The Analytic Theory of Multiplicative Galois Structure

Book Description

The main object of this memoir is to describe and, in some cases, to establish, new systems of congruences for the algebraic parts of the leading terms of the expansions of [italic]L-series at [italic lowercase]s = 0. If these congruences hold, together with a conjecture of Stark which states (roughly) that the ratio of the leading term to the regulator is an algebraic integer, then the main conjecture is true. The greater part of the memoir is devoted to the study of these systems of congruences for certain infinite families of quaternion extensions [italic]N/[italic]K (that is, [capital Greek]Gamma quaternion order 8). It is shown that such extensions can be constructed with specified ramification, and that various unit and class groups are calculable. This permits the verification of the congruences, and the main conjecture can be established for one such family of extensions.

Multiplicative Galois Module Structure

Book Description

This text is the result of a short course on the Galois structure of S -units that was given at The Fields Institute in the autumn of 1993. Offering a new angle on an old problem, the main theme is that this structure should be determined by class field theory, in its cohomological form, and by the behaviour of Artin L -functions at s = 0. A proof of this - or even a precise formulation - is still far away, but the available evidence all points in this direction. The work brings together the current evidence that the Galois structure of S -units can be described. This is intended for graduate students and research mathematicians, specifically algebraic number theorists.


Book Description

The Indian National. Science Academy has planned to bring out monographs on special topics with the aim of providing acce~sible surveys/reviews of topics of current research in various fields. Prof. S.K. Malik, FNA, Editor of Publications INSA asked me in October 1997 to edit a volume on algebra in this series. I invited a number of algebraists, several of them working in group rings, and it is with great satisfaction and sincere thanks to the authors that I present here in Algebra: Some Recent Advances the sixteen contributions received in response to my invitations. I.B.S. Passi On Abelian Difference Sets K. r Arasu* and Surinder K. Sehgal 1. Introduction We review some existence and nonexistence results - new and old - on abelian difference sets. Recent surveys on difference sets can be found in Arasu (1990), Jungnickel (1992a, b), Pott (1995), Jungnickel and Schmidt (1997), and Davis and Jedwab (1996). Standard references for difference sets are Baumert (1971), Beth et al. (1998), and Lander (1983). This article presents a flavour of the subject, by discussing some selected topics. Difference sets are very important in combinatorial design theory and in commu nication engineering while designing sequences with good correlation properties. Our extended bibliography covers a wide variety of papers written in the area of difference sets and related topics.

Galois Module Structure

Book Description

This is the first published graduate course on the Chinburg conjectures, and this book provides the necessary background in algebraic and analytic number theory, cohomology, representation theory, and Hom-descriptions. The computation of Hom-descriptions is facilitated by Snaith's Explicit Brauer Induction technique in representation theory. In this way, illustrative special cases of the main results and new examples of the conjectures are proved and amplified by numerous exercises and research problems.

The Second Chinburg Conjecture for Quaternion Fields

Book Description

The Second Chinburg Conjecture relates the Galois module structure of rings of integers in number fields to the values of the Artin root number on the symplectic representations of the Galois group. This book establishes the Second Chinburg Conjecture for various quaternion fields.

Algebraic K-Groups as Galois Modules

Book Description

This volume began as the last part of a one-term graduate course given at the Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences in the Autumn of 1993. The course was one of four associated with the 1993-94 Fields Institute programme, which I helped to organise, entitled "Artin L-functions". Published as [132]' the final chapter of the course introduced a manner in which to construct class-group valued invariants from Galois actions on the algebraic K-groups, in dimensions two and three, of number rings. These invariants were inspired by the analogous Chin burg invariants of [34], which correspond to dimensions zero and one. The classical Chinburg invariants measure the Galois structure of classical objects such as units in rings of algebraic integers. However, at the "Galois Module Structure" workshop in February 1994, discussions about my invariant (0,1 (L/ K, 3) in the notation of Chapter 5) after my lecture revealed that a number of other higher-dimensional co homological and motivic invariants of a similar nature were beginning to surface in the work of several authors. Encouraged by this trend and convinced that K-theory is the archetypical motivic cohomology theory, I gratefully took the opportunity of collaboration on computing and generalizing these K-theoretic invariants. These generalizations took several forms - local and global, for example - as I followed part of number theory and the prevalent trends in the "Galois Module Structure" arithmetic geometry.

L-Functions and Arithmetic

Book Description

Aimed at presenting nontechnical explanations, all the essays in this collection of papers from the 1989 LMS Durham Symposium on L-functions are the contributions of renowned algebraic number theory specialists.

Algebraic K-theory

Book Description

The conference proceedings volume is produced in connection with the second Great Lakes K-theory Conference that was held at The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences in March 1996. The volume is dedicated to the late Bob Thomason, one of the leading research mathematicians specializing in algebraic K-theory. In addition to research papers treated directly in the lectures at the conference, this volume contains the following: i) several timely articles inspired by those lectures (particularly by that of V. Voevodsky), ii) an extensive exposition by Steve Mitchell of Thomason's famous result concerning the relationship between algebraic K-theory and etale cohomology, iii) a definitive exposition by J-L. Colliot-Thelene, R. Hoobler, and B. Kahn (explaining and elaborating upon unpublished work of O. Gabber) of Bloch-Ogus-Gersten type resolutions in K-theory and algebraic geometry. This volume will be important both for researchers who want access to details of recent development in K-theory and also to graduate students and researchers seeking good advanced exposition.

Explicit Brauer Induction

Book Description

This 1994 book gave, for the first time, an entirely algebraic treatment of the technique of Explicit Brauer Induction.