The Meson Factories

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Charge Symmetry Breaking in the Neutron Proton System

Book Description

Two consequences of charge symmetry breaking (CSB) in the n-p system are examined. In n-p elastic scattering, CSB nuclear forces cause a difference between the polarizations of the neutron and the proton scattered in opposite directions in the center of mass system. The expected differences in polarizations due to one boson exchanges, particularly a photon exchange, isospin mixed mesons, and a pion (with the n-p mass difference taken into account), are computed. The calculated polarization difference is typically of the order of several tenths of a percent. In np .-->. d.pi.°, the CSB of nuclear forces can be tested by measuring the asymmetry of the angular distribution of deuterons about 90° in the center of mass frame. The expected asymmetry is calculated for one boson exchange CSB mechanisms, as in the elastic scattering. The asymmetry caused by the mixed n-.pi.° exchange is dominant, but all of the mechanisms contribute asymmetries with similar angular dependences. The maximum assymmetry is about 0.8% at °; the average is about 0.2%.

High Energy Physics Index

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