Teoría social realista

Book Description

Tomando como base su contribución anterior en Cultura y Teoría Social, Margaret Archer desarrolla aquí su enfoque morfogenético y lo aplica a los problemas de la estructura y la agencia. Estructura y agencia constituyen niveles diferentes de la realidad social, cada uno de los cuales posee propiedades emergentes que son reales, causalmente eficaces y mutuamente irreducibles. A través de una consideración sistemática de la dimensión temporal de los fenómenos sociales y un concepto fuerte de emergencia Teoría social realista: El enfoque morfogenético busca entregar las bases para una teorización no conflacionista de las relaciones entre estructura y agencia que le ayude al analista social a estudiar empíricamente los acelerados procesos de cambio social de la sociedad contemporánea.

Teoria social realista

Book Description

Realist Social Theory

Book Description

Building on her seminal contribution to social theory in Culture and agency, Margaret Archer develops here her morphogenetic approach, applying it to the problem of structure and agency. Since structure and agency constitute different levels of stratified social reality, each possesses distinctive emergent properties which are real and causally efficacious but irreducible to one another. The problem, therefore, is shown to be how to link the two rather than conflate them, as has been common practice - whether in upwards conflation (by the aggregation of individual acts) downwards conflation (through the structural orchestration of agents), or, more recently, in central conflation which holds the two to be mutually constitutive and thus precludes any examination of their interplay by eliding them. Realist social theory: the morphogenetic approach thus not only rejects methodological individualism and collectivism, but argues that the debate between them has been replaced by a new one between elisionary theorizing (such as Giddens' structuration theory) and the emergentist theories based on a realist ontology of the social world. The morphogenetic approach is the sociological complement of transcendental realism, and together they provide a basis for non-conflationary theorizing which is also of direct utility to the practising social analyst.

Teoria social realista

Book Description

Este livro apresenta o realismo crítico - um movimento na filosofia e nas ciências sociais associado ao trabalho de Roy Bhaskar - ao público brasileiro. Na interseção entre a filosofia e a sociologia, a obra busca adotar uma perspectiva realista para reconstruir as ideias de alguns dos teóricos sociais contemporâneos, oferecendo uma visão da teoria social e uma discussão de alguns de seus temas - pensamento relacional, crítica e constituição, movimentos sociais, conversações internas.

Theories of Action and Morality

Book Description

Die in diesem Band versammelten Essays erörtern die Frage nach der Möglichkeit des Verstehens menschlichen Handelns ohne den Rückbezug auf moralische Werte und Normen. Obwohl die Autoren sich dieser Frage auf ganz unterschiedliche, manchmal divergierende, Weisen nähern, verbindet sie alle die Annahme, es sei nicht wünschenswert oder sogar inkohärent, das menschliche Handeln grundsätzlich unabhängig von moralischen Werten zu betrachten. Die Herausgeber haben sich um eine für Philosophen und Gesellschaftswissenschaftler gleichermaßen attraktive Beitragssammlung bemüht. Die Verknüpfung philosophischer und soziologischer Perspektiven könnte zur Klärung gegenseitiger Missverständnisse beitragen, die aufgrund eines mangelhaften Dialogs zwischen der philosophischen und soziologischen Handlungstheorie erwachsen sind. In diesem Band enthalten sind Essays von Terry Pinkard, Sebastian Rödl, Dieter Schönecker, Ana Marta González, John Levi Martin, Alejandro N. García Martínez, Sophie Djigo, Teresa Enríquez und Evgenia Mylonaki. The essays in this volume address the question of whether we can understand human action without reference to moral norms or values. Although the authors approach this question in different and sometimes even incompatible ways, they are united in thinking that it is undesirable or even incoherent to treat human agency as if it were conceptually independent of value questions. The editors have attempted to invite contributions that would be interesting to both philosophers and social theorists. The conjunction of philosophic and sociological perspectives might help to overcome some of the mutual misunderstandings that have been fostered by a lack of dialogue between the philosophic and sociological action theory. The volume includes essays by Terry Pinkard, Sebastian Rödl, Dieter Schönecker, Ana Marta González, John Levi Martin, Alejandro N. García Martínez, Sophie Djigo, Teresa Enríquez, and Evgenia Mylonaki.

Conversations About Reflexivity

Book Description

In this, the first book to focus on ‘Reflexivity’, the following is discussed in detail: 1) Where does the ability to be ‘reflexive’ comes from? 2) What part do our internal reflexive deliberations play in designing the courses of action we take? 3) Is ‘reflexivity’ a homogeneous practice for all people and invariant over history? Throughout, contributors refer to influential thinkers like Habermas, Giddens, Bourdieu and Beck.

Debating Humanity

Book Description

An original approach to the question 'what is a human being?', examining key ideas of leading contemporary sociologists and philosophers.

What Is Critical in Language Studies

Book Description

This volume examines the notion of criticality in language studies. Drawing on the work of the Frankfurt School – Adorno, Habermas, Horkheimer, and Marcuse, among others – the chapters in the volume examine a variety of linguistic contexts: from gender activism to web journalism, from the classroom to the open streets. It also presents theoretical and methodological guidelines to researchers interested in • Expanding their critical outlook for meaning brought on by the notion of criticality in contemporary language studies. • Understanding criticality in languages through historical, political, and social perspectives. • Using linguistics and language studies as tools to dissect and disclose social injustices. This book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of language studies and linguistics, philosophy, politics, and sociology and social policy.

World Heritage Patinas

Book Description

This book presents studies on the management of the Brazilian world heritage and its international counterparts, relating its preservationist practices to the risks and alerts that run its maintenance in the face of so many challenges in the contemporary world. The book has encouraged scholars from a wide variety of disciplines to contribute their valuable knowledge to research on the management and risks of Brazil's world heritage. It is a bold initiative that brings together contemporary studies on management, alerts and risks of the Brazilian world heritage and some international examples. It stands out not only for its interdisciplinary approach, but above all for compiling a wide range of approaches that analyze various dimensions of world heritage management. Unique experience in the management of world heritage allocated to Brazilian territory, this book was written by prominent academics and heritage management professionals and includes national and international case studies. It is a comprehensive academic book in Brazilian world heritage management literature and can therefore be used as an authoritative reference source as well as a significant teaching tool.

Dominación y contienda

Book Description

Esta obra abrirá a los lectores las puertas de un micromundo poco conocido, pero que como argumentan los autores, es una más de las claves para entender la dinámica de la desigualdad en la sociedad mexicana. A la vez, es un ejercicio teórico de empalmar tres esquemas teóricos previamente separados, aplicándolos a lo que los autores observaron y reconstruyeron a partir de la observación directa, las entrevistas, los periódicos y los archivos agrarios e históricos. El resultado es un ejemplo de cómo se pueden estudiar los fenómenos sociales reconstruyendo los procesos que los actores crearon colectivamente, con sus giros repentinos y sus resultados inciertos.