Tensor Analysis and Nonlinear Tensor Functions

Book Description

Tensor Analysis and Nonlinear Tensor Functions embraces the basic fields of tensor calculus: tensor algebra, tensor analysis, tensor description of curves and surfaces, tensor integral calculus, the basis of tensor calculus in Riemannian spaces and affinely connected spaces, - which are used in mechanics and electrodynamics of continua, crystallophysics, quantum chemistry etc. The book suggests a new approach to definition of a tensor in space R3, which allows us to show a geometric representation of a tensor and operations on tensors. Based on this approach, the author gives a mathematically rigorous definition of a tensor as an individual object in arbitrary linear, Riemannian and other spaces for the first time. It is the first book to present a systematized theory of tensor invariants, a theory of nonlinear anisotropic tensor functions and a theory of indifferent tensors describing the physical properties of continua. The book will be useful for students and postgraduates of mathematical, mechanical engineering and physical departments of universities and also for investigators and academic scientists working in continuum mechanics, solid physics, general relativity, crystallophysics, quantum chemistry of solids and material science.

Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers

Book Description

There is a large gap between engineering courses in tensor algebra on one hand, and the treatment of linear transformations within classical linear algebra on the other. This book addresses primarily engineering students with some initial knowledge of matrix algebra. Thereby, mathematical formalism is applied as far as it is absolutely necessary. Numerous exercises provided in the book are accompanied by solutions enabling autonomous study. The last chapters deal with modern developments in the theory of isotropic and anisotropic tensor functions and their applications to continuum mechanics and might therefore be of high interest for PhD-students and scientists working in this area.

Applications Of Tensor Analysis In Continuum Mechanics

Book Description

'A strong point of this book is its coverage of tensor theory, which is herein deemed both more readable and more substantial than many other historic continuum mechanics books. The book is self-contained. It serves admirably as a reference resource on fundamental principles and equations of tensor mathematics applied to continuum mechanics. Exercises and problem sets are useful for teaching … The book is highly recommended as both a graduate textbook and a reference work for students and more senior researchers involved in theoretical and mathematical modelling of continuum mechanics of materials. Key concepts are well described in the text and are supplemented by informative exercises and problem sets with solutions, and comprehensive Appendices provide important equations for ease of reference.'Contemporary PhysicsA tensor field is a tensor-valued function of position in space. The use of tensor fields allows us to present physical laws in a clear, compact form. A byproduct is a set of simple and clear rules for the representation of vector differential operators such as gradient, divergence, and Laplacian in curvilinear coordinate systems. The tensorial nature of a quantity permits us to formulate transformation rules for its components under a change of basis. These rules are relatively simple and easily grasped by any engineering student familiar with matrix operators in linear algebra. More complex problems arise when one considers the tensor fields that describe continuum bodies. In this case general curvilinear coordinates become necessary. The principal basis of a curvilinear system is constructed as a set of vectors tangent to the coordinate lines. Another basis, called the dual basis, is also constructed in a special manner. The existence of these two bases is responsible for the mysterious covariant and contravariant terminology encountered in tensor discussions.This book provides a clear, concise, and self-contained treatment of tensors and tensor fields. It covers the foundations of linear elasticity, shell theory, and generalized continuum media, offers hints, answers, and full solutions for many of the problems and exercises, and Includes a handbook-style summary of important tensor formulas.The book can be useful for beginners who are interested in the basics of tensor calculus. It also can be used by experienced readers who seek a comprehensive review on applications of the tensor calculus in mechanics.

