The Analyst's Experience of the Depressive Position

Book Description

In The Analyst’s Experience of the Depressive Position: The Melancholic Errand of Psychoanalysis, Steven Cooper explores a subject matter previously applied more exclusively to patients, but rarely to psychoanalysts. Cooper probes the analyst’s experience of the depressive position in the analytic situation. These experiences include the pleasures and warmth of helping patients to bear what appears unbearable, as well as the poignant experiences of limitation, incompleteness, repetition and disappointment as a vital part of clinical work. He describes a seam in clinical work in which the analyst is always trying to find and re-find a position from which he can help patients to work with these experiences. The Analyst’s Experience of the Depressive Position includes an exploration of the analyst’s participation and resistance to helping patients hold some of the most unsettling parts of their experience. Cooper draws some analogies between elements of theory about aesthetic experience in terms of how we bear new and old experience. He provides an examination of the patient as an artist of sorts and the analyst as a form of psychic boundary artist. Just as the creative act of art involves the capacity to transform pain and ruin into the depressive position, so does the co-creation of how we understand the patient’s mind through the mind of the analyst. The Analyst’s Experience of the Depressive Position explores a rich, provocative and long overdue topic relevant to psychoanalysts, psycho-dynamically oriented psychotherapists, as well as students and teachers of both psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy.

The Analyst's Experience of the Depressive Position

Book Description

In The Analyst’s Experience of the Depressive Position: The Melancholic Errand of Psychoanalysis, Steven Cooper explores a subject matter previously applied more exclusively to patients, but rarely to psychoanalysts. Cooper probes the analyst’s experience of the depressive position in the analytic situation. These experiences include the pleasures and warmth of helping patients to bear what appears unbearable, as well as the poignant experiences of limitation, incompleteness, repetition and disappointment as a vital part of clinical work. He describes a seam in clinical work in which the analyst is always trying to find and re-find a position from which he can help patients to work with these experiences. The Analyst’s Experience of the Depressive Position includes an exploration of the analyst’s participation and resistance to helping patients hold some of the most unsettling parts of their experience. Cooper draws some analogies between elements of theory about aesthetic experience in terms of how we bear new and old experience. He provides an examination of the patient as an artist of sorts and the analyst as a form of psychic boundary artist. Just as the creative act of art involves the capacity to transform pain and ruin into the depressive position, so does the co-creation of how we understand the patient’s mind through the mind of the analyst. The Analyst’s Experience of the Depressive Position explores a rich, provocative and long overdue topic relevant to psychoanalysts, psycho-dynamically oriented psychotherapists, as well as students and teachers of both psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Subjects of Analysis

Book Description

This book offers a way of understanding and making use of a critical dimension of the analytic experience that is rarely spoken about by psychotherapists and analysts: the ordinary, moment-to-moment experience of the analyst in the analytic setting.

Who Is the Dreamer, Who Dreams the Dream?

Book Description

In Who Is the Dreamer Who Dreams the Dream? A Study of Psychic Presences, James Grotstein integrates some of his most important work of recent years in addressing fundamental questions of human psychology and spirituality. He explores two quintessential and interrelated psychoanalytic problems: the nature of the unconscious mind and the meaning and inner structure of human subjectivity. To this end, he teases apart the complex, tangled threads that constitute self-experience, delineating psychic presences and mystifying dualities, subjects with varying perspectives and functions, and objects with different, often phantasmagoric properties. Whether he is expounding on the Unconscious as a range of dimensions understandable in terms of nonlinear concepts of chaos, complexity, and emergence theory; modifying the psychoanalytic concept of psychic determinism by joining it to the concept of autochthony; comparing Melanie Klein's notion of the archaic Oedipus complex with the ancient Greek myth of the labyrinth and the Minotaur; or examining the relationship between the stories of Oedipus and Christ, Grotstein emerges as an analyst whose clinical sensibility has been profoundly deepened by his scholarly use of mythology, classical thought, and contemporary philosophy. The result is both an important synthesis of major currents of contemporary psychoanalytic thought and a moving exploration of the nature of human suffering and spirituality.

