The American Civil War Begins | History of American Wars Grade 5 | Children's Military Books

Book Description

In this book, you will learn about the events that led to the eventual outbreak of the Civil War. Read about the south’s secession from the Union and its effects. Review the significance of the formation of the Confederate States of America as well as the attack of Fort Sumter. Discuss the key personalities and their roles during this time. Start reading today.

The American Civil War Begins | History of American Wars Grade 5 | Children's Military Books

Book Description

In this book, you will learn about the events that led to the eventual outbreak of the Civil War. Read about the south's secession from the Union and its effects. Review the significance of the formation of the Confederate States of America as well as the attack of Fort Sumter. Discuss the key personalities and their roles during this time. Start reading today.

The Battle of Bull Run : Civil War's First Major Battle | History of American Wars Grade 5 | Children's Military Books

Book Description

The Battle of Bull Run is known to be the first major battle of the Civil War. In this book, you will read about what happened during this battle. How did the civilians react to it? Who were the leaders of both armies? What was the result of the battle and how did it set the stage for the next clashes? Get a copy and start reading today

The Battle of Bull Run

Book Description

The Battle of Bull Run is known to be the first major battle of the Civil War. In this book, you will read about what happened during this battle. How did the civilians react to it? Who were the leaders of both armies? What was the result of the battle and how did it set the stage for the next clashes? Get a copy and start reading today

Let's Take the Battle to the Seas | The American Civil War Book Grade 5 | Children's Military Books

Book Description

At the end of this book, you should be able to describe what transpired on March 9, 1862. Discuss the major, but unusual, battle of the American Civil War used ironclad warships. Explain how it has revolutionized the way war was fought at sea. Gather information on the ironclad warships used at the time, including the Union ship Monitor and the Confederate ship Virginia. Start reading today.

The True Cost of Freedom | The American Civil War Comes to an End Grade 5 | Children's Military Books

Book Description

You might think that it’s all happy and good when the civil war ended. History has it that it was not. The American civil war was the largest war ever fought in North America. Hundreds of thousands died in the war. It divided families, destroyed properties and forever changed America. Was freedom worth the price? Decide on your answer after reading this book.

African Americans Fight for Freedom | The American Civil War Grade 5 | Children's Military Books

Book Description

African Americans fought very hard to gain their freedom from slavery. That is why at the start of the war, they tried to enlist in the Union military. However, an old American law barred them from joining. They were only allowed to carry arms when the Emancipation Proclamation was passed. Read about their bravery and the important role they filled during the civil war. Start reading today.

What Was The Confederate States of America? | American Civil War Grade 5 | Children's Military Books

Book Description

In this book, you will learn about the Confederate States of America. Discuss its history, including when and why it was formed. Who were the members of the Confederate states? What was the goal of the coalition? There is a lot to learn about history and unity in this book for fifth graders. Don’t forget to get a copy to start reading right away.

How Did the Battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg Change the War? | The American Civil War Grade 5 | Children's Military Books

Book Description

At the end of this book, you should be able to explain how the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg changed the course of the Civil War. Study facts of these battles, including the dates, locations, who were victorious and their devastating loss of lives. There is plenty to learn and realize from these battles. Make sure you get a copy and read the historical truths.

Highlights of the American Civil War | US History 5th Grade Junior Scholars Edition | Children's American Civil War Era History Books

Book Description

What lessons can be learned from the American Civil War? Well, your child can study the decisions that were made and who made them. There will also be a discussion on the social, political and economic background that triggered the war. Also discussed are the results of the war and the changes that were made thereafter. Start reading.