The Aircraft Commander in Commercial Air Transportation

Book Description

Less than fifty years have elapsed since the first flight of a power-driven aircraft. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers made their now historic flights in an aircraft which they had designed and built themselves; at the fourth attempt on that day a distance of 852 feet was covered during a flight which lasted 59 seconds 1. Unparalleled technical advances followed those first hesitant steps, with the result that aviation has developed into a factor influencing practically every field of society I. The complex mechanism of modem commercial aviation can only function through the combined efforts of countless people. The inspiration of aircraft constructors, the insight and perse verance of air pioneers and the conscientious work of the ground personnel all play their part. Among those who share in this joint task, however, the aircraft commander occupies a special place. He finds himself at the head of a small but comparatively isolated community, which may come under different jurisdictions within a short space of time. From a purely academic aspect he is therefore an interesting figure. Moreover, it may also be useful to examine his legal status for more practical reasons. After all, the aircraft commander holds a key position in aviation, as the safety, economy and regularity of the flight often depend on his skill and judgment.

Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Aviation Law

Book Description

The Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Aviation Law provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of the dynamic field of aviation law. Curated by two internationally recognized scholars in the field, entries are written by a wealth of specialist academics, legal experts, practitioners, and representatives of global institutions.

Studies in International Air Law

Book Description

Studies in International Air Law: Selected Works of Bin Cheng brings together for the first time the most influential of his many significant works. The selected essays, collected by editor Professor Cheng Chia-Jui, provide a comprehensive survey of international air law, authoritative and pioneering analyses of international air transport, the legal status of aircraft and crimes on board and against aircraft and air carrier’s liability. Widely acknowledged as the "Father of International Air Law,” Studies in International Air Law reveals the author’s enormous contributions to the science of air law along with his extraordinary intellectual and analytical spirit.

Summary of Hearings

Book Description

Aircraft Command Techniques: Gaining Leadership Skills to Fly the Left Seat

Book Description

This title was first published in 2002: A comprehensive examination of the characteristics of the experienced captain. Each chapter begins with an appropriate and relevant anecdote that is analogous to the chapter's main theme. It then progresses to the chapter's main objective and finishes with a scenario that the reader must try to solve from a captain's perspective. Immediately following each of these scenarios, the reader is presented with a number of considerations that should be evaluated when solving the problem. The intent is to help the pilot practice thinking as a captain. Offering a wealth of practical guidance, this book is an ideal platform for pilots or indeed, anyone interested in how leadership and management skills are used to achieve excellence. The reader should gain important command skills and learn how to apply these skills to routine and unexpected situations, in the same way in which an experienced captain would.

Aviationary - Aviation Dictionary of Terms & Abbreviations - Havacılık Terimleri ve Kısaltmalar Sözlüğü

Book Description

Sözlükte aşağıda verilen temel konulardaki başlıca terim, kısaltma ve ifadelere yer verilmiştir: private charter aviation terminology/ özel charter havacılık terminolojisi pilot controller glossary/pilot kontrolör terimleri passenger glossary/yolcu terimleri main terms used in civil aviation statistics /sivil havacılık istatistikleri temel terimler military aviation terms/askeri havacılık terimleri historic aviation terms/tarihi havacılık terimleri code words and phrases used in radio transmissions/telsiz iletişiminde kullanılan ifade kod sözcükleri certain aviation industry related terms/havacılık endüstrisine ilişkin terimler aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics/uzay ve havacılıkla ilgili terimler aviation terms and abbreviations / havacılık terimleri ve kısaltmaları airport acronyms used in FAA documents/FAA belgelerinde kullanılan havalimanı kısaltmaları glossary of flying terms/uçuş terimleri glossary for pilots and air pilot ve hava ile ilgili terimler glossary for pilots and air traffic services personel/pilotlar ve hava trafik hizmetleri personel terimleri flightpath glossary of aviation terms/uçuş güzergahı/rotası havacılık terimleri descriptive aviation glossary/tanımlayıcı havacılık terimleri aviation insurance glossary/havacılık sigorta terminolojisi aviation communications glossary/havacılık haberleşme terimleri air traffic management terms/hava trafik yönetim terimleri aerospace terminology/uzay terminolojisi glossary of flying terms/genel uçuş terminolojisi Sözlüğün hazırlık aşamasında 200’e yakın kaynağa başvurulmuş havacılık alanının tüm yan, yakın ve alt birimlerinde yer alan terim, ifade, kısaltma ve deyimler titizlikle incelenmiş ve detaylı bir şeklide ele alınmıştır. Yaklaşık 10.000’e yakın ifade, terim, deyim ve kısaltma yer almakta olup, birçoğu açıklamalarla verilmiştir.