Angel Love Story

Book Description

Book #5 in the bestselling "Werewolf Love Story" series! Tommy is one tough son of a bitch. He is a mixed martial arts fighter... and a werewolf. When the love of Tommy's life returns, he realizes she can only be seen but never touched. Heard but never kissed. Sensed, but nothing more. Now, as he faces two incredible challenges that will test his character and resolve, Tommy is about to make the decision of a lifetime... in this world and the next. Will Love find a way?

A Choice of Angels

Book Description

A Choice of Angels is the tale of two cultures colliding. When Ayse Yalcin, a Muslim international exchange student, meets the son of a Southern Baptist minister, Daniel Harris, an innocent study date evolves into a serious romance. Daniel's father, Clayton, tells his son not to pursue the relationship, but his father's stern warnings go unheeded. Set in contemporary Atlanta and Istanbul, the novel explores the depths of religious intolerance in the modern world. It is a love story set against a background of two deeply religious families who suddenly find themselves torn between their faith and their children. It is a novel that is as certain to inspire as it is to spark heated debate.

Angel Come Home

Book Description

This is a love story about a dog with extraordinary powers of communication, the man who shares her world and a lost love. By a twist of fate, the dog enters the lives of the rich and the famous, the criminal and the redeemed, where she learns their scandals and deepest secrets in parts of Paris few people know exist. Through her, the lives of all those she has touched are changed.

Angel of Greenwood

Book Description

A piercing, unforgettable love story set in Greenwood, Oklahoma, also known as the “Black Wall Street,” and against the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921. Isaiah Wilson is, on the surface, a town troublemaker, but is hiding that he is an avid reader and secret poet, never leaving home without his journal. Angel Hill is a loner, mostly disregarded by her peers as a goody-goody. Her father is dying, and her family’s financial situation is in turmoil. Though they’ve attended the same schools, Isaiah never noticed Angel as anything but a dorky, Bible toting church girl. Then their English teacher offers them a job on her mobile library, a three-wheel, two-seater bike. Angel can’t turn down the money and Isaiah is soon eager to be in such close quarters with Angel every afternoon. But life changes on May 31, 1921 when a vicious white mob storms the Black community of Greenwood, leaving the town destroyed and thousands of residents displaced. Only then, Isaiah, Angel, and their peers realize who their real enemies are.

Angels Love Children

Book Description

Popular writer, poet, pastor, and international tour-guide leader Herb Brokering offers fresh glimpses of God and God's heavenly messengers. Drawn from his conversations with young children, Brokering begins each devotion by describing a child's drawing of angels. From those pictures and the children's comments, he spins exciting new insights about our relationship with God.

Love Letters of the Angels of Death

Book Description

This is a novel for everyone who has ever been happily married -- and for everyone who would like to be. Reminiscent of the work of David Bergen and Barbara Gowdy, Love Letters of the Angels of Death heralds the arrival of a formidable literary voice.

Angels Whisper in My Ear

Book Description

From the age of four, Angel Whisperer Kyle Gray has been blessed by the presence of angels. They stood alongside him as he developed his talents to become the UK's youngest professional psychic medium at the age of sixteen. In this book, Kyle takes the reader on an emotional and uplifting journey into the world of angels. He reveals his own beautiful and inspiring story of learning to communicate with the other side, which started when his beloved grandmother passed over. This communication was to become his vocation and purpose, and Kyle is now known for the startling accuracy of his readings. Drawing on his years of experience helping people to share the wisdom and messages of the angels, Angels Whisper in My Ear teaches you ways in which you too can make your own connections, change your ways of thinking and finally achieve everything you have ever dreamed of. An intensely personal and moving book, it offers comfort, wisdom and practical advice that will help transform your life.

