actors and forums as well as the scope and procedure including effects, appellation and execution of voluntary jurisdiction in the named countries. In the end provides the fresh statistics, problems, outcomes, reforms and visions.

Derecho Procesal Civil

Book Description

La obra está dirigida primordialmente a quienes cursan las oposiciones a ingreso en las Carreras Judicial y Fiscal. Por ello, su estructura y contenido se adapta al programa publicado en la última convocatoria de la oposición (Acuerdo de 27 de octubre de 2023, de la Comisión de Selección publicado en el BOE núm. 262, de 2 de noviembre de 2023). La presente edición, debidamente actualizada, especialmente con las novedades legislativas que aportan el Real Decreto-ley 5/2023 y el Real Decreto-ley 6/2023, mantiene la tónica de la primera edición: exposición clara y comprensible de los contenidos necesarios para superar el exigente segundo examen oral de la oposición; ajuste a los criterios de valoración que establece el punto 6 de la base séptima de la convocatoria; lenguaje sencillo y directo en el análisis de la regulación legal de cada materia sin eludir los conceptos e instituciones jurídicas; y complemento de los contenidos con aportaciones doctrinales y jurisprudenciales, cuando el tema lo exija. Se mantiene la combinación de tipos de letra, que pretende orientar al opositor sobre la importancia de los contenidos, adaptando los temas a las características de cada uno. La obra será útil igualmente para completar los temas de derecho procesal civil de las oposiciones a ingreso en el Cuerpo de Letrados de la Administración de Justicia, turno libre, (Orden PJC/215/2024, de 20.02, BOE de 8 de marzo de 2024).

A Revised Guide to the Law & Legal Literature of Mexico

Book Description

Revision of 1945 ed. by John T. Vance and Helen L. Clagett published under title : A guide to the law and legal literature of Mexico.

Supreme Courts Under Pressure

Book Description

This book discusses civil litigation at the supreme courts of nine jurisdictions – Argentina, Austria, Croatia, England and Wales, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United States – and focuses on the available instruments used to keep the caseload of these courts within acceptable limits. Such instruments are necessary in order to allow supreme courts to fulfil their main duties, that is, the administration of justice in individual cases (private function) and providing for the uniformity and development of the law within their respective jurisdictions (public function). If the number of cases at the supreme court level is too high, the result is undue delays, which are mainly problematic with regard to the private function. It may also put the quality of the court’s judgments under pressure, which can affect its public and private function alike. Thus, measures aimed at avoiding excessive caseloads need to take both functions into account. Increasing the capacity of the court to handle larger numbers of cases may result in the court being unable to adequately fulfil its public function, since large numbers of court decisions make it difficult to guarantee the uniformity of the law and its development. Therefore, a balanced approach is needed to safeguard capacity and quality. As shown by the contributions gathered here, the nature of reform in this area is not the same everywhere. There are a variety of reasons for this heterogeneity, ranging from different understandings of the caseload problem itself, local conceptions regarding the purpose of the Supreme Court, and strong entitlements concerning the right to appeal to budgetary restrictions and extremely rigid legislation. The book also shows that the implementation of similar solutions to case overload, such as access filters, may have different effects in different jurisdictions. The conclusion might well be that the problem of overburdened courts is multifactorial and context-dependent, and that easy, one-size-fits-all solutions are hard to find and perhaps even harder to implement.

Securing and Enforcing Judgments in Latin America

Book Description

Securing and Enforcing Judgments in Latin America was originally published, under the editorship of Philip R. Weems, in 1987. Its purpose was, and continues to be, to serve as an aide to lawyers involved in transnational business matters, both in planning transactions and in formulating strategy for the prosecution or defense of claims crossing national borders. A primary objective of the book has always been to provide current and reliable sources of information on the enforcement of money judgments in various countries around the world. It has also been its intention that this information be provided by experienced international law firms from the countries whose laws are discussed and to convey the information by means of a uniform format, to permit easier comparison among jurisdictions.