Textual Classification of SEC Comment Letters

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This study examines the impact of SEC comment letters on future financial reporting outcomes and earnings credibility. Naive Bayesian classification identifies comment letters associated with future restatements and write-downs. An investor attention-based quantitative measure of importance, using EDGAR downloads, is also predictive of these outcomes. Disclosure-event abnormal returns, revenue recognition comments, and the number of letters in a conversation appear to be useful quantitative metrics for classifying importance in certain settings. This study also documents trends in comment letter topics over time, and identifies topics associated with the textual and quantitative classifications of importance, providing insights into the factors drawing investor attention and which relate to future restatements and write-downs. Innocuous comment letters are associated with improvements in earnings credibility following comment letter reviews.

Textual Classication of SEC Comment Letters

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The purpose of this study is to identify important SEC comment letters and examine the mechanisms by which they affect firm value. The SEC periodically reviews public-company financial statements, issuing comment letters in response to disclosure deficiencies, to ensure that investors are provided with material information, and to prevent fraud. Given that comment letters consist of unstructured text, statistical text classification may be an effective technique to identify comment letter importance. The information in comment letters is distributed over several separate filings and they are not widely cited by the press or analysts as information sources, which may result in investor inattention and underreaction to their disclosure. I utilize negative abnormal returns following comment letter disclosure as the primary indicator of comment letter importance, and develop a Naive Bayesian classification model that signals important comment letters from their text features that are associated with the indicator. In a holdout sample, the text classification model correctly identifies important comment letters between 10 and 40 percent better than chance. The average out-of-sample abnormal return for firms with signaled comment letters is -5.8 percent during the 90 days post-disclosure, but only when the comment letters were viewed on EDGAR. Signaled comment letters are associated with lower persistence of profits and increased material restatements in the year following comment letter disclosure.

SEC Comment Letters

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This paper is the first study to demonstrate strong informational content and economic significance associated with the issuance of SEC comment letters. Access to comment letters, for forensic accountants and investors, is a relatively recent phenomenon and little research has focused on the impact the letters have on security pricing. We construct a “red flag” forensic metric to examine the information content in SEC comment letters and analyze market performance surrounding the issuance event. The metric consists of five models that are developed to screen for and identify financial reporting problems. We document that SEC comment letters contain salient information about a firm's financial condition, valuation, and future performance that is not only consistent with “red flags” but is apparently overlooked by investors and other financial statement users. Although the letters themselves do not evaluate the merits or investment potential associated with any reported transaction, they do reflect significant industry, accounting and disclosure expertise. We conclude that comment letters are a useful but unrecognized source of independent expert opinion regarding the quality of a firm's financial reports.

Is the Character of SEC Comment Letters Relevant to Recipients?

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Prior research has provided mixed results regarding changes in firm behavior in response to comment letters from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (Johnston and Petacchi 2016; Kubick, Mayberry, Omer, and Lynch 2016; Robinson, Xue, and Yu 2011; Wang 2016). This study documents that comment letters come in two main categories: accounting-focused letters and disclosure-focused letters. I examine whether the character of comment letters (accounting versus disclosure) impacts a firm's response to comment letters questioning the allowance for doubtful accounts (AFDA). I find that firms with abnormal accruals in the AFDA are more likely to receive an accounting-focused comment letter and these firms are also more likely to constrain AFDA-related earnings management behaviors in the period after comment letter resolution. Disclosure-focused comment letters exhibit no such patterns. The results of this study suggest (1) the lack of consistent findings in prior research may be partially attributable to homogenously classifying dissimilar comment letters and (2) the SEC filing review and comment letter process may be an effective tool in monitoring and constraining earnings management behaviors.

