A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics

Book Description

Get practical insights on the psychology of white-collar criminals—and how to outsmart them Understand how the psychologies of fraudsters and their victims interact as well as what makes auditors/investigators/regulators let down their guard. Learn about the psychology of fraud victims, including boards of directors and senior management, and what makes them want to believe fraudsters, and therefore making them particularly vulnerable to deception. Just as IT experts gave us computer forensics, we now have a uniquely qualified team immersed in psychology, sociology, psychiatry as well as accounting and auditing, introducing the emerging field of behavioral forensics to address the phenomenon of fraud. Ever wonder what makes a white-collar criminal tick? Why does she or he do what they do? For the first time ever, see the mind of the fraudster laid bare, including their sometimes twisted rationalizations; think like a crook to catch a crook! The A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics takes you there, with expert advice from a diverse but highly specialized authoring team of professionals (three out of the four are Certified Fraud Examiners): a former accounting firm partner who has a PhD in psychology, a former FBI special agent who has been with investigative practices of two of the Big Four firms, an industrial psychiatrist who has worked closely with the C-level suite of large and small companies, and an accounting professor who has interviewed numerous convicted felons. Along with a fascinating exploration of what makes people fall for the common and not-so-common swindles, the book provides a sweeping characterization of the ecology of fraud using The A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics paradigm: the bad Apple (rogue executive), the bad Bushel (groups that collude and behave like gangs), and the bad Crop (representing organization-wide or even societally-sanctioned cultures that are toxic and corrosive). The book will make you take a longer look when hiring new employees and offers a deeper more complex understanding of what happens in organizations and in their people. The A.B.C. model will also help those inside and outside organizations inoculate against fraud and make you reflect on instilling the core values of your organization among your people and create a culture of excellence and integrity that acts as a prophylactic against fraud. Ultimately, you will discover that, used wisely, behavioral methods trump solely economic incentives. With business fraud on the rise globally, The A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics is the must-have book for investigators, auditors, the C-suite and risk management professionals, the boards of directors, regulators, and HR professionals. Examines the psychology of fraud in a practical way, relating it to aspects of fraud prevention, deterrence, detection, and remediation Helps you understand that trust violation—the essence of fraud—is a betrayal of behavioral assumptions about "trusted" people Explains how good people go bad and how otherwise honest people cross the line Underscores the importance of creating a culture of excellence and integrity that inoculates an organization from fraud risk (i.e., honest behavior pays, while dishonesty is frowned upon) Provides key takeaways on what to look for when hiring new employees and in your current employees, as well as creating and maintaining a culture of control consciousness Includes narrative accounts of interviews with convicted white-collar criminals, as well as interpretive insights and analysis of their rationalizations Furnishes ideas about how to enhance professional skepticism, how to resist fraudsters, how to see through their schemes, how to infuse internal controls with the people/behavioral element, and make them more effective in addressing behavioral/integrity risks Provides a solid foundation for training programs across the fraud risk management life cycle all the way from the discovery of fraud to its investigation as well as remediation (so the same fraud doesn't happen again) Enables auditors/investigators to engage in self-reflection and avoid cognitive and emotional biases and traps that lead to professional judgment errors (e.g., overconfidence, confirmation, self-deception, groupthink, halo effect, availability, speed-accuracy trade-off, etc.) Ever since the accounting scandals surrounding Enron and WorldCom surfaced, leading to the passage of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, as well as the continuing fall out from the Wall Street financial crisis precipitating the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, fraud has been a leading concern for executives globally. If you thought you knew everything there was to know about financial fraud, think again. Get the real scoop with The A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics.

The ABCs of RBCs

Book Description

The ABCs of RBCs is the first book to provide a basic introduction to Real Business Cycle (RBC) and New-Keynesian models. These models argue that random shocks—new inventions, droughts, and wars, in the case of pure RBC models, and monetary and fiscal policy and international investor risk aversion, in more open interpretations—can trigger booms and recessions and can account for much of observed output volatility. George McCandless works through a sequence of these Real Business Cycle and New-Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models in fine detail, showing how to solve them, and how to add important extensions to the basic model, such as money, price and wage rigidities, financial markets, and an open economy. The impulse response functions of each new model show how the added feature changes the dynamics. The ABCs of RBCs is designed to teach the economic practitioner or student how to build simple RBC models. Matlab code for solving many of the models is provided, and careful readers should be able to construct, solve, and use their own models. In the tradition of the “freshwater” economic schools of Chicago and Minnesota, McCandless enhances the methods and sophistication of current macroeconomic modeling.

Acronyms Galore: The ABCs

Book Description

Author APG (Anthony Paul Gipson) loves acronyms. His book Acronyms Galore: The ABCs – A History of Topics with Timely Information and Funny Stories considers many aspects of life, spanning sports to TV shows, modern culture to health. The subjects are varied and timely, and project hilarious moments. Stories include: • Assets, WA (Wealth Accumulation) • Sports, QFB (Questionable Fan Behavior) • Housing, GBC (Ghost Buster Closet ) “Throughout this book, I discuss many acronyms regarding the area of health. Some include TBB (The Big B: Blessed), LTYB (Listening To Your Body),and TWC (The Wellness Community). When reading about these acronyms, a reader will learn more about the emotional, physical, and personal challenges I experienced regarding my health.” The author states he has “used acronyms a great part of my life.” He continues, “The purpose of this book is to have readers think, laugh, and take control of their lives.” “I want anyone who has experienced a medical setback, like me, to feel reassured that no matter what the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, we must continue to have the hope, the strength, and the desire to continue to live and enjoy life. Do not let mental or, even more so, physical scars from a surgery and/or treatment continue to make you feel ashamed, alone, and unworthy to live your life. You must decide with whom you want to share your personal triumphs.”

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Elements of Geometry

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Bairn - CBSE - Success for All - Mathematics - Class 9 for 2021 Exam: (Reduced Syllabus)

Book Description

‘Success for All’ - Covers complete theory, practice and assessment of Mathematics-Basic for Class 9. The guide has been divided in 15 chapters giving coverage to the syllabus. Each Chapter is supported by detailed theory, illustrations, all types of practice questions. Special focus on New pattern objective questions. Every Chapter accompanies Basic Concepts (Topicwise), NCERT Questions and Answers, exam practice and self assessment for quick revisions. The current edition of “Success for All” for Class 9th is a self – Study guide that has been carefully and consciously revised by providing proper explanation guidance and strictly following the latest CBSE syllabus issued on 31 March 2020. The whole syllabus of the book is divided into 15 chapters and each Chapter is further divided into chapters. To make students completely ready for exams. This book is provided with detailed theory & Practice Questions in all chapters. Every Chapter in this book carries summary, exam practice and self assessment at the end for quick revision. This book provides 3 varieties of exercises-topic exercise: for assessment of topical understanding Each topic of the Chapter has topic exercise, NCERT Questions and Answers: it contains all the questions of NCERT with detailed solutions and exam practice: It contains all the Miscellaneous questions like MCQs, true and false, fill in the blanks, VSAQ's SAQ's, LAQ's. Well explained answers have been provided to every question that is given in the book. Success for All Mathematics for CBSE Class 9 has all the material for learning, understanding, practice assessment and will surely guide the students to the way of success.

Market Growers Journal

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