Diccionario de teoría crítica y estudios culturales

Book Description

Este diccionario provee una referencia exhaustiva y accesible sobre las ideas modernas en el amplio campo interdisciplinario de la teoria critica y cultural, desarrollado a partir de las interacciones entre las tradiciones del pensamiento linguistico, literario, antropologico, filosofico, politico e historico. Su nucleo interdisciplinario es la teoria contemporanea, que refleja la notable ruptura durante los ultimos veinte anos de muchas de las barreras tradicionales que alguna vez separaron las disciplinas dentro y entre las humanidades y las ciencias sociales. El estructuralismo, el postestructuralismo, la fenomenologia, el feminismo, la hermeneutica, el psicoanalisis, el marxismo y el formalismo han ejercido particular influencia; tienen, pues, un lugar destacado en las entradas de este diccionario. Tambien se incluyen las obras de esos campos publicadas antes del siglo XX, cuando forman un contexto importante para comprender el pensamiento posterior. El actual discurso intelectual en humanidades suele ser desordenado, dificil y dinamico. No solo abarca a los mayores autores, artistas y pensadores del pasado, sino tambien la radio, el cine, los blues, el rap y el comic; atraviesa los limites que alguna vez siempre con incertidumbres separaron lo creativo de lo critico; es comprometido de un modo que hasta podria haber incomodado a Sartre, dada su infatigable preocupacion por los excluidos y marginados; es autocritico y consciente de si al punto de que su lenguaje puede parecer a veces demasiado dificil, tortuoso u oscuro. La obra que aqui se presenta refleja en parte el desordenado dinamismo del discurso actual sobre la condicion humana a fines del siglo XX; sin embargo, intenta serutil haciendo inteligible ese discurso para un publico mas amplio, sin intentar aquieta

Theodor W. Adorno

Book Description

La complejidad y amplitud de una obra como la de Th. W. Adorno ha hecho que ciertos aspectos de su creación intelectual hayan sido relegados injustamente. Sin embargo, la grandeza de esos análisis sobre cine, televisión, música de consumo, etcétera, se hace expresa cuando se comprueba la importancia que la cultura de masas tiene en el desarrollo teórico del concepto de dialéctica negativa. El presente estudio, en consecuencia, se estructura en tres aspectos principales. En primer lugar, establecer la posición de la obra de Adorno en la formulación reconstructiva de la racionalidad que marcó a la Teoría Crítica. En este sentido, la revisión temática que Adorno hizo de Hegel, Marx y Freud tiene que ser evaluada en relación a las transformaciones ideológicas que van desde el proyecto de una razón ilustrada hasta la consolidación de la razón instrumental caracterizada por el uso de medios poderosísimos para finalidades irracionales, tal y como muestra el hilo argumentativo de la Dialéctica del Iluminismo. La reinterpretación de estas tradiciones intelectuales, en segundo lugar, conduce al sujeto dividido prototípico de la sociedad articulada sobre unas estructuras de consumo planificado. Es aquí en donde resulta imprescindible un acercamiento pormenorizado a la Sociología de la Cultura elaborada por el autor de Frankfurt. Por ello, la Teoría Crítica replanteó de nuevo el proyecto del "poder de una racionalidad al servicio de los individuos, frente a la servidumbre de éstos al servicio de la racionalización del poder". De este modo, las reconstrucciones del concepto de cultura y de razón sintetizan la tercera parte de este libro. La vitalidad de la aportación de la Teoría Crítica, y en concreto de la obra de Adorno, se muestra plena de vigencia en un siglo que se ha cerrado con unos interrogantes e incertidumbres aún sin resolver. Pero que, a la vez, se perciben síntomas de un tiempo que pase de la cultura -y las culturas- como expresión, a la cultura como reflexión. Por tanto, su aportación requiere actualmente ser revisa.


Book Description

O presente trabalho corresponde à terceira parte expandida da dissertação de mestrado do autor, defendida em 07/04/2014 no âmbito da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Paraná, sob a orientação dos professores Luiz Edson Fachin e Carlos Eduardo Pianovski Ruzyk. Na obra, o autor busca decompor a crítica do marxismo à propriedade privada para aclarar como se deu a construção de uma nova filosofia pautada pela luta de classes e como ela contribuiu para a criação da teoria crítica do direito, que propagou a noção de função social da propriedade.

Critical Terms in Caribbean and Latin American Thought

Book Description

Through a collection of critical essays, this work explores twelve keywords central in Latin American and Caribbean Studies: indigenismo, Americanism, colonialism, criollismo, race, transculturation, modernity, nation, gender, sexuality, testimonio, and popular culture. The central question motivating this work is how to think—epistemologically and pedagogically—about Latin American and Caribbean Studies as fields that have had different historical and institutional trajectories across the Caribbean, Latin America, and the United States.