The Angel's Love Story

Book Description

They say, loves found in love garden, But, in our case, Christian found the love of his life in his bike race, Love at First Sight always looks so cute right? Well not in this case... As Christian stared on Julia’s beautiful blue eyes, Christian forgot about everything and just keep looking on Julia’s eyes and- ACCIDENT! Christian was riding his bike but because of losing concentration he falls on the road and gets heavily injured. Never heard a love story what starts with accident? Well... Afterwards Christian tries to find his dream girl Julia again but- Christian’s younger sister Rachel, kept her eyes on Christian and before our hero Chris, could find his dream girl again, Rachel finds out Christian’s secret treasure, the book not made for kids from behind his college’s text books. Time got instated as Rachel takes the book for read at night and Chris says no but, in their conversation, Chris’s mom enters like a war in paradise. “Which book you are talking about? Let me read too” Chris’s mom asked with an innocent mind, not knowing what may be inside the book. Rachel runs out of the room, throwing the book on Chris’s face and saying to her mom, “Its Chris’s favourite book!” Chris’s face turns red with regret why did he forget to hide his treasure?! Days passes, Chris’s crave desire for see his dream girl Julia again becomes louder, little did Chris knew that he seen Julia near the Church. Confused Chris asked to Rachel for help while finding no extra hands to get help. Does Rachel help? Yep, she does but, with a condition, “Not to tell mom about Jack” Now, who is Jack? Teenage lovers probably? “I agree” Chris says with a deep desire to find his dream girl. Rachel shares information about Julia, where she lives and who’s daughter is she. Who’s daughter? Local Church’s Priest’s daughter is Julia! So, is Julia the church girl? Who knows? Chris needs to find it out by himself. “Where can I get Julia?” Chris asked to Rachel. “Under the oldest oak tree” Rachel winks on Chris. Chris did not understands the meaning of the wink but, the very next day, he sits on his bike for the destination of ‘under the oldest oak tree’ There is Julia! Brown hairs, blue eyes, glossy pink lips, angel like smile and more! But there’s a catch! What is Julia doing under the oldest oak tree? Playing hide and seek with invisible friends? Ah no! She is 19! Julia was reading her favourite books which of course she won’t read in at home! Well you guessed it right! It was the same book, as Chris was reading, well not for children edition too! Chris appears in front of Julia, when she was swimming in the holy water of paradise by reading the books which was not made for kids. As Chris tries to approach Julia, Julia did not reply. How can she? She had her all focus on reading! Such a good girl! As Chris approaches again, this time Julia notices Chris and gets a wave of apprehension seeing a unknown man, got to know about her biggest secret! Chris says, “The next chapter is juicier than the current one you are reading. I read it all” Julia gets more fear and started to think, did Chris found out about her all the secrets? Well he sure did. Chris tries to calm Julia down but, embarrassed Julia immediately picks up her books and runs to her home while thinking about that this is the most embarrassing day in her life. “Can I see you tomorrow again?” Chris asks while smiling. Slowly Julia also forgot her embarrassment and in low and shy voice Chris says, “If you don’t let so” Chris gets the hints. The next day Chris and Julia meets again and they started to develop a friendship among them and it did not take much time to be love. Days passes again and days by days Chris and Julia’s love gets more stronger and it was the time of Chris and Julia’s second date. Well First date went well so, no need to mention. But, the second date, well... A little blunder? A MASSIVE BLUNDER HAPPENS! Julia gets sick and so she had to cancel the date and Chris wasn’t happy with that so Chris asks Julia to stay up at night till 2am. Julia agrees without knowing why Chris said that. Little the Julia knows, there ghosts roam around the churchyard in night and there’s no ways Julia will open the window! What if the ghost eats Julia?! Well how about a bite?! “Julia open the window! I am here” Chris calls Julia from behind the window at 1am. “No, no, no! This is must be ghost! I won’t open the window!” Julia says in her defence, thinking the ghost will run away well the ghost could but, it’s our hero Chris! He won’t give up too easily! After half of an hour negotiations, Julia agrees to open the window but, with a twist, if it’s really ghost, the ghost must not kill Julia, in defence Julia complains, “I am not even married yet!” That makes Chris laughs but, Chris says nothing while trying to get into his girlfriend’s house at 2am. Julia opens the windows and sees that it’s really Chris and Julia’s all fears gets away and Julia helps Chris to get inside the room and Chris also like a nice athlete gets in the room but- CHRIS FALLS ON THE FLOOR! Julia laughs seeing Chris’s athlete skills but, then suddenly Julia’s laughs turns into embarrassment as Chris tries to stand up and looks on Julia and finds her with fewer clothes, for the first time Chris seen such heavenly things by his eyes and his eyes gets 2x bigger and he keeps looking in. Julia understands, the tables has turned! Julia immediately tries to cover herself but finds out nothing and so for an easy solution, Julia throws the nearby flower vase on Chris’s face and Chris’s eyes gets closed and he had to look away. At that time, Julia immediately tried to put on more clothes fast but, our hero peeks on Julia, while pretending to look away. Julia understands Chris will never change and Julia smiles on Chris after getting dressed and says, “Which boyfriend visits at girlfriend’s house at 2am???” Chris answers romantically, “Boyfriends girlfriends may don’t but, husband wives do...” It makes Julia blush and then Julia and Chris sits on bed and spends a nice time, with cuddling, loving and having fun with each other. Beep! Footsteps sound! Whose footsteps?! Julia’s mom... Chris did not waste any more times and hides under the bed while Julia pretends to sleep on the bed. Minutes passed by and Julia’s mom enters and sees nothing wrong, so, she goes away but- She comes back after sometimes and this time Chris does not waste any more times and jumps out of the window with the help of Julia but- “Boyfriend?” Julia’s mom asked while wondering. Julia turns back and becomes confused and says nothing with embarrassment. Want to know what will happen next? Don’t waste your time, looking for other books with shirtless male heroes in the cover! Read, ‘Angel’s Love Story’ by Somnath Bhattacharjee and gets into an exciting world, made with unexpected surprises, cute romantic moments, real love and lots more!

