Test Generation and Evaluation for Bridging Faults in CMOS VLSI Circuits

Book Description

An efficient automatic test pattern generator for I$sb{DDQ}$ current testing of CMOS digital circuits is presented. The complete two-line bridging fault set is considered. Because of the time constraints of I$sb{DDQ}$ testing, an adaptive genetic algorithm (GA) is used to generate compact test sets. To accurately evaluate the test sets, fault grading is performed using a switch-level fault simulator and a mixed-mode electrical-level fault simulator. The test sets are compared with those generated by HITEC, a traditional gate-level test generator. Experimental results for ISCAS85 and ISCAS89 benchmark circuits are presented. The results show that for I$sb{DDQ}$ testing, the GA test sets outperform the HITEC test sets. When the test sets are truncated due to test time constraints, the fault coverages can differ by 10% or more. In addition to test generation and test evaluation, diagnosis (fault location) is also performed using both test sets. Diagnosis is performed using fault dictionaries constructed during test evaluation. In addition to the traditional full dictionary, two reduced dictionaries are also presented. The results show that the reduced dictionaries offer good size-resolution trade-offs when compared with the full dictionary.

IDDQ Testing of VLSI Circuits

Book Description

Power supply current monitoring to detect CMOS IC defects during production testing quietly laid down its roots in the mid-1970s. Both Sandia Labs and RCA in the United States and Philips Labs in the Netherlands practiced this procedure on their CMOS ICs. At that time, this practice stemmed simply from an intuitive sense that CMOS ICs showing abnormal quiescent power supply current (IDDQ) contained defects. Later, this intuition was supported by data and analysis in the 1980s by Levi (RACD, Malaiya and Su (SUNY-Binghamton), Soden and Hawkins (Sandia Labs and the University of New Mexico), Jacomino and co-workers (Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble), and Maly and co-workers (Carnegie Mellon University). Interest in IDDQ testing has advanced beyond the data reported in the 1980s and is now focused on applications and evaluations involving larger volumes of ICs that improve quality beyond what can be achieved by previous conventional means. In the conventional style of testing one attempts to propagate the logic states of the suspended nodes to primary outputs. This is done for all or most nodes of the circuit. For sequential circuits, in particular, the complexity of finding suitable tests is very high. In comparison, the IDDQ test does not observe the logic states, but measures the integrated current that leaks through all gates. In other words, it is like measuring a patient's temperature to determine the state of health. Despite perceived advantages, during the years that followed its initial announcements, skepticism about the practicality of IDDQ testing prevailed. The idea, however, provided a great opportunity to researchers. New results on test generation, fault simulation, design for testability, built-in self-test, and diagnosis for this style of testing have since been reported. After a decade of research, we are definitely closer to practice.

VLSI Fault Modeling and Testing Techniques

Book Description

VLSI systems are becoming very complex and difficult to test. Traditional stuck-at fault problems may be inadequate to model possible manufacturing defects in the integrated ciruit. Hierarchial models are needed that are easy to use at the transistor and functional levels. Stuck-open faults present severe testing problems in CMOS circuits, to overcome testing problems testable designs are utilized. Bridging faults are important due to the shrinking geometry of ICs. BIST PLA schemes have common features-controllability and observability - which are enhanced through additional logic and test points. Certain circuit topologies are more easily testable than others. The amount of reconvergent fan-out is a critical factor in determining realistic measures for determining test generation difficulty. Test implementation is usually left until after the VLSI data path has been synthesized into a structural description. This leads to investigation methodologies for performing design synthesis with test incorporation. These topics and more are discussed.

Defect-Oriented Testing for Nano-Metric CMOS VLSI Circuits

Book Description

The 2nd edition of defect oriented testing has been extensively updated. New chapters on Functional, Parametric Defect Models and Inductive fault Analysis and Yield Engineering have been added to provide a link between defect sources and yield. The chapter on RAM testing has been updated with focus on parametric and SRAM stability testing. Similarly, newer material has been incorporated in digital fault modeling and analog testing chapters. The strength of Defect Oriented Testing for nano-Metric CMOS VLSIs lies in its industrial relevance.

Delay Fault Testing for VLSI Circuits

Book Description

In the early days of digital design, we were concerned with the logical correctness of circuits. We knew that if we slowed down the clock signal sufficiently, the circuit would function correctly. With improvements in the semiconductor process technology, our expectations on speed have soared. A frequently asked question in the last decade has been how fast can the clock run. This puts significant demands on timing analysis and delay testing. Fueled by the above events, a tremendous growth has occurred in the research on delay testing. Recent work includes fault models, algorithms for test generation and fault simulation, and methods for design and synthesis for testability. The authors of this book, Angela Krstic and Tim Cheng, have personally contributed to this research. Now they do an even greater service to the profession by collecting the work of a large number of researchers. In addition to expounding such a great deal of information, they have delivered it with utmost clarity. To further the reader's understanding many key concepts are illustrated by simple examples. The basic ideas of delay testing have reached a level of maturity that makes them suitable for practice. In that sense, this book is the best x DELAY FAULT TESTING FOR VLSI CIRCUITS available guide for an engineer designing or testing VLSI systems. Tech niques for path delay testing and for use of slower test equipment to test high-speed circuits are of particular interest.

