Becoming an Anointed Man of God

Book Description

Dr. Williams offers a clear and concise explanation of the concept of the Anointing from a Biblical perspective. Using King David as the model, Dr. Williams shows how the anointing actually expresses itself in real life situations. We learn from this work that the anointing is far more than just a temporary and intermittent wave of emotions that come over us during the excitement of a highly spirited worship experience. But, a true biblical anointing is human acquiescence to the desire of God to express Himself in the world through a unique gift, skill, talent or character trait with which He has endowed every human being. When a man is operating in the power of his anointing, it results in the salvation, edification, and inspiration of some person, community, institution or organization, to the glorification of God. Dr. Williams challenges us to allow God to express Himself through those gifts, skills and talents for His glory thus, transforming you into an Anointed Man of God and making our world a better place.

The Anointed Man

Book Description

The Anointed Man is a story about the fall before the grace. It is not your typical "pastor falls from grace and regains favor from the Lord" story. The Anointed Man is the first book in The Anointed Man series that tells of an inner city pastor's fall before there was grace. It is a story about life, love, trials by fire, trials by man, and temptation. It is said that the devil has no new tricks, just new faces. In this book, you will see that old faces hide new tricks and new faces try old tricks. We all have a testimony, even The Anointed Man! About the Author Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called." Phillip Johnson answered that call by using the gifts given by Him to deliver a message for all the people. Phil has fused the harsh realities of life with biblical lessons and delivered a message that touches the soul and pulls on your heartstrings. Phillip writes with the intent of sending an impactful, inspirational, and motivating message of love, faith, hope, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Having been blessed to over!come obstacles, setbacks, trials, and triumphs, Phil breaks through with a tome that has blurred the lines between reality and fiction and created a story that takes you back home; back to a time that was and a time that is""a story of The Anointed Man.

Mysteries of the Anointing

Book Description

You are not limited to your own human abilities. This book will answer all of your questions about the anointing. It will prepare you to experience the precious touch of God on everything you do. How can some ministers whose personal and spiritual lives are dried up and in shambles still operate in the anointing and continue to minister with power? Pastor Benny Hinn asked this question during a season of personal trial, and his quest led him to an in-depth understanding of the three “rivers,” or types, of anointing in Scripture: 1 John 2:27 (the anointing within you); Acts 1:8 (the anointing upon you); and Isaiah 10 (a global anointing related to building up and destroying nations). In Mysteries of the Anointing, Hinn explores these three types of anointing, sharing personal stories of things he learned firsthand from Kathryn Kuhlman and Oral Roberts, as well as providing biblical and historical examples that illustrate his teachings. Readers will discover: How to detect if the anointing within you is weakening or gone The blessings—and dangers—that can happen when God begins to use you When you’re most vulnerable to demonic attack and what to do about it What hinders the anointing in your life and ministry and what increases it The impact of the anointing around the world and how the church will experience it in greater measure

Catch the Anointing

Book Description

This exceptional book by Dag Heward-Mills will teach you what it means to catch the anointing and how you can be anointed for ministry. Learn how to catch the anointing for the work of the ministry. This book is a must for every minister.

The Anointing

Book Description

Outlines the keys to realizing the Holy Spirit--understanding the Bible, meeting and knowing Jesus as a person, and being open to personal revelation.

The Holiness of God

Book Description

Central to God’s character is the quality of holiness. Yet, even so, most people are hard-pressed to define what God’s holiness precisely is. Many preachers today avoid the topic altogether because people today don’t quite know what to do with words like “awe” or “fear.” R. C. Sproul, in this classic work, puts the holiness of God in its proper and central place in the Christian life. He paints an awe-inspiring vision of God that encourages Christian to become holy just as God is holy. Once you encounter the holiness of God, your life will never be the same.

The Anointed and his Anointing

Book Description

The treasure of the anointing is in the anointed. The anointing is inseparable from the man who is anointed. The anointing is in the man of God! The anointing is with the man of God! The anointing is upon the man of God. This new and exciting book by Dag Heward-Mills will thrill the hearts of those who seek the anonting.

The Anointing of Man

Book Description

Saul was anointed as king of Israel as a result of desires of people. The people desired to have a king to rule over them, so they asked God for a king like all the other nations. The people desire for a king was birthed through insecurity that was developed from past leadership. Eli allowing his corrupt sons to operate as priest in the temple of God. Eli poor leadership and improper chastisement of his son brought about bondage and insecure feelings for the people of God. This led to Saul being anointed by Samuel with a vial of oil which was not the traditional way to anoint a man of God. The word vial is used on eight different occasions in the bible and the word carries destruction with it in the book of Revelations. Saul was empowered because of man and not because of God. This book will challenge you to know the will of God for your life so you will not be placed by man but by God. When you are placed outside of where the Lord has anointed you to be you will not be able to operate at your fullest potential.

The Anointing

Book Description

Although many of us long to be blessed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, R. T. Kendall believes it is possible to abuse this anointing - and become yesterday's man or woman. This happens by trying to move outside our calling and capabilities, for example, or even through impatience. Drawing on the Bible, especially the lives of Saul, Samuel and David, as well as on his own experience, R. T. helps us to identify our current usefulness and urges us to seek a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit each day.

The Vision Of The Annointed

Book Description

A critique of the failed social policies of the past thirty years.