The Anatomy of Monetary Policy Transmission in an Emerging Market

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Monetary policy transmission in EMs has been found to be weak historically due to under-developed financial markets and heavy central bank intervention in FX markets that undermine the exchange rate channel. Against this background, this paper investigates the transmission of monetary policy, including the role of external factors, in Malaysia and highlight findings that could be relevant for other EMs. We find an important role for the credit and the exchange rate channels. Further, we also find a complementary role for policy tools including Foreign Exchange Intervention (FXI) and liquidity tools such as Statutory Reserve Requirement in shaping the transmission of monetary policy. We then explore the spillover effects of external global factors including global monetary policy and global commodity prices on monetary policy transmission in a small open economy such as Malaysia. The results show that while global commodity prices do not impair monetary policy transmission, global monetary policy tightening could complement domestic efforts to achieve price stability by inducing a global disinflation. Finally, monetary policy transmission is delayed and weakened in high inflationary environment, with the implication that more aggressive and preemptive policy actions may be needed in such cases.

Monetary Policy Transmission in an Emerging Market Setting

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Some emerging economies have a relatively ineffective monetary policy transmission owing to weaknesses in the domestic financial system and the presence of a large and segmented informal sector. At the same time, small open economies can have a substantial monetary policy transmission through the exchange rate channel. In order to understand this setting, we explore a unified treatment of monetary policy transmission and exchangerate pass-through. The results for an emerging market, India, suggest that the most effective mechanism through which monetary policy impacts inflation runs through the exchange rate.

Monetary Policy Transmission in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies

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Central banks in emerging and developing economies (EMDEs) have been modernizing their monetary policy frameworks, often moving toward inflation targeting (IT). However, questions regarding the strength of monetary policy transmission from interest rates to inflation and output have often stalled progress. We conduct a novel empirical analysis using Jordà’s (2005) approach for 40 EMDEs to shed a light on monetary transmission in these countries. We find that interest rate hikes reduce output growth and inflation, once we explicitly account for the behavior of the exchange rate. Having a modern monetary policy framework—adopting IT and independent and transparent central banks—matters more for monetary transmission than financial development.

The Transmission Mechanism for Monetary Policy in Developing Countries

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In many developing countries the financial system is characterized by the absence of organized markets for securities and equities, by capital controls, and by legal ceilings on bank borrowing and lending rates, a situation which gives rise to parallel markets for foreign exchange and informal loan markets. This paper analyzes how changes in monetary policy instruments (bank credit, administered interest rates, required reserve ratios, and intervention in the parallel exchange market) are transmitted to domestic aggregate demand in a financially-repressed economy. Such an analysis is necessary to understand how the move to a more market-oriented system would affect the economy in the short run.

Transmission Mechanisms for Monetary Policy in Emerging Market Economies

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This volume, which is a follow-up to BIS Policy Paper No. 3 (January 1998), analyses the major changes in monetary policy transmission in the emerging market economies (EMEs) over the past decade and highlights a number of implications. It is based on two days of discussions among senior central bankers at a meeting at the BIS in December 2006.Fiscal dominance has been largely overcome and monetary policy frameworks are now more credible. The overview paper finds that central banks have become more flexible in their operations. The interest rate channels of monetary policy have become much stronger, and the relative importance of some of the traditional channels such as the credit channel has declined, at least in normal times. Better monetary policies have resulted in lower and less volatile inflation in most EMEs. An analysis of the transmission of monetary policy to long-term interest rates notes that the impact of the policy rates on long-term rates has been moderated by more stable inflation expectations, which has allowed central banks to be less aggressive in adjusting policies. External factors appear to be exerting an increasing influence on domestic long-term rates. A related analysis finds that greater globalisation has resulted in domestic short-term rates being significantly affected by foreign interest rates, particularly in countries with high capital mobility and with managed exchange rates. Finally, the pass-through from exchange rate changes to domestic inflation has fallen since 2001, while the sensitivity of inflation to foreign price changes has increased.

A Tie That Binds

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This paper examines the claim that exchange rate regimes are of little salience in the transmission of global financial conditions to domestic financial and macroeconomic conditions by focusing on a sample of about 40 emerging market countries over 1986–2013. Our findings show that exchange rate regimes do matter. Countries with fixed exchange rate regimes are more likely to experience financial vulnerabilities—faster domestic credit and house price growth, and increases in bank leverage—than those with relatively flexible regimes. The transmission of global financial shocks is likewise magnified under fixed exchange rate regimes relative to more flexible (though not necessarily fully flexible) regimes. We attribute this to both reduced monetary policy autonomy and a greater sensitivity of capital flows to changes in global conditions under fixed rate regimes.

Exchange-Rate Policies For Emerging Market Economies

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With the loss of Soviet control in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the move toward economic liberalization in many developing countries, a huge increase in the number of convertible currencies in the world has occurred. A key aspect of the management of these currencies involves their relationships with the world economy, which is determined