Agents of Babylon

Book Description

In his #1 New York Times bestseller Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah explored the book of Revelation through the lens of its major players. Now, in the much-anticipated follow-up, Agents of Babylon, Dr. Jeremiah examines prophecy through the eyes of the characters in the book of Daniel, explains what the prophecies mean, and helps us understand how these prophetic visions and dreams apply to our lives today. Written in the same highly engaging half dramatization, half Bible teaching format as Agents of the Apocalypse, Agents of Babylon is not only an in-depth exploration of the characters and prophecies contained in the book of Daniel but also a dramatic retelling of Scripture that is sure to bring ancient prophecy to light like never before.

The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded

Book Description

There are two key reasons to read this book. First, the 70th week of Daniel is the only prophecy in the Bible that foretold exactly when Messiah would start His ministry and when He would die for our sins.When you understand the fulfillment, you have tangible proof to give to the world, that the Bible is true and that Messiah is deity.The second reason is that the popular explanations for the fulfillment of Revelation are based on the concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, an end-times seven-year tribulation period.When you understand that the 70th week of Daniel is about the Jewish nation waiting for their promised Messiah to appear in the first century; then you know that it's not about the antichrist.If you insist that the 70th week of Daniel has not been fulfilled, then read Daniel 9:24-27, and ask yourself these questions.During which week of the seventy-week prophecy did Messiah carry out his multiyear ministry? And in which week did He die for our sins? If you're honest with the text, you'll see that the only place for those events is in the 70th week.Regarding the 'covenant' of Daniel 9:27, it's the same covenant that Daniel just mentioned in Daniel 9:4, which already existed.It is the everlasting covenant that was made to Abraham, which Messiah came to 'confirm' with His blood as the Passover Lamb, which paid the price for our sins and ended the need for temple animal sacrifices.We'll all stand before our Righteous Judge to account for what we believe and teach about the most important prophecy in the Bible.I pray that you will read the explanations in this book about the 70th week of Daniel, compare it to Scripture, and discern it for yourself.

The Olivet Discourse Decoded

Book Description

Matthew records that Messiah pointed to "this generation" ten times. In the final time, Messiah said, "Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Matthew 24:34 The nine previous mentions are pointing to the Jews who opposed Messiah. Are we to believe that the tenth time that He described "this generation," that He is pointing to the end times? No !The context of Messiah's Olivet Discourse is the desolation of the temple that He was just in when He rebuked the Jews and said, "Verily I say unto you, all these things shall come upon this generation." All of the things that Messiah described from Matthew 23:36 to Matthew 24:33 were fulfilled by 70 AD when the Romans desolated Jerusalem, the temple, and the Jewish nation.The enemy has deceived people about the symbolism of the sun, moon, and stars being darkened; Messiah coming in power and glory; and the elect being gathered into the kingdom. But the Bible gives the proper definitions for the symbols. We need to take Messiah at His Word and look at how the things that He described were about the Jewish nation, for their punishment of continuing their rebellion against the Father, for delivering Messiah up to be killed, and for persecuting His disciples. The Olivet Discourse is directed related to the 70th Week of Daniel 9, which I cover in my previous book, which says that the city and temple will be desolated because of the abominations of the Jews. If you're seeking for truth, and not to defend a belief, this book will prove out the fulfillment of Messiah's Olivet Discourse. It will help you see that it's not about the end times so that you're not misled about the fulfillment of Revelation, as we await Messiah's promised return.

The Coming Prince

Book Description

He was one of the most popular lay preachers and Christian apologists of his day: Sir Robert Anderson devoutly believed that the Bible was the inerrant word of God, and in this popular 1881 book-a companion to his Daniel in the Critics' Den-he mounts a defense of the prophetic Old Testament Book of Daniel, an early example of apocalyptic philosophy in Christianity. Students of the Bible will appreciate this historically valuable attempt to set straight the many controversies surrounding Daniel regarding its authorship and even the date of its writing. And anyone interested in the apocalyptic fervor of modern-day fundamentalist Christianity will find this an instructive and enlightening read. While at Scotland Yard, Irish police official and religious scholar SIR ROBERT ANDERSON (1841-1918) helped investigate the Jack the Ripper murders, but he is best remembered for his works of Bible study, including Forgotten Truths and The Silence of God.

Escape the Coming Night

Book Description

No one can deny that the world is in trouble. Tragedy stalks our streets. Violence and bloodshed fill the news. How do we explain so much chaos? Is there any hope for peace in our time? Dr. David Jeremiah's dramatic narrative on the Book of Revelation answers these and many more challenging questions, by unraveling the imagery and explaining the significance of the events described in the last book of the Bible. Within its pages are the hope and encouragement we need to lift us from the gloom of present events to the promise of a brilliant future.

Rapture - A Dangerous Deception

Book Description

Colonel H. Speed Wilson, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.) has served in combat in 12 named battles and campaigns during three wars. In recognition of his achievement in battle as a fighter pilot in World War II and Korea, he was awarded 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 16 Air Medals, and 5 Distinguished Combat Unit Awards. During combat duty in Vietnam, he served as Chief of the Staff of the 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade, which was an air-ground team of 20,000 Marines. In this assignment, he was awarded the Legion of Merit with a Combat "V" and the Republic of Vietnam's Distinguished Service Cross, which is one of the highest decorations awarded to a foreigner. During his eight years of duty at our nation's Capitol, Colonel Wilson served on many high-level planning and policy boards and was awarded the Marine Corps Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service. On July 1st, 1973, he retired after 31 years as a Marine. Colonel Wilson served 14 years (1973-1987) as an International Director of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International. He was often a featured speaker at international, national, regional, and state conventions; local monthly chapter meetings; and church congregations. He also conducts seven-day and weekend Bible seminars. He has been a guest on many TV and radio programs.

2300 Days of Hell

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The Books of Nature and Scripture

Book Description

Dick Popkin and James Force have attended a number of recent conferences where it was apparent that much new and important research was being done in the fields of interpreting Newton's and Spinoza's contributions as biblical scholars and of the relationship between their biblical scholarship and other aspects of their particular philosophies. This collection represents the best current research in this area. It stands alone as the only work to bring together the best current work on these topics. Its primary audience is specialised scholars of the thought of Newton and Spinoza as well as historians of the philosophical ideas of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.