Comparative Aeronomy

Book Description

Andrew F. Nagy Originally published in the journal Space Science Reviews, Volume 139, Nos 1–4. DOI: 10. 1007/s11214-008-9353-0 © Springer Science+Business Media B. V. 2008 Keywords Aeronomy The term “aeronomy” has been used widely for many decades, but its origin has mostly been lost over the years. It was introduced by Sydney Chapman in a Letter to the Editor, entitled “Some Thoughts on Nomenclature”, in Nature in 1946 (Chapman 1946). In that letter he suggested that aeronomy should replace meteorology, writing that the word “meteor is now irrelevant and misleading”. This proposal was apparently not received with much support so in a short note in Weather in 1953 Chapman (1953)wrote: “If, despite its obvious convenience of brevity in itself and its derivatives, it does not commend itself to aeronomers, I think there is a case for modifying my proposal so that instead of the word being used to signify the study of the atmosphere in general, it should be adopted with the restricted sense of the science of the upper atmosphere, for which there is no convenient short word. ” In a chapter, he wrote in a 1960 book (Chapman 1960), he give his nal and de nitive de nition, by stating that “Aeronomy is the science of the upper region of the atmosphere, where dissociation and ionization are important”. The Workshop on “Comparative Aeronomy” was held at ISSI during the week of June 25–29, 2007.

The Outer Planets

Book Description

As our ability to observe space improves with ever-progressing technology, we better grasp the farthest reaches of the cosmos and heighten our understanding of the universe in its entirety. Spacecraft exploration of the outermost planets in our solar system—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—reveals many features of these seemingly harsh environments and moves us closer to comprehending the origins of our own planet as well as others. This insightful volume examines the characteristics of these remote planets and the paths they illuminate in our quest for celestial knowledge.

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Outer Solar System

Book Description

Explores the relationship between the Sun and the three outer planets of the solar system from the point of view of a planetary scientist, examining the role of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto as recorders of the formation of the solar system.

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto: A Longer View of Their History and Their Movements in the Years Ahead

Book Description

The original purpose of the "Longer View" books is to provide charts and descriptions of the planets' travels in the years ahead. But there is also the three-century human story (replete with controversies and ironies) of how the first "new" planets were discovered, each leading to the next. And there is much to point out about these bodies' characteristics and intricate motions. 80 illustrations, and 73 short chapters, such as "Herschel's oboe and telescope," "Not the predicted planet," "The apple of discord," "Pioneers and Voyagers to the outer giants," "Neptune's circular yet wavy orbit," "Clusters of Uranus events," "Uranus by Moonlight," "Pluto's much-more-than-sidewise rotation," "Grim ferryman," "The Neptune-Pluto standoff," "The Pluto-Charon embrace," "Pluto's painted deserts," "Oligarchs and Plutocrats..".

The Uranus-Neptune Influence

Book Description

A fascinating look at these planets through history, mythology and the arts. Offers basic interpretations, exercises and meditations, and provides flower and gem remedies to help restore balance when dealing with difficult aspects to Neptune.

Uranus and Neptune

Book Description

Describes what Voyager 2 has revealed about the planets Uranus and Neptunes, speculates on what we will learn about Pluto, and looks at the theory of a tenth planet

Neptune: From Grand Discovery to a World Revealed

Book Description

The 1846 discovery of Neptune is one of the most remarkable stories in the history of science and astronomy. John Couch Adams and U.J. Le Verrier both investigated anomalies in the motion of Uranus and independently predicted the existence and location of this new planet. However, interpretations of the events surrounding this discovery have long been mired in controversy. Who first predicted the new planet? Was the discovery just a lucky fluke? The ensuing storm engaged astronomers across Europe and the United States. Written by an international group of authors, this pathbreaking volume explores in unprecedented depth the contentious history of Neptune’s discovery, drawing on newly discovered documents and re-examining the historical record. In so doing, we gain new understanding of the actions of key individuals and sharper insights into the pressures acting on them. The discovery of Neptune was a captivating mathematical moment and was widely regarded at the time as the greatest triumph of Newton’s theory of universal gravitation. The book therefore begins with Newton’s development of his ideas of gravity. It examines too the mathematical calculations related to the discovery of Neptune, using new theories and tools provided by advances in celestial mechanics over the past twenty years. Through this process, the book analyzes why the mathematical approach that proved so potent in the discovery of Neptune, grand as it was, could not help produce similar discoveries despite several valiant attempts. In the final chapters, we see how the discovery of Neptune marked the end of one quest—to explain the wayward motions of Uranus—and the beginning of another quest to fill in the map and understand the nature of the outer Solar System, whose icy precincts Neptune, as the outermost of the giant planets, bounds.

Vision and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013-2022

Book Description

In recent years, planetary science has seen a tremendous growth in new knowledge. Deposits of water ice exist at the Moon's poles. Discoveries on the surface of Mars point to an early warm wet climate, and perhaps conditions under which life could have emerged. Liquid methane rain falls on Saturn's moon Titan, creating rivers, lakes, and geologic landscapes with uncanny resemblances to Earth's. Vision and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013-2022 surveys the current state of knowledge of the solar system and recommends a suite of planetary science flagship missions for the decade 2013-2022 that could provide a steady stream of important new discoveries about the solar system. Research priorities defined in the report were selected through a rigorous review that included input from five expert panels. NASA's highest priority large mission should be the Mars Astrobiology Explorer Cacher (MAX-C), a mission to Mars that could help determine whether the planet ever supported life and could also help answer questions about its geologic and climatic history. Other projects should include a mission to Jupiter's icy moon Europa and its subsurface ocean, and the Uranus Orbiter and Probe mission to investigate that planet's interior structure, atmosphere, and composition. For medium-size missions, Vision and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013-2022 recommends that NASA select two new missions to be included in its New Frontiers program, which explores the solar system with frequent, mid-size spacecraft missions. If NASA cannot stay within budget for any of these proposed flagship projects, it should focus on smaller, less expensive missions first. Vision and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013-2022 suggests that the National Science Foundation expand its funding for existing laboratories and establish new facilities as needed. It also recommends that the program enlist the participation of international partners. This report is a vital resource for government agencies supporting space science, the planetary science community, and the public.