The Almighty Machine

Book Description

The hymn of Digitalization is nothing new: We must encourage the creation of new apps. We must develop AI in order to prevail among international competition. Technology's advance will halt climate change and let robots do the dumb stuff for us. Our faith in technology is powerful because it has saved us in the past. The Almighty Machine shows us technology’s flip side. The things that once powered us toward a brighter tomorrow are already undermining our quality of life. The data stream has shattered our concentration, human relationships have been reduced to a menu of emojis, constant surveillance has nullified much of our privacy, and the development of AI could be the beginning of the end for us. We are becoming the casualties of our own success. Pekka Vahvanen's bristling and timely critique, deftly translated by Mark Jones, throws doubt on the necessity of technological development in a world saturated in tech. The Almighty Machine presents an important question: Does progress no longer make us happier?

Florence + The Machine: An Almighty Sound

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Tells the story of her upbringing in South London to her thrilling rise to international fame as a singer and also a highly individual fashion icon. Her collaborations and working relationships with Chanel Creative Director Karl Lagerfeld, her manager Mairead Nash and her friend Isabella Summers who to this day forms part of ‘the machine’.

The Mighty and the Almighty

Book Description

“In this fascinating book, Madeleine Albright weaves together history, personal experiences, and brilliant analysis in exploring how religion can be a force for liberty and tolerance rather than oppression and terror." -- Walter Isaacson, author of The Code Breaker The New York Times bestselling author and former secretary of state Madeleine Albright offers a provocative and very personal look at the role of religion in America’s foreign policy Traditionally, America’s foreign policy professionals have sought to downplay the impact of religious beliefs in international affairs. Reinforced by the constitutional separation between church and state, policymakers have shied away from this potentially volatile and divisive issue. In this timely precient book, one of the most renowned figures in American politic argues that in today’s climate, a secular approach is no longer sufficient. The 21st century seems to be devolving into a period of religious war, and in an era of confrontation between international terrorism and the West, our political leaders can no longer avoid dealing directly and explicitly with religious issues. In The Mighty and the Almighty, Madeleine Albright examines religion and foreign affairs through the lens of U.S. history as well as her own experience in public office. She offers a sharp critique of U.S. policy, condemnation for those who exploit religious fervor for violent ends, and praise for political, cultural, and spiritual leaders who seek to harness the values of faith to unite us in these confusing and dangerous times. Illuminating and engrossing, this is a provocative work calling for leadership that is bold enough to rein in divisive religious rivalries and lay the groundwork for a new moral consensus.

Health Reformer

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Daddy Doesn't Want To Dance Anymore

Book Description

This is a book composed to shed some light on the two worlds that are currently at war within the African American Conmmunity. A war that is wage between the highly educated and the less sophisicated African American. Who's right or who's wrong is not the question, for both sides raises valid points in the defense to justify its existance. Instead the question is how can the two come together to ensure a possibility of survival as one. This is a compelling fictional story that takes its reader on a historical journey through the judical, educational, and political disparities that has played a profound impact in the destruction of the African American family. This story touches upon the importances of family structure no matter whether it's inside or outside of the home by emphazing the dire need of having both parents being actively involved during the crucial early stages of their childrens' development.

The Ministry of Truth

Book Description

"Rich and compelling. . .Lynskey’s account of the reach of 1984 is revelatory.” --George Packer, The Atlantic An authoritative, wide-ranging, and incredibly timely history of 1984--its literary sources, its composition by Orwell, its deep and lasting effect on the Cold War, and its vast influence throughout world culture at every level, from high to pop. 1984 isn't just a novel; it's a key to understanding the modern world. George Orwell's final work is a treasure chest of ideas and memes--Big Brother, the Thought Police, Doublethink, Newspeak, 2+2=5--that gain potency with every year. Particularly in 2016, when the election of Donald Trump made it a bestseller ("Ministry of Alternative Facts," anyone?). Its influence has morphed endlessly into novels (The Handmaid's Tale), films (Brazil), television shows (V for Vendetta), rock albums (Diamond Dogs), commercials (Apple), even reality TV (Big Brother). The Ministry of Truth is the first book that fully examines the epochal and cultural event that is 1984 in all its aspects: its roots in the utopian and dystopian literature that preceded it; the personal experiences in wartime Great Britain that Orwell drew on as he struggled to finish his masterpiece in his dying days; and the political and cultural phenomena that the novel ignited at once upon publication and that far from subsiding, have only grown over the decades. It explains how fiction history informs fiction and how fiction explains history.


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The Tidings: Volume Six

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By now man's science has advanced to such a level that man can understand many things which he could not understand previously. Hence The Creator has decided to reveal the full truth to a man. The Tiding series tells how the Universe was created-and why, how it is being governed, and, yes, the very important role which man on Earth is expected is to play in its further development. In this volume-the final volume of the six-volume series-are covered such topics as discussions about Christs teachings and life, redemption and forgiving of sins, the duty of the church and priests, the true meaning of Christmas, mans understanding of God, the relationship between God and man, human nature and progress, The Almighty and the Universe, how people are received in Heaven, free will, the last hours of Christs life on Earth, the evils of war, conversing with spirits, and much more.

Things That Changed the Course of History: The Story of the Invention of the Typewriter 150 Years Later

Book Description

Maybe you've never used a typewriter yourself, but you've probably seen a movie set sometime in the 20th century that features a room full of them. Perhaps you've heard the distinctive clickety-clack of the machine, the loud ping when the typists get to the end of the line, and the gentle swoosh as the typists start all over again. For those of us who grew up with computers, typewriters have an undeniable fascination, but let's stop trying to think of the typewriter as something that is vintage. Let's start considering it as the amazing technological development that it was and is. To this day, keyboards follow the QWERTY format because Christopher Latham Sholes -- the inventor of the typewriter -- designed his keyboards this way. Women were able to enter the workforce with decent-paying jobs because being a typist was deemed an acceptable position for women. The industrialization of the economy was helped along by this more sophisticated device. Not only is the typewriter the direct predecessor of the computer, which has completely changed the way we communicate, but it's also a charming machine in its own right, with its clickety-clack, ping, and swoosh. Experience the story of the invention of the typewriter with help from our featured guests: Linda Deutsch, famed former Associated Press reporter; Dorothy Portnoy, long-time typing teacher in Manhattan, and Steven Hausman, technology consultant and former Deputy Director for the National Institute of Health.-- (10/19/2016 12:00:00 AM)

Yom Kippur Readings

Book Description

A powerful collection of writings about Yom Kippur that will add spiritual depth and holiness to your experience of the Day of Atonement. As Rosh Hashanah ends and you look ahead to Yom Kippur, what do you think about? The familiar melody of Kol Nidre? The long hours of fasting? The days of self-examination? You know that the Day of Atonement is the holiest on the Jewish calendar, but sometimes it just feels long, tiresome and devoid of personal meaning. The readings in this book are for anyone seeking a deeper level of personal reflection and spiritual intimacy—and a clearer understanding of just what makes Yom Kippur so holy. Drawn from a variety of sources—ancient, medieval, modern, Jewish and non-Jewish—this selection of readings, prayers and insights explores the opportunities for inspiration and reflection inherent in the themes addressed on the Day of Atonement: sin, forgiveness, repentance, spiritual growth, and being at one with self, family, community and God. These readings enable you to enter into the spirit of Yom Kippur in a personal and powerful way while they uplift and inform. They will add to the benefits of your High Holy Day experience year after year.