SEC Comment Letters and Insider Sales

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We document that insider trading is significantly higher than normal levels prior to the public disclosure of SEC comment letters relating to revenue recognition. Furthermore, insider trading is triple its normal level for firms with high short positions. We find a small negative return at the comment letter release date and a negative drift in returns of one to five percent over the next 50 days following the release. We also find that greater pre-disclosure sales are associated with a stronger negative drift. This evidence suggests that insiders appear to benefit from trading prior to revenue recognition comment letters. We investigate whether the delayed price reaction to comment letter releases is due to investor inattention. Consistent with this explanation, we document that comment letters are downloaded infrequently from EDGAR in the days following their public disclosure.

SEC Comment Letter Disclosures and Short Sellers' Front-Running

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Prior studies show that comment letters released by the Securities and Exchange Commission provide information on firms' financial reporting quality and can have adverse value implications about the firms. We examine whether short sellers front-run comment letter disclosures and take short positions based on the economic implications of the letters. We find that short interest increases before comment letter disclosures and that the increase is positively associated with the severity of the letters. We also find evidence suggesting that short sellers obtain private information through social connections with corporate insiders. Finally, we document a negative but delayed market reaction to the disclosure of severe comment letters. These results suggest that front-running the comment letter disclosure is not the optimal trading strategy for short sellers. Short sellers can gain similar profits, and bear less risk, if they put off increasing their short positions until after the disclosure.

Styles of Regulators

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Security regulations are enforced by SEC staff members. Conceptually, the regulations are to be uniformly enforced despite personal differences among SEC enforcers. We offer evidence to the contrary. Using the SEC's comment letters as our setting, we find that SEC staff members exhibit unique personal “styles.” The effects of their personal styles on firms' remediation costs, the contents of SEC comment letters, and the quality of firms' financial reporting are surprisingly large. We manually collect information on SEC staff members. Our results demonstrate that female staff members are generally tougher reviewers and that CPA qualification matters. Overall, our study offers evidence that SEC staff members exhibit individual differences, and their styles shape firms' financial reporting.

How Novelty and Narratives Drive the Stock Market

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'Animal spirits' is a term that describes the instincts and emotions driving human behaviour in economic settings. In recent years, this concept has been discussed in relation to the emerging field of narrative economics. When unscheduled events hit the stock market, from corporate scandals and technological breakthroughs to recessions and pandemics, relationships driving returns change in unforeseeable ways. To deal with uncertainty, investors engage in narratives which simplify the complexity of real-time, non-routine change. This book assesses the novelty-narrative hypothesis for the U.S. stock market by conducting a comprehensive investigation of unscheduled events using big data textual analysis of financial news. This important contribution to the field of narrative economics finds that major macro events and associated narratives spill over into the churning stream of corporate novelty and sub-narratives, spawning different forms of unforeseeable stock market instability.

Alternative Data and Artificial Intelligence Techniques

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This book introduces a state-of-art approach in evaluating portfolio management and risk based on artificial intelligence and alternative data. The book covers a textual analysis of news and social media, information extraction from GPS and IoTs data, and risk predictions based on small transaction data, etc. The book summarizes and introduces the advancement in each area and highlights the machine learning and deep learning techniques utilized to achieve the goals. As a complement, it also illustrates examples on how to leverage the python package to visualize and analyze the alternative datasets, and will be of interest to academics, researchers, and students of risk evaluation, risk management, data, AI, and financial innovation.

Financial Data Analytics

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​This book presents both theory of financial data analytics, as well as comprehensive insights into the application of financial data analytics techniques in real financial world situations. It offers solutions on how to logically analyze the enormous amount of structured and unstructured data generated every moment in the finance sector. This data can be used by companies, organizations, and investors to create strategies, as the finance sector rapidly moves towards data-driven optimization. This book provides an efficient resource, addressing all applications of data analytics in the finance sector. International experts from around the globe cover the most important subjects in finance, including data processing, knowledge management, machine learning models, data modeling, visualization, optimization for financial problems, financial econometrics, financial time series analysis, project management, and decision making. The authors provide empirical evidence as examples of specific topics. By combining both applications and theory, the book offers a holistic approach. Therefore, it is a must-read for researchers and scholars of financial economics and finance, as well as practitioners interested in a better understanding of financial data analytics.