Tensor Analysis with Applications in Mechanics

Book Description

1. Preliminaries. 1.1. The vector concept revisited. 1.2. A first look at tensors. 1.3. Assumed background. 1.4. More on the notion of a vector. 1.5. Problems -- 2. Transformations and vectors. 2.1. Change of basis. 2.2. Dual bases. 2.3. Transformation to the reciprocal frame. 2.4. Transformation between general frames. 2.5. Covariant and contravariant components. 2.6. The cross product in index notation. 2.7. Norms on the space of vectors. 2.8. Closing remarks. 2.9. Problems -- 3. Tensors. 3.1. Dyadic quantities and tensors. 3.2. Tensors from an operator viewpoint. 3.3. Dyadic components under transformation. 3.4. More dyadic operations. 3.5. Properties of second-order tensors. 3.6. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a second-order symmetric tensor. 3.7. The Cayley-Hamilton theorem. 3.8. Other properties of second-order tensors. 3.9. Extending the Dyad idea. 3.10. Tensors of the fourth and higher orders. 3.11. Functions of tensorial arguments. 3.12. Norms for tensors, and some spaces. 3.13. Differentiation of tensorial functions. 3.14. Problems -- 4. Tensor fields. 4.1. Vector fields. 4.2. Differentials and the nabla operator. 4.3. Differentiation of a vector function. 4.4. Derivatives of the frame vectors. 4.5. Christoffel coefficients and their properties. 4.6. Covariant differentiation. 4.7. Covariant derivative of a second-order tensor. 4.8. Differential operations. 4.9. Orthogonal coordinate systems. 4.10. Some formulas of integration. 4.11. Problems -- 5. Elements of differential geometry. 5.1. Elementary facts from the theory of curves. 5.2. The torsion of a curve. 5.3. Frenet-Serret equations. 5.4. Elements of the theory of surfaces. 5.5. The second fundamental form of a surface. 5.6. Derivation formulas. 5.7. Implicit representation of a curve; contact of curves. 5.8. Osculating paraboloid. 5.9. The principal curvatures of a surface. 5.10. Surfaces of revolution. 5.11. Natural equations of a curve. 5.12. A word about rigor. 5.13. Conclusion. 5.14. Problems -- 6. Linear elasticity. 6.1. Stress tensor. 6.2. Strain tensor. 6.3. Equation of motion. 6.4. Hooke's law. 6.5. Equilibrium equations in displacements. 6.6. Boundary conditions and boundary value problems. 6.7. Equilibrium equations in stresses. 6.8. Uniqueness of solution for the boundary value problems of elasticity. 6.9. Betti's reciprocity theorem. 6.10. Minimum total energy principle. 6.11. Ritz's method. 6.12. Rayleigh's variational principle. 6.13. Plane waves. 6.14. Plane problems of elasticity. 6.15. Problems -- 7. Linear elastic shells. 7.1. Some useful formulas of surface theory. 7.2. Kinematics in a neighborhood of [symbol]. 7.3. Shell equilibrium equations. 7.4. Shell deformation and strains; Kirchhoff's hypotheses. 7.5. Shell energy. 7.6. Boundary conditions. 7.7. A few remarks on the Kirchhoff-Love theory. 7.8. Plate theory. 7.9. On Non-classical theories of plates and shells

Manifolds, Tensor Analysis, and Applications

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to provide core material in nonlinear analysis for mathematicians, physicists, engineers, and mathematical biologists. The main goal is to provide a working knowledge of manifolds, dynamical systems, tensors, and differential forms. Some applications to Hamiltonian mechanics, fluid me chanics, electromagnetism, plasma dynamics and control thcory arc given in Chapter 8, using both invariant and index notation. The current edition of the book does not deal with Riemannian geometry in much detail, and it does not treat Lie groups, principal bundles, or Morse theory. Some of this is planned for a subsequent edition. Meanwhile, the authors will make available to interested readers supplementary chapters on Lie Groups and Differential Topology and invite comments on the book's contents and development. Throughout the text supplementary topics are given, marked with the symbols ~ and {l:;J. This device enables the reader to skip various topics without disturbing the main flow of the text. Some of these provide additional background material intended for completeness, to minimize the necessity of consulting too many outside references. We treat finite and infinite-dimensional manifolds simultaneously. This is partly for efficiency of exposition. Without advanced applications, using manifolds of mappings, the study of infinite-dimensional manifolds can be hard to motivate.

Tensor Calculus and Analytical Dynamics

Book Description

Tensor Calculus and Analytical Dynamics provides a concise, comprehensive, and readable introduction to classical tensor calculus - in both holonomic and nonholonomic coordinates - as well as to its principal applications to the Lagrangean dynamics of discrete systems under positional or velocity constraints. The thrust of the book focuses on formal structure and basic geometrical/physical ideas underlying most general equations of motion of mechanical systems under linear velocity constraints. Written for the theoretically minded engineer, Tensor Calculus and Analytical Dynamics contains uniquely accessbile treatments of such intricate topics as: tensor calculus in nonholonomic variables Pfaffian nonholonomic constraints related integrability theory of Frobenius The book enables readers to move quickly and confidently in any particular geometry-based area of theoretical or applied mechanics in either classical or modern form.

Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces

Book Description

This textbook is distinguished from other texts on the subject by the depth of the presentation and the discussion of the calculus of moving surfaces, which is an extension of tensor calculus to deforming manifolds. Designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this text invites its audience to take a fresh look at previously learned material through the prism of tensor calculus. Once the framework is mastered, the student is introduced to new material which includes differential geometry on manifolds, shape optimization, boundary perturbation and dynamic fluid film equations. The language of tensors, originally championed by Einstein, is as fundamental as the languages of calculus and linear algebra and is one that every technical scientist ought to speak. The tensor technique, invented at the turn of the 20th century, is now considered classical. Yet, as the author shows, it remains remarkably vital and relevant. The author’s skilled lecturing capabilities are evident by the inclusion of insightful examples and a plethora of exercises. A great deal of material is devoted to the geometric fundamentals, the mechanics of change of variables, the proper use of the tensor notation and the discussion of the interplay between algebra and geometry. The early chapters have many words and few equations. The definition of a tensor comes only in Chapter 6 – when the reader is ready for it. While this text maintains a consistent level of rigor, it takes great care to avoid formalizing the subject. The last part of the textbook is devoted to the Calculus of Moving Surfaces. It is the first textbook exposition of this important technique and is one of the gems of this text. A number of exciting applications of the calculus are presented including shape optimization, boundary perturbation of boundary value problems and dynamic fluid film equations developed by the author in recent years. Furthermore, the moving surfaces framework is used to offer new derivations of classical results such as the geodesic equation and the celebrated Gauss-Bonnet theorem.

Tensor Analysis and Continuum Mechanics

Book Description

This book is designed for students in engineering, physics and mathematics. The material can be taught from the beginning of the third academic year. It could also be used for self study, given its pedagogical structure and the numerous solved problems which prepare for modem physics and technology. One of the original aspects of this work is the development together of the basic theory of tensors and the foundations of continuum mechanics. Why two books in one? Firstly, Tensor Analysis provides a thorough introduction of intrinsic mathematical entities, called tensors, which is essential for continuum mechanics. This way of proceeding greatly unifies the various subjects. Only some basic knowledge of linear algebra is necessary to start out on the topic of tensors. The essence of the mathematical foundations is introduced in a practical way. Tensor developments are often too abstract, since they are either aimed at algebraists only, or too quickly applied to physicists and engineers. Here a good balance has been found which allows these extremes to be brought closer together. Though the exposition of tensor theory forms a subject in itself, it is viewed not only as an autonomous mathematical discipline, but as a preparation for theories of physics and engineering. More specifically, because this part of the work deals with tensors in general coordinates and not solely in Cartesian coordinates, it will greatly help with many different disciplines such as differential geometry, analytical mechanics, continuum mechanics, special relativity, general relativity, cosmology, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, etc ..

An Introduction to Tensor Analysis

Book Description

The subject of Tensor Analysis deals with the problem of the formulation of the relation between various entities in forms which remain invariant when we pass from one system of coordinates to another. The invariant form of equation is necessarily related to the possible system of coordinates with reference to which the equation remains invariant. The primary purpose of this book is the study of the invariance form of equation relative to the totally of the rectangular co-ordinate system in the three-dimensional Euclidean space. We start with the consideration of the way the sets representing various entities are transformed when we pass from one system of rectangular co-ordinates to another. A Tensor may be a physical entity that can be described as a Tensor only with respect to the manner of its representation by means of multi-sux sets associated with different system of axes such that the sets associated with different system of co-ordinate obey the transformation law for Tensor. We have employed sux notation for tensors of any order, we could also employ single letter such A,B to denote Tensors.

Tensor Analysis

Book Description

Tensor calculus is a prerequisite for many tasks in physics and engineering. This book introduces the symbolic and the index notation side by side and offers easy access to techniques in the field by focusing on algorithms in index notation. It explains the required algebraic tools and contains numerous exercises with answers, making it suitable for self study for students and researchers in areas such as solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and electrodynamics. Contents Algebraic Tools Tensor Analysis in Symbolic Notation and in Cartesian Coordinates Algebra of Second Order Tensors Tensor Analysis in Curvilinear Coordinates Representation of Tensor Functions Appendices: Solutions to the Problems; Cylindrical Coordinates and Spherical Coordinates