Test of QCD in Multijet Final States at the Tevatron

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In this contribution, some of the recent QCD results on jet production from the CDF and D0 experiments in Run II of the Tevatron are discussed. In particular, results include cross section measurements for dijet and trijet production, study of jet substructure and measurements of W/Z+jets cross sections. The measurements are compared with the theoretical predictions. The QCD program at the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider revolves around the jet physics. Jets are collimated sprays of hadrons generated by the fragmentation of partons originating from the hard scattering. The measurements of jets production cross section at the Tevatron provide stringent test of perturbative QCD predictions, information on the strong coupling constant, [alpha]s, and constraints on proton parton distribution functions, PDFs. The deviations from the pQCD predictions could translate into a hint of new physics. In addition, these processes form sizable backgrounds to both, the Standard Model (SM) and beyond SM physics processes. Therefore, good understanding of jets production is essential to perform precise physics measurements or searches for new physics phenomena. In this contribution, a review of some recent QCD results from the CDF [1] and D0 [2] experiments is presented. Various analyses use proton-antiproton collision data from the Fermilab Tevatron at the center of mass energy √s = 1.96 TeV corresponding to integrated luminosities of 0.7 fb−1 to 8 fb−1. The results are corrected for the experimental effects and presented at the 'particle level'. The theory predictions are corrected for the hadronization and underlying effects which are obtained from the parton shower Monte Carlo (MC) simulations.

Jet Physics and QCD Tests at the Tevatron Collider

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Results are presented detailing the status of tests of perturbative QCD in hard parton-parton collisions generated by high energy collisions of protons and antiprotons at the Fermilab Collider. Recent data fro the CDF and DO experiments are compared to Next-to-Leading Order QCD calculations in hadronic jet production, prompt photon production, jet production in events with W bosons, and b-quark production.

Recent QCD Results from the Tevatron {bar P}p Collider at (square Root)s

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Abstract: Recent results of QCD studies from the CDF and D0 experiments at the Tevatron {bar p}p collider at Fermilab are presented. The inclusive jet cross section, the internal structure of jets, di-jet angular distributions, di-jet triple differential cross sections, and properties of multi-jet final states are studied and compared with NLO QCD predictions. The comparisons show good agreement between theoretical predictions and the experimental data in general. Some systematic disagreement between LO predictions and the data are observed in di-jet triple differential cross sections. Results of a rapidity gap study are also presented together with an upper limit on the gap fraction. In addition, the inclusive photon cross section and the di-photon cross sections are presented and compared with NLO QCD predictions.

QCD Radiation in Top-Antitop and Z+Jets Final States

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This thesis contains new research in both experimental and theoretical particle physics, making important contributions in each. Two analyses of collision data from the ATLAS experiment at the LHC are presented, as well as two phenomenological studies of heavy coloured resonances that could be produced at the LHC. The first data analysis was the measurement of top quark-antiquark production with a veto on additional jet activity. As the first detector-corrected measurement of jet activity in top-antitop events it played an important role in constraining the theoretical modelling, and ultimately reduced these uncertainties for ATLAS's other top-quark measurements by a factor of two. The second data analysis was the measurement of Z+2jet production and the observation of the electroweak vector boson fusion (VBF) component. As the first observation of VBF at a hadron collider, this measurement demonstrated new techniques to reliably extract VBF processes and paved the way for future VBF Higgs measurements. The first phenomenological study developed a new technique for identifying the colour of heavy resonances produced in proton-proton collisions. As a by-product of this study an unexpected and previously unnoticed correlation was discovered between the probability of correctly identifying a high-energy top and the colour structure of the event it was produced in. The second phenomenological study explored this relationship in more detail, and could have important consequences for the identification of new particles that decay to top quarks.

Radiative Corrections

Book Description

The Workshop on Radiative Corrections: Results and Perspectives was held at the University of Sussex in fine weather between July 9 and 14 1989. The Workshop was weIl timed: the day after its concluding session the first beam at LEP was circulated. The Original aims of the Workshop were twofold: first to review the existing theoretical work on electroweak radiative corrections in the light of the initial experiments at SLC and LEP, and to attempt to obtain a consensus on the best means of carrying out the calculations of the various processes. This aim became Working Group A on Renormalisation Schemes tor Electroweak Radiative Corrections. The second aim was to review the experimental implementation of radiative corrections and this became Working Group B. Here the problem was to obtain a consensus on the use of Monte Carlo event generators. At the time (March 1987) when Friedrich Dydak wrote to one of us (ND) to suggest a Workshop on the subject of electroweak radiative corrections to take place just before experiments at LEP were to begin, the main theoretical problem was that there was no agreement among theorists on the use of a specific renormalization scheme. Similarly, it was already becoming clear that it was going to be very difficult to compare the experimental results of different groups because they would use different event generators and experimental cuts of their data.

Recent QCD Results from the Tevatron

Book Description

Four years after the shutdown of the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider, the two Tevatron experiments, CDF and DZero, continue producing important results that test the theory of the strong interaction, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The experiments exploit the advantages of the data sample acquired during the Tevatron Run II, stemming from the unique pp initial state, the clean environment at the relatively low Tevatron instantaneous luminosities, and the good understanding of the data sample after many years of calibrations and optimizations. A summary of results using the full integrated luminosity is presented, focusing on measurements of prompt photon production, weak boson production associated with jets, and non-perturbative QCD processes.

From E+e- To Heavy Ion Collisions - Proceedings Of The Xxx International Symposium On Multiparticle Dynamics

Book Description

This book covers various experimental and theoretical aspects of multiparticle production in high energy interactions from lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron, hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus and heavy ion collisons. This is the first time that data from CERN LEP, FNAL, DESY, BNL AGS, CERN SPS and BNL RHIC have been collected in a single volume. Not only accelerator-induced reactions but also cosmic ray interactions of very high energy are discussed, and the up-to-date theoretical interpretations are summarized.