The Angel in My Pocket

Book Description

After losing her daughter Charlotte to a rare genetic disorder, life for Sukey Forbes is completely shattered. As devastated as she is, Forbes searches for ways to deal with her grief. She wants desperately to recover a full, meaningful life on the private island of Naushon where she and her family live. Forbes begins exploring her family's rich history of spiritual seekers, including her great-great-great grandfather, Ralph Waldo Emerson, who similarly lost a young child.

Archangel's Kiss

Book Description

Angels and Vampires are deadly enemies. An Angel Prince looking for his fated mate to break his curse. A Vampire King with a heart of stone. Rejected by her fated mate, Aria loses her humanity after being saved by a monster she believed only to exist in horror stories. But everything isn’t what it seems when her savior becomes a handsome angel prince who awakened her ancient and deadly powers. Powers that can destroy the world, or save it. Only true love can break the prince’s curse and stop him from turning into stone for all eternity. Despite the overwhelming chemistry between Aria and the prince, they only have thirty days to fall in love before their bond is put to the test. Peril strikes in the form of an addictive drug that can kill vampires and angels are to blame. Conflict is blooming and the peace treaty between the Angel Prince and the Vampire King is threatened. Aria is caught in a love triangle when the Vampire King discovers that the young woman he had refused to take as his is now the prince’s new mate. Tormented by the rash decision that almost killed her, the king now believes that he’s saving Aria from the clutches of the manipulative prince. Finding out that supernatural creatures exist becomes less terrifying for Aria than discovering what she’s destined to become if she lets her Archangel’s abilities take over and change her. Aria is much more than an average, eighteen-year-old girl, she’s now a deadly Archangel warrior and the future queen of the angels and gargoyles if only she can manage to break her lover’s curse and keep the Vampire King at bay. What would you give up for true love? Find out in Archangel’s Kiss.