The Advertising Agency (RLE Marketing)

Book Description

This book discusses the challenges of running an advertising agency in the early part of the twentieth century and examines the organization and operation of such agencies in great detail. One of the earliest "manuals" on planning and operating an advertising agency, this book was also one of the first to illustrate the vital part that advertising plays in the successful business, using six American advertising agencies as its sources.

Advertising for Account Holders (RLE Marketing)

Book Description

The account handler is a key person within an advertising agency, liaising between the client on the outside and the planning, creative and media function within. This book presents essential checklists for each aspect of the planner’s role: presentations made to clients, briefing creative and media teams, and helping to get the best out of both client and agency.

The Early Advertising Scene (RLE Marketing)

Book Description

Few of us realize how many of our modern comforts we owe to advertising. This fascinating volume provides a history of early American advertising, in a pre-regulation age when all manner of schemes thrived in an advertising free-for-all. As well as examining advertising techniques at the turn of the twentieth century the book also discusses practices and conditions in the fields of advertising, newspaper and magazine publishing, manufacturing and merchandising.

Masters of Advertising Copy (RLE Marketing)

Book Description

This book collects together pieces by significant figures in American advertising, including George L. Dyer, who at the time of his death left almost no other written record of his point of view. There is a substantial introduction by the editor, which interweaves the history of advertising with the history of the era of American industrial coming-of-age, touching not only on the impact of mass-production, but also the beginnings of corporate social responsibility.

Advertising Today and Tomorrow (RLE Advertising)

Book Description

Advertising Today and Tomorrow surveys the structure and function of modern advertising (and in particular the modern advertising agency), investigates how appropriate its machinery is for modern business requirements, and suggests how, both for the good of itself and its clients, it can best equip and refine itself for the future. It is of great use to students of business, particularly of marketing, in the colleges, universities and business schools, as well as being of great help to young people seeking to make advertising their career. First published in 1974.

Industrial Advertising Copy (RLE Marketing)

Book Description

This book provides a detailed explanation of the basic principles that underlie the writing of industrial advertising copy, written at a time of tremendous expansion in industrial advertising, in the early part of the twentieth century. This is a practical textbook of its time, covering facts which anyone writing advertising copy should know before attempting to reach industrial markets. It highlights key points in the planning and writing of industrial advertising copy, with the aim of simplifying the work of the copy-writer. Although inevitably a product of the time in which it was published, this volume nonetheless contains many valuable tenets of advertising which remain a core part of modern advertising theory.

Advertising at the Crossroads (RLE Advertising)

Book Description

Advertising today is not only under sterner scrutiny by the various federal regulatory and judicial bodies but is also facing an ominous storm of public criticism because of certain abuses. One of the big questions troubling advertisers, agencies and media is whether advertising will be subject to increasingly stringent governmental controls or whether it will forestall such action by mature self-regulation. In Advertising at the Crossroads the author has attempted to face the issue squarely and realistically, and to point out several constructive measures that advertising must initiate in its self-interest. First published in 1952.

Marketing for the Developing Company (RLE Marketing)

Book Description

This book takes the reader through the underlying theory of marketing and applies it to the developing business. Research and analysis, testing and product planning follow, and lead on to more practical advice on small company sales organisation and control, advertising and promotion. Many practical examples of industrial and consumer goods marketing are given, and technical ‘jargon’ has deliberately been avoided to ensure a straightforward presentation of marketing facts.

Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion

Book Description

What does advertising do? Is it the faith of a secular society? If so, why does it inspire so little devotion? Advertising, the Uneasy Persuasion is a clear-eyed account of advertising as both business and social institution. Instead of fuelling the moral indignation surrounding the industry, or feeding fantasies of powerful manipulators, Michael Schudson presents a clear assessment of advertising in its wider sociological and historical framework, persuasively concluding that advertising is not nearly as important, effective, or scientifically founded as either its advocates or its critics imagine. ‘Dispassionate, open-minded and balanced ... he conveys better than any other recent author a sense of advertising as its practitioners understand it.’ Stephen Fox, New York Times Book Review First published in 1984.

Advertising Explained (RLE Advertising)

Book Description

This work explains the various elements which go to the making of a successful advertising campaign – the planning, research and discussion – and gives some helpful information about advertising media, the creation of advertisements, about printing processes and mechanical production. It touches upon marketing and distribution and shows how these things must have a direct bearing on any well-framed advertising policy. The work of the Advertising Agency is fully described and there is some interesting advice about overseas advertising. Advertising Explained contains 27 illustrations, including a number of most useful diagrams and charts –invaluable for day-to-day reference. First published in 1949.