Tequila Sueños Part Two

Book Description

This is a book about three men who started out as strangers but soon found themselves to be friends. The 3 Amigos - as I like to call them - each have a passionate and abiding love for all spirits agave - but especially tequila. In fact, they are lovers of virtually everything Méxicano - from the drinks, to the food, the art, the people, the music and the architecture. Yet - they are well-entrenched in their careers and the neighborhoods in which they live. With this much duality - something is bound to give - and a series of unrelated (?) happenstances has put their resolves to the test.

Tequila Sueños Part Three

Book Description

Hello - a grand and glorious welcome to everyone who has decided to take this adventure along with me. I hope you started at the beginning - as I did. Otherwise, you might be a bit lost if this is your first experience with Tequila Sueños. Yes, this is the third book in the series and there are likely to be a few more - if I can manage it.

Tequila Sueños

Book Description

This is a book about Tequila and three men who drink a lot of it! But it is also a love story. A story about the love of the centuries-old culture that produces the world's finest distilled spirit. A story about the azure blue fields of agave and the deep rust colored earth that lovingly nurtures this magical plant. Our three heroes, all high powered professionals from major US cities, share this love, but now their tequila dreams are on the verge of nightmare. They must travel to numerous locales in their beloved Mexico (Cancun, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Tlaquepaque and Lake Chapala) in order to solve the dilemmas that threaten their professional lives. Along the way they encounter adventures, find romance and make lasting friendships. All the while, mysterious forces seem to be pulling them to the town of Tequila - a "Pueblo Magico." Why don't you come along for the ride and join their journeys of discovery. Salud!

Tequila Sueños - Part Four

Book Description

Fictional story dealing with Mexico, Tequila, Mescal, and three men who have become best of friends

A Father's Dream

Book Description

A Father's Dream: My Family's Journey in Music chronicles the life of a musician, performer, man of God, and successful Mexican American entrepreneur. This is the story of a man who has experienced great joy and even greater pain, but by holding onto the strength embedded in each of us, embracing the love of family, and leaning on his faith in God, he is able to move forward toward the future with a positive disposition. Abraham Quintanilla takes the reader on the journey of his life, a life that reflects the up and down experiences of a self-made success. With a raw emotion and honesty, he shares the twists and turns of a road many readers may have been forced to travel and a few others hope never to traverse. From the sublime joys of fatherhood, to the accomplishment of creating a musical empire and surviving its failures, he shares the unexpected life events that make up each of our lives. Every reader will gain a stronger sense of humanity and a deeper understanding of just how precious and fleeting life can be from reading this memoir. Readers will also be given a close and personal view into the behind-the-scenes intricacies of a successful family business. Share the joy a parent feels for their children's success. And most of all, readers will understand the human need to embrace one's own talents. Finally, anyone who picks up this book and reads it will come to know that unforeseen tragedy can and does happen, but with faith and family as our support system, we are able to pick up the pieces of our broken hearts and walk bravely into the future with our newfound hope lighting the way.

La Casa de Mis Sueños

Book Description

My Bad Tequila

Book Description

Mystery, mayhem, madness, margaritas, and Mexico. "My Bad Tequila" is one man's epic journey across two continents and four countries with 50 years of adventure.

The Craft Cocktail Party

Book Description

A Craft Cocktail book for the rest of us by the top female mixologist in the country. Julie Reiner, the co-owner of The Clover Club in Brooklyn and The Flatiron Lounge in Manhattan, has written a book that provides inspiration for the rest of us, not only the cocktail geeks. She wants to balance the needs of the everyday drinker with those of the passionate mixologist. Recipes are organized around seasonality and occasion, with different events and themes appropriate to the specific time of the year. Each section will include a mixture of holiday-inspired drinks, classic cocktails, and innovative new drinks, all along with fun cocktail lore. Tricks, tips, and techniques -- such as batching and infusions, tools of the trade, notes on spirit types, and easy substitutions to utilize what you already have on hand -- will round out the amazing amount of information in Reiner's book.