2012 Labour Market Reform in Spain

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This report provides an initial evaluation of the comprehensive reform of the Spanish labor market undertaken in 2012. It describes the key components of the 2012 reform and places them in the context of the evolution of labor market institutions in other OECD member countries, with a particular focus on collective bargaining and employment protection legislation. The report also assesses the impact of the reform on the ability of firms to adjust wages and working time to cope with demand shocks, as well as the flows in the labor market for different types of contracts and the overall duality of the Spanish labor market. It also considers what complementary reforms would be required to improve the effectiveness of the labor market reform, in particular in the area of active labor market policies.

2012 Labour Market Reform in Spain

Book Description

This report provides an initial evaluation of the comprehensive reform of the Spanish labour market undertaken in 2012. It describes the key components of the 2012 reform and places them in the context of the evolution of labour market institutions in other OECD member countries, with a particular focus on collective bargaining and employment protection legislation. The report also assesses the impact of the reform on the ability of firms to adjust wages and working time to cope with demand shocks, as well as the flows in the labour market for different types of contracts and the overall duality of the Spanish labour market. It also considers what complementary reforms would be required to improve the effectiveness of the labour market reform, in particular in the area of active labour market policies.

Distributional Implications of Labor Market Reforms: Learning from Spain's Experience

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Spain’s structural reforms, implemented around 2012, have arguably contributed to a faster and stronger economic recovery. In particular, there is strong evidence that the 2012 labor market reforms increased wage flexibility, which helped the Spanish economy to regain competitiveness and create jobs. But the impact of these labor reforms on income inequality and social inclusion has not been analyzed much. This paper aims to shed light on this issue by employing an econometric decomposition procedure combined with the synthetic control method. The results indicate that the 2012 labor reforms have helped improve employment and income equality outcomes with no substantial impact on the overall risk of poverty. Nevertheless, the reforms appear to have induced a deterioration of average hours worked, in-work poverty, and possibly also of involuntary part-time employment.

Labour Market Reforms in Portugal 2011-15 A Preliminary Assessment

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This report evaluates the comprehensive labour market reforms undertaken in Portugal in 2011-15. It reviews reforms in employment protection legislation, unemployment benefits, activation, collective bargaining, minimum wages and working time, and assesses the available evidence on their impact.


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This Selected Issues paper presents a preliminary assessment of recent labor market reforms in Spain, where the 2012 labor market reforms are making a difference. Wage moderation is contributing to a visible recovery in headline employment growth, and the reforms have made the labor market more resilient to shocks. Some evidence exists that the contribution of temporary contracts to employment growth has started to decrease. However, the reliance on temporary workers remains strong overall, and further structural reforms will be required to reduce the still very high level of long-term, structural unemployment.

The Impact of the Spanish Labour Market Reform on the On-the-job Search Rate

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This Country Focus discusses the effects of the reform of the severance payment regime on job-to-job mobility in Spain. Job-to-job mobility is important in the process of allocation of resources towards more productive sectors and companies. Prior to the reform in 2012, Spanish employees hired under open-ended contracts enjoyed a particularly generous severance payment regime by international standards. This is likely to have contributed to the observed comparatively low job-to-job mobility. The 2012 labour market reform, amongst other things, introduced a cap on the severance payment of employees hired with open-ended contracts, mainly with the aim of encouraging new hires. A possible positive side effect of the reform may be to decrease employees' disincentives to job mobility. In the current macroeconomic context, job-to-job transitions are far too infrequent events to estimate directly the impact of the reform on job mobility. Instead, we analyse the impact of the reform on the search rate of employees hired on open-ended contracts - the so called "on-the-job search rate". The hypothesis of an increase in search behaviour after the reform is tested empirically. The results support the hypothesis of a significant increase in job search behaviour post-reform, which may translate into higher levels of job mobility once employment creation moves more sustainably into positive territory and more vacancies materialise.

Europe Reforms Labour Markets

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Focusing on the perspectives of policy-makers, the book's purpose is to closely examine the factors that make for successful/unsuccessful labor market related policy reforms. The aim is to reveal the political aspects, namely the chances, challenges and impediments to designing labor market reforms and to establish the conditions under which successful labor market reforms can be advocated, adopted and implemented (process). The work includes exclusive interviews with twelve former European prime ministers about the labour market reforms they initiated in their respective countries: Wolfgang Schüssel Anders Fogh Rasmussen Andrus Ansip François Fillon Gerhard Schröder Georgios Papandreou Mario Monti Jan Peter Balkenende Jerzy Buzek Iveta Radicová Luis Rodríguez Zapatero Tony Blair

OECD Employment Outlook 2017

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The 2017 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook reviews recent labour market trends and short-term prospects in OECD countries.