Testing of Digital Systems

Book Description

Device testing represents the single largest manufacturing expense in the semiconductor industry, costing over $40 billion a year. The most comprehensive and wide ranging book of its kind, Testing of Digital Systems covers everything you need to know about this vitally important subject. Starting right from the basics, the authors take the reader through automatic test pattern generation, design for testability and built-in self-test of digital circuits before moving on to more advanced topics such as IDDQ testing, functional testing, delay fault testing, memory testing, and fault diagnosis. The book includes detailed treatment of the latest techniques including test generation for various fault models, discussion of testing techniques at different levels of integrated circuit hierarchy and a chapter on system-on-a-chip test synthesis. Written for students and engineers, it is both an excellent senior/graduate level textbook and a valuable reference.

An Introduction to Logic Circuit Testing

Book Description

An Introduction to Logic Circuit Testing provides a detailed coverage of techniques for test generation and testable design of digital electronic circuits/systems. The material covered in the book should be sufficient for a course, or part of a course, in digital circuit testing for senior-level undergraduate and first-year graduate students in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The book will also be a valuable resource for engineers working in the industry. This book has four chapters. Chapter 1 deals with various types of faults that may occur in very large scale integration (VLSI)-based digital circuits. Chapter 2 introduces the major concepts of all test generation techniques such as redundancy, fault coverage, sensitization, and backtracking. Chapter 3 introduces the key concepts of testability, followed by some ad hoc design-for-testability rules that can be used to enhance testability of combinational circuits. Chapter 4 deals with test generation and response evaluation techniques used in BIST (built-in self-test) schemes for VLSI chips. Table of Contents: Introduction / Fault Detection in Logic Circuits / Design for Testability / Built-in Self-Test / References

Test Pattern Generation for Realistic Bridge Faults in CMOS ICs

Book Description

Abstract: "Two approaches have been used to balance the cost of generating effective tests for ICs and the need to increase the IC's quality level. The first approach favors using high-level fault models to reduce test generation costs at the expense of test quality, and the second approach favors the use of low-level, technology-specific fault models to increase defect coverage but lead to unacceptably high test generation costs. In this report we (1) present the results of simulations of complete single stuck-at test sets against a low-level model of bridge defects showing that an unacceptably high percentage of such defects are not detected by the complete stuck-at test sets; (2) show how low-level bridge fault models can be incorporated into high-level test generation; and (3) describe our system for generating effective tests for bridge faults and report on its performance."

Models in Hardware Testing

Book Description

Model based testing is the most powerful technique for testing hardware and software systems. Models in Hardware Testing describes the use of models at all the levels of hardware testing. The relevant fault models for nanoscaled CMOS technology are introduced, and their implications on fault simulation, automatic test pattern generation, fault diagnosis, memory testing and power aware testing are discussed. Models and the corresponding algorithms are considered with respect to the most recent state of the art, and they are put into a historical context by a concluding chapter on the use of physical fault models in fault tolerance.

Hierarchical Modeling for VLSI Circuit Testing

Book Description

Test generation is one of the most difficult tasks facing the designer of complex VLSI-based digital systems. Much of this difficulty is attributable to the almost universal use in testing of low, gate-level circuit and fault models that predate integrated circuit technology. It is long been recognized that the testing prob lem can be alleviated by the use of higher-level methods in which multigate modules or cells are the primitive components in test generation; however, the development of such methods has proceeded very slowly. To be acceptable, high-level approaches should be applicable to most types of digital circuits, and should provide fault coverage comparable to that of traditional, low-level methods. The fault coverage problem has, perhaps, been the most intractable, due to continued reliance in the testing industry on the single stuck-line (SSL) fault model, which is tightly bound to the gate level of abstraction. This monograph presents a novel approach to solving the foregoing problem. It is based on the systematic use of multibit vectors rather than single bits to represent logic signals, including fault signals. A circuit is viewed as a collection of high-level components such as adders, multiplexers, and registers, interconnected by n-bit buses. To match this high-level circuit model, we introduce a high-level bus fault that, in effect, replaces a large number of SSL faults and allows them to be tested in parallel. However, by reducing the bus size from n to one, we can obtain the traditional gate-level circuit and models.