Insight and Interpretation

Book Description

Insight and interpretation are crucial tools of the psychoanalytic process that have been neglected and misunderstood in recent psychoanalytic literature, where the focus has shifted to the effects of countertransference on the relationship between patient and analyst. Roy Schafer brings these tools back to the forefront of psychoanalytic thinking, integrating them with recent contributions on countertransference to create a more cohesive understanding of the psychoanalytic process. These essays will prove invaluable to analysts trying to maintain an articulated and rounded view of what it takes to bring meaning to their patients lives through the power of insight and beneficial interpretations.

On Bearing Unbearable States of Mind

Book Description

This is a problem almost all practising psychoanalysts will face at some time in their career, yet there is very little in the existing literature which offers guidance in this important area. On Bearing Unbearable States of Mind provides clear guidance on how the analyst can encourage the patient to communicate the quality of their often intolerably painful states of mind, and how he/she can interpret these states, using them as a basis for insight and psychic change in the patient. Employing extensive and detailed clinical examples, and addressing important areas of Kleinian theory, the author examines the problems that underlie severe pathology, and shows how meaningful analytic work can take place, even with very disturbed patients. On Bearing Unbearable States of Mind will be a useful and practical guide for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists, and all those working in psychological settings with severely disturbed patients.

A Mind of One's Own

Book Description

This collection of papers, written over the last six years by Robert Caper, focuses on the importance of distinguishing self from object in psychological development. Robert Caper demonstrates the importance this psychological disentanglement plays in the therapeutic effect of psychoanalysis. In doing so he demonstrates what differentiates the practice of psychoanalysis from psychotherapy; while psychotherapy aims to ease the patient towards "good mental health" through careful suggestion; psychoanalysis allows the patient to discover him/herself, with the self wholly distinguished from other people and other objects.

The Psycho-Analytical Process

Book Description

The Psycho-Analytical Process started as a series of lecture-seminars to child psychotherapists shortly after the death of British psychoanalyst Melanie Klein in 1960. It is intended for the use of practicing analysts and as a contribution to a new and widespread interest in the analytical process. This book was published under the auspices of the Melanie Klein Trust. This book is organized into two main sections. Section I provides a vivid reference to the transactions of the consulting room and playroom in order to evoke in the reader the experience of being both a patient and analyst. Section II which deals with the analyst's task and functions and uses clinical material to illustrate aspects of psychoanalysis presented in Section I. This book will be of interest to student psychotherapists, students of child analysis, the analysts and students of the Argentinian Psycho-analytical Society and finally with a research seminar of student and graduate child analysts.

Treating Severe Depressive and Persecutory Anxiety States

Book Description

This book serves two purposes. First, it provides the psychoanalyst or psychotherapist with a more flexible method of practicing psychoanalysis. This is the clinical approach of "analytic contact", a technical stance in which more patients can be reached in a deeper and more helpful manner. Analytic contact is an operationally robust Kleinian approach for the real world of private practice and targets the combination of internal and external factors there are consistently at play with all patients.The second aim of this book is to examine specific groups of patients that present unique challenges to the psychoanalyst. These populations are examined and new and creative ways of working with them are introduced. The author invites the reader to discover the clinical value and technical utility of analytic contact.

Psychoanalytic Credos

Book Description

Developing psychoanalytic credos, a set of beliefs that inform how you listen and approach the analytic enterprise with patients, is in many ways the scaffolding of psychoanalytic training. Drawing upon Mannie Ghent’s original Credo essay, 27 psychoanalysts were asked to write their credos and/or their psychoanalytic journey. This book represents a multi-theoretical and multi-generational grouping, trained at different institutes, during different eras (grouped by decades 1960-2000) and across cultures. They are drawn from analysts identified with Relational, Object Relations, Contemporary Freudians and Kleinian/Bionian perspectives as well as those who don’t easily fit categorization. This book serves to provide companionship to analysts in training, as part of reading lists in institutes as well as analysts post-training and yet still evolving in their psychoanalytic journey.