Technology, Literature, and Digital Culture in Latin America

Book Description

Grappling with the contemporary Latin American literary climate and its relationship to the pervasive technologies that shape global society, this book visits Latin American literature, technology, and digital culture from the post-boom era to the present day. The volume examines literature in dialogue with the newest media, including videogames, blogs, electronic literature, and social networking sites, as well as older forms of technology, such as film, photography, television, and music. Together, the essays interrogate how the global networked subject has affected local political and cultural concerns in Latin America. They show that this subject reflects an affective mode of knowledge that can transform the way scholars understand the effects of reading and spectatorship on the production of political communities. The collection thus addresses a series of issues crucial to current and future discussions of literature and culture in Latin America: how literary, visual, and digital artists make technology a formal element of their work; how technology, from photographs to blogs, is represented in text, and the ramifications of that presence; how new media alters the material circulation of culture in Latin America; how readership changes in a globalized electronic landscape; and how critical approaches to the convergences, boundaries, and protocols of new media might transform our understanding of the literature and culture produced or received in Latin America today and in the future.

Critical Theory of Coloniality

Book Description

This book reveals how the critique of the domination of capitalism inaugurated by the Frankfurt School becomes pluriversal, motivating the historical Critical Theory of Coloniality (CTC) dialogue between the Global South and the Global North. CTC expresses the emergence and historical actuality of a set of intellectual fields aimed at denouncing domination and promoting emancipatory ideas at the borders of colonial capitalism. The book argues that the actuality of the CTC relies on the importance of valuing theoretical and methodological pluralism in the context of the necessary redefinition of the directions of global society. It reveals a plural reflection of scientific, moral, and aesthetic character in different areas of former planetary colonisation such as Asia, Africa, and America but also on the borders of Europe. This book is aimed at researchers and students in the social sciences as well as in interdisciplinary studies. It is attractive to those who are interested in the plural development of theoretical criticism outside the European universe and who seek to understand how capitalist power has metamorphosed with planetary coloniality. Considering this book implies important reflections on topics such as development, modernity, tradition, imperialism, dependency, and democracy, it is interesting to specialists in development issues, international relations, and policymakers.

Planetary Sociology

Book Description

Including contributions from senior scholars in the field who do not rely on the paradigm of planetary Sociology, this volume of Current Perspectives in Social Theory illustrates the importance of scrutinizing links between individual identity and social structure, without employing the paradigm of planetary sociology.

So That All Shall Know/Para Que Todos Lo Sepan

Book Description

The dramatic work of photographer Daniel Hernandez-Salazar and its social and political context are presented in this powerful, comprehensive overview on recent Guatemalan history, which captures the state-sponsored terrorism and mass killings that took place during the country's long civil war.

New Waves in Social Psychology

Book Description

This book presents an update on social psychology as a disciplinary space and research field. First, it discusses the irruption of research methods from other cultural niches in the instituted academic area. Then, the second and third chapters discuss the role of Critical Psychology for community emancipation in hybrid settings and the development of Vygotsky's theory in Latin America. The fourth and fifth chapters offer some questions on contemporary legal and political culture. The sixth and seventh chapters ask how to reconceptualise the studies on Social Imaginary amd childhood. The eighth and ninth chapters present topics as performativity, cybernetic, subjectivities, and technology networks in health-related social support. In the last chapter, the author asks: are networks a cause of the human condition or a result of it? Is virtuality a condition and, at the same time, a result of the human? What could offer a psychoanalytic ethnographic approach to recover the concept of being human as the experience of intimate bonding as part of a social network?

Critique of Latin American Reason

Book Description

Critique of Latin American Reason is one of the most important philosophical texts to have come out of South America in recent decades. First published in 1996, it offers a sweeping critique of the foundational schools of thought in Latin American philosophy and critical theory. Santiago Castro-Gómez argues that “Latin America” is not so much a geographical entity, a culture, or a place, but rather an object of knowledge produced by a family of discourses in the humanities that are inseparably linked to colonial power relationships. Using the archaeological and genealogical methods of Michel Foucault, he analyzes the political, literary, and philosophical discourses and modes of power that have contributed to the making of “Latin America.” Castro-Gómez examines the views of a wide range of Latin American thinkers on modernity, postmodernity, identity, colonial history, and literature, also considering how these questions have intersected with popular culture. His critique spans Central and South America, and it also implicates broader and protracted global processes. This book presents this groundbreaking work of contemporary critical theory in English translation for the first time. It features a foreword by Linda Martín Alcoff, a new preface by the author, and an introduction by Eduardo Mendieta situating Castro-Gómez’s thought in the context of critical theory in Latin America and the Global South. Two appendixes feature an interview with Castro-Gómez that sheds light on the book’s composition and short provocations responding to each chapter from a multidisciplinary forum of contemporary scholars who resituate the work within a range of perspectives including feminist, Francophone African, and decolonial